
Prepare yourself for the wrath of GaG. lol
TP9431M 33 Reviews 1585 reads
1 / 13

there are too many 9's and 10's being given out.
On a whim, I picked multiple new reviews posted to the Atlanta area (looking just at the scores) and some quick very unscientific measurements.

There are significant numbers of 9's to a lesser degree 10's. But there are also significant numbers of 8's and 7's. Once the scores of 6 and below are reached the numbers fall off quite a bit (in my random unscientific selection).

I am not really going to even try to cover "APPEARANCE". That is completely subjective and on guy's 9 is another guy's 7. As such I personally put little stock into the "APPEARANCE" score and look for myself.
Thoughts on the scoring in performance:
Many of the ladies who consistently receive high marks in performance have a significant track record and have spent months if not years "in the trenches" honing their respective skill sets. Also many of the review mention that the reviewer has seen the lady multiple times and this of course allow the lady to craft the experience for that reviewer needs and desires. Even if it was a first time visit many of the ladies with experience look up a new clients reviews to get an idea what gets his motor running and boiling over. This is just professionalism at its finest to try to ensure the client best time possible.

This is not to say there are some providers that promote high score by offers of discounts for such scores and/or request that if scoring would not fall within their artificial "norm" then don't review. I am sure there are such providers out there but usually that bubble gets popped.

Then there are the out of range high scores and the singular high score. This probably occurs for a couple (and there are even more that have not crossed my mind) of reason. The first, and perhaps the best, is that the stars and moon aligned and the earth shook. This is fantastic when it happens. The next is reviewers try to keep VIP by writing reviews with the hope that a lady will not take a second look at high score review but I believe a lot ladies will even raise a red flag on these reviews if they did not see the reviewer to their knowledge. Self/other promotion is the last that come to mind (for now). This is simply done to get guys in the door either by the provider or someone fronting for the provider. this tend to show up fairly quickly as 1 or 2 really good review followed by multiple lack luster reviews or just no more reviews.

Then there is what I call "score creep" or rounding.
This is because we (the reviewers) only have whole numbers to choose from IMO. What I mean is you see a lady and have a great time say "better than an 8 but not totally a 9" I believe most reviewers are going to score 9. I would suggest that breaking scores down into decimal numbers starting at at least 8 if not 7 (i.e. 7.0, 7.1, 7.2... 9.7, 9.8, 9.9, 10.0) would help improve scoring. While I know this would not be a trivial programming change, it should not be earth shattering one either (I have done a significant amount of programming in my day), after all the average scores are already in decimal. TER certainly does NOT have to come up with verbiage to define each of the decimal levels (I have some issues the verbiage used to define some scores anyway but that is another thread).

I could prattle on and on but basically I don't think 9's and 10's are as heavily over used as some seem to think but that is my opinion and we all know what people say about opinions. ;)

Thanks for reading and feel free to break out the flame thrower, applaud, shrug or whatever.

Also pardon grammatical errors (composition was never my strong suite).

Enjoy the rest of the weekend and get laid if you can. ;)


electr0nsrealm 45 Reviews 630 reads
2 / 13

You bring up some interesting points.
Anytime you do anything in life there will be a contingent that is quick to say "You're not doing it right!".  Criticizing other's opinions is a long-standing tradition of the internet, after all.  Especially review sites.

Boy, oh boy.  Ever check out  You think all those "critics" can agree on what movies are great?  No way.  You think all those "critics" can agree on what restaurant is hot?  Nope.  Like it or not we are all critics now.  The old saying "Everyone's a critic" is truer today than ever before.

Then, for hobby reviews, you add in the element of close personal contact, passion, social skills, hygiene, personal baggage/expectations, technique, chemistry, etc.  Then it becomes the very definition of a subjective experience.  Try reviewing that in a completely objective way.  LOL.

And on top of all that you have intangibles such as how well the gent has done his homework.  I happen to be pretty good about researching a lady before I see her.  Some gents like to gamble more than I.  They may see a sexy pic and that's enough to schedule a date.  But they will sometimes be surprised when things don't turn out as expected.  Neither way is correct or incorrect.  Everyone hobbies the way they want to hobby.  But you can see how some gents give scores all over the place and some could have a tighter distribution.  That's just one example, but you see my point.

I tend to look at the average scores a lady has (assuming she isn't brand new to the business).  Throw out the high and the low and you should see a fair approximation of what the gents think of her.

But the real answer is that the ratings system is flawed in many ways - beauty is subjective and performance is also subjective.  The much better indicator of a lady's skill, personality, and demeanor must come from reading her reviews.  Preferably from someone you know and trust.

And even then it doesn't mean you will have the exact same experience as the gent who wrote the review.  There are no guarantees in life.  But at least you'll be able to go meet your date knowing you've prepared the best way you know how.

But I still recommend crossing your fingers for good luck, just in case.  Or not, if you happen to be the gambling type.  Not that there's anything wrong with that.  ;-)

cashorcredit 563 reads
3 / 13

The thing is when seeing someone new, you have to get the opinions of other mongers that your trust. Gambler, Der441, Advisor, I seek their opinions when it comes to appearance because I know they aren't going to bullshit me.  

I will however differ with you on appearance scores being subjective, I consider performance scores subjective. Grading someone on appearance says something about a guys taste and his standards. You can sit ten guys in a room and ask them to grade megyn kelly and rosie O'donnell, I would expect some 8s, perhaps some 9s and 10s for Megyn, on the other hand any guy scoring rosie model material or 10 once in a life time obviously has poor taste or low standards.    

