
Question for the guys, just curious!!regular_smile
Teri42 See my TER Reviews 13854 reads

Hey guys I am curious as to when a client decides to see a provider and they read the TER reviews, do u mainly go and see the provider because of her great reviews or do u also take a look at her website depending on if she has one to see if she is someone that u would be attracted to as well???  I have always wondered about this, I get emails stating that I read great reviews about u and would like to schedule an appt, to be honest I would a client came to see me because of both...I enjoy what I do and want to client to as well...Just curious

gatraveler12848 reads

I for one will take either approach.  
If I see good reviews then I take a look at the website or pictures to see if it is someone I would like.  If there is no attraction then good reviews mean nothing to me.

If I see a website or pictures that peek my interest then I check for positive reviews.  If no reviews exist then I move on until there are reviews.  I won't take the chance on seeing a un-reviewed provider.  That may not be fair to the new girls but references go both ways.  It is hard for the new guys to see the better providers without references and you can't get references witout seeing an independent provider.  So it is a catch 22.  I for one appreciate the providers that do alot of screening.

So to summerize it goes both ways, there must be an attraction and there must be good to great reviews.  I feel I give a good BFE so I expect a good GFE in return.

Play Safe

HyeRoller13816 reads

For me, being somewhat new and intrigued about this whole industry, I definitely look for the TOTAL package.  Attraction does play an important role in selection. I read everything a provider says on her web site, and I can tell whether or not she is also intellectual.  That is a huge plus.  Maybe it's just me, but I actually care what the girl thinks and says rather than all that she can do.  Face it, if I wanted to get off, I could do it all by myself and get it for free...maybe not the same experience, but in the end the same feeling...right?

After seeing the sites and also making sure I am attracted to her picture.  I then read up on the reviews to see what services are provided.  I actually pay more attention to negative statements just to make sure I know the worse case scenarios. I also look at the "before" and "after" of a session as this can usually tell whether it is GFE provider. I look for any cracks in the reviews to see if there are any fraud, etc.

Just as "gatraveler" says, most of us, hopefully, provide BFE, that is all I want: The Total Package for the ultimate GFE.  Sure the sex and everything that comes with it is great, and I look for that as well, but attraction to the entire person is a must.  

Personally, I'm only 27 and unattached due to no time and extreme travel, but for the married guys, I'm assuming they look for the entire package as well.  If we just wanted to get off, we would just go to our significant others. Right?

This has been sorry. Thanks the airport about to leave....

Till mext time.....

I'm checking out the total and pics. There are many gilrs who get rave reviews but for one reason or another don't appeal to me. I've got to be attracted to someone physically or they really don't crank my tractor, so to speak, regardless of performance.

Thanks for the input guys!!! That is exactly what I was hoping most of u wanted the whole package...Hey some providers can look "HOT" but they are the 20 min pit stop and it works the other way too!!!..Thanks..Have fun!!

Road_Warrior13759 reads

I have to take a slightly different view. I place a lot of credence into a lady's website. The quality of the site say a lot about the person. It doesn't have to look like a million dollars with fancy flash animation but the text has to establish some sort of connection. The pictures also have to convey an attraction as well. I'm a man and men are VERY visual. If a lady's site basically is one page with a "I'm open for business, come and get it" message with a picture that looks like she just woke up and is hosted on a free service, tells me that the lady may not fit my needs because she is showing low interest in marketing herself.

Reviews are like a double edge sword. We guys all read them but I try not to base my expectations on the reviews and chemestry of others. Case in point, I saw two lady's in Atlanta who have a review rep. of giving multiple servings of love but I was only invited to one round, and there was time left. With that being said, I truly would say I had a good time. In fact one of the lady's sent me flowers to my hotel which was a first for me. Major points scored on her part. But if I would have based my expectation on the fact that 20 reviews said they got two cup, then I should have felt cheated since I only got one.

I guess I want my experience to be spontaneous and not based on a script or preconcieved expectations based on reviews. If a lady's appearance and the way she markets herself can grab my interest, then I make my own destiny. But like all things in this "life" YMMV.

I have to agree totally with Road Warrior. With this particular hobby YMMV. Although I am a rookie at this game, I have had a number of friends who have gotten short changed when dealing with a provider who seems to have reasonably notable reviews. Not just Atlanta, but Detroit, Miami, DC, and Houston. So with their mistakes, I have learned as always don't go along with the crowd. And don't go for pretty faces and "Thin Mints", because in most cases than not, those women seem to leave you a little bit bewildered and bothered, especially after paying $250.00 to $350.00 for the roller coaster and getting just the ferris wheel.

Unlike the Passion Goddess in you, you say that you love your job and then goes out and proves it with each encounter. And no one can argue this point. But most women say the same thing but are just to lazy to make good on their words. When you get there the full hour always turns to "up to" an hour. Maybe you should have a seminar a couple nights a week and teach some of the ladies who say that they love what they do and actually go out and show it. As a side note, if you need someone to stay after class and clean some erasers or empty the waste basket give me a call. After all I was always known as a "Teacher Pet".

Hi, Terri:

I check the reviews here first, then go to the website.  I probably make my decision to go with a new lady if she has numerous reviews here AND I like what I see on the web site as well.

BTW, Terri, your web site is great!  I haven't seen you yet, but am definitely interested.  I'll have to contact you one of these days when my schedule settles down.  Take care.

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