-- Modified on 8/9/2015 11:54:56 AM

players2 9 Reviews 554 reads
4 / 13

We have fantastic ladies  in Atlanta -if you cant't figure it out by the reviews sorry.Cheers

TP9431M 33 Reviews 588 reads
5 / 13

Not sure where you think I am saying anything about not being able to find great ladies in Atlanta. I know many of them.  
What I was commenting on was the discussions that come up from time to time on this board about the over use of 9's and 10's. And suggested a change to scoring that might be useful IMO.  

I personally don't think 9/10 are over used for the most part.  

So again I say huh?

gonefishun 2 Reviews 547 reads
6 / 13

He means that your original post was very long.  Kinda TL;DR

TP9431M 33 Reviews 461 reads
7 / 13

I understand that the post was long. But some times discussions are just that.  

So to the point of the replays, this board isn't a discussion board, just a question and answer board.  

To follow the point,
When did this board become a short question and board and not a discussion board?
When will TER name change the name from "Discussion Boards" to "Q & A Boards"

foguete69 38 Reviews 569 reads
8 / 13

The scores I give are spot on.  For me anyways.  

I learned early on that dudes tend to over inflate score of women that will  
Fellate him. So just find a few mongers that have similar taste and use them as a benchmark

GaGambler 515 reads
9 / 13

Yes, I can definitely say that 9's and 10's are tossed around so easily so as to have lost any relevance to the real world. A slightly chubby 50 year old is simply not a ten in anyone's book except for the clueless, tasteless, or blind reviewers of TER. No amount of arguing that "beauty is in the eye of the beholder" crap will ever convince me otherwise. Rosie ODonnell is NOT a ten. Roseanne Barr is NOT a ten, and neither are their look a likes.  What the hell is wrong with being scored an 8, 8 is hot. Most women would love to be called hot, especially those over forty years old or thirty to forty pounds above their ideal weight.

TP9431M 33 Reviews 604 reads
10 / 13

I must disagree on looks. I will guaranty the are some (a very small group probably) that would give Rosie O'Donnell, Roseanne Barr or a "slightly chubby 50 year old" very high marks even perhaps 10's because that is their thing. Now obviously you would not be in that group that finds Rosie or Roseanne  the least bit attractive (and I don't find Rosie or Roseanne attractive either) but that does not make those (few most likely) who do "clueless, tasteless, or blind". I am fairly sure those who do would find your or my choices for high overall looks as "clueless, tasteless, or blind". Neither side is right and neither is wrong, it simply boils to what you ( the person doing the rating ) like.

I don't think there is wrong with 8 and never said such. The main points of the post was to:

1) say that I don't think 9's and 10's (on performance) are not thrown about with wild abandon in my opinion

2) suggest that perhaps a scale with wider range of scores might be useful so reviewer don't have to choose between 7 and 8, 8 and 9 or 9 and 10. They could instead choose 7.7, 8.5 or 9.2.

P.S. I have met a couple of 50+ providers with a bit to hold to (which I don't mind) that are smoking hot in my opinion. 10's, No, but I have yet to find a 10 (my 10 is very specific). Plus, since I have a large issue with the TER definition associated with 10, so I doubt I will ever get to give one. But that is a discussion for another thread

GaGambler 464 reads
11 / 13

Nah, just kidding. I actually agree that I don't really have much of an issue with the performance scores AND I also agree that what essentially amounts to a one to a hundred scale would be better than a one to ten scale, especially since scores of 1-6 are an anomaly and reserved for only the bottom 2% of reviews. meaning what we really have is a 7-10 scale which simply is not adequate.

As for the Rosies/Roseannes of the world, I guess we will have to agree to disagree because I see a LOT of what I would consider very average women on their best days getting 9s and even 10s for appearance. I will allow that there is one more reason for this besides lack of guts, eyesight or taste. It's simply hard to rate a women who just rocked your world less than an 8 in appearance and then tell her you want to see her again. I guess it's just a built in flaw in the system. If the scores were anonymous I bet you they would go down by at least 15% across the board.

mongo19621954 22 Reviews 612 reads
12 / 13

I am not going to go to the trouble of reviewing a provider I didn't really like.  It's just not worth my time.   This is the only venue that achievement in the erotic arts can be recognized.  This is a way for me to recognize that.  Some girls are really, really good at making the whole experience worthwhile.   At my stage in life, just giving me an orgasm with head or intercourse (whether Greek or not) is not enough.  Meh....

On the other hand, give me a good experience - and I'll gladly compensate a provider for that.  

If you look at my average performance scores, they are going to be biased very high because I just won't review a mediocre session.   And I hope that MY screening process is good enough to avoid bad.

As far as appearance goes - I honestly punt that.  At the end of the day - are the pictures reasonably accurate or not?

I know I am not good at judging appearance with respect to what society finds attractive.  I have a bias towards women whom I would characterize as voluptuous and experienced;  others use pejorative terms.   I have actually sort of wondered about that myself.... but it is what it is.

I typically figure out what the previous reviewers thought was a reasonable score and go for that.   There does seem to be a convergence on that number so I don't think I am the only one..

airmantroy 28 Reviews 518 reads
13 / 13

I know what I like, and if the pictures and reviews are ACCURATE then I know I will at least have the appearance NOT be an issue, the performance number is a matter of connection mixed with a little acting...If I give a 10 in performance it means:
A. We connected to a level of personal comfort
B. She was a REALLY good actress
C. She was waving her freak flag like a hurricane was blowing thru, which knocked out the power and the clock got knocked out of the window.

I have seen 9's and 10's for providers that are nowhere near that by my preference, and 7's and 8's for someone who rocked my world....I'm sure providers have a "type" of client they would rather bump uglies with and that can make a huge difference in performance....

How many reviews have you read by 1 guy claiming it was the best BBBJ ever ????

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