
Plus 1 on Dio.
BodytoBodyBri 24 Reviews 647 reads

At least we still have his music. Nothing more metal than a rainbow in the dark!

Hello Everyone, lets get back to having some fun on the boards.

The topic of the week - what would you bring back from a bygone era?  

What would you want to have again, see again, or do again that is not really in fashion these days, or available, or such?  Mention anything. Again this is for fun.

Do you miss rotary phones -lol?  

I wish to everyone a great week.  To the hobbyists, may you get to see your long wished for provider.  I hope that it meets with your expectations.  To the ladies. As for myself, I thank you for being the great ladies that you are.  

The kids are back in school, vacation season has come and gone. so its time for the adults to have some fun.

Have a great week everyone.

Smart phones are too smart for their own good - they can even dial someone while in my pocket ;-) This never once happened when I had a flip phone lol!


Nothing like flipping your phone on and suppressing the urge to say "Beam me up Scotty".  

Yes Trekkie.

I know they are pretty much economically and militarily unviable but just nothing like them.

The Iowa and the Missouri were a grand sight.  The British had some great ones, the HMS Hood and the HMS Prince of Wales, then the Bismark.  

A bygone time. Thanks for that memory.

I know there are still a few around but they've almost gone the way of the dinosaur.  I loved the all night horror or scifi a-thons.  And the bad concession stand food.  And the terrible sound.  And the lame intermissions.  And playing pranks on friends.  And there was no better place to make out with your favorite girl.  And getting in the back seat...  Ah, those were the days.

Yes, I lost my virginity at a drive in.  Why do you ask? ;-)  No I won't tell you the name of the movie as it would make me feel older than I already am.  But it was epic.  In more ways than one.

On a related thought - I do miss a little bush now and then.  The female mons pubis accoutrement.  Not the the Presidents.

I miss the way it used to tickle my nose...


Caylee, you are awesome.  LOL.
Well played goodlady.

But now that you mention it...

I suppose it could've been "Jaws" as she was just beginning to learn her bj technique.

Or since we were practicing our dfk, possibly "The French Connection".

Of course we were so young we didn't know what we were doing but we were excited to be expanding our "Carnal Knowledge."

When she had her first orgasm, it surprised the hell out of me.  Thought I'd have to call "The Exorcist".


Posted By: ThisIsCaylee

antares720 reads

I still have some of those personal cursive handwritings dating from more than two decades ago.  Whenever I read them, it is as if the persons who wrote  them are right there with me. I can almost see them, hear them, touch them, feel them. Priceless

I dream of Jeanie-thank you Barbra Eden for a young guy's fantasy.Agree with Jimmie- Keith and John but would add Janis.As a perv mini skirts please. Cheers from the lake.

At least we still have his music. Nothing more metal than a rainbow in the dark!

Come on, Joi - we have plenty of excellent examples to mold our lives around.

We have the humility of the Kardashians, the shining wit of the Honey Boo Boo brood, and the sage wisdom of those Duck Dynasty guys.  Not to mention the staunch moral fiber of the Duggar clan.  Oh, and that guy Chumlee from Pawn Stars -  he has a firm grip on reality.

What more could you possibly need?


My bad,
 with all of the prime examples you gave, I forget that it's probably just me that thinks these new celebs such as the ones you so pointedly reminded me of are the new norm. How on earth did I ever think or miss the basic concept of actually using a brain would be a process lost on so many. I guess, I'm just weird, ugggh xoxo (--)

Posted By: electr0nsrealm
Come on, Joi - we have plenty of excellent examples to mold our lives around.  
 We have the humility of the Kardashians, the shining wit of the Honey Boo Boo brood, and the sage wisdom of those Duck Dynasty guys.  Not to mention the staunch moral fiber of the Duggar clan.  Oh, and that guy Chumlee from Pawn Stars -  he has a firm grip on reality.  
 What more could you possibly need?  

Time to get in on my own thread.  Pantyhose on a woman are a sexy thing. Especially tan shade.  That is the only reason I visit Hooters, because it is not for the quality of the food.  A Hooters waitress has always been a fantasy.  There was a gal decking out in the M&G is a classic look. She was a looker.  Yep, the gal is on my very short list.

I will get hit by the ladies for that suggestion, and I understand they are probably not comfortable.  The look though is fantastic.

Stoeckings69 might jump in on this as well.

And a classic, beautiful dress. Add some pearls and it is back to Mad Men. Love the styles of that show. Love me some Mrs. Caylee.  

First inappropriate phrase on TV. "Ward have you seen the Beaver." My first crush June Cleaver.

Not full blown shag carpeting, and surely you know I'm not talking housewares either.  But a neatly trimmed mons is sexy as hell, and a select few still have that.  Just wishing it was more naturally present these days, as it used to be.

It's a lost art, and a damned shame.  Nowadays if we can't click "Like" then it is just too damned hard to get it done.  I love the expressive nature of the hand written letter.

I sound like a chick...maybe I should move to the provider side of the hobby.  

(Thats a quick trip to starving for me)

maybe a Rand McNally road Atlas.

I'm with you on that one.  There's nothing like holding a map to bring out your manly sense of adventure.  It takes me back to when going somewhere actually was a challenge.

I remember back in the day piloting a 27' sloop down the intracoastal waterway using real nautical maps.  Man, I felt like Christopher Columbus.  Piloting a sloop.  LOL.  Sounds like I actually knew what I was doing.  Piloting consisted of not bumping into things too hard and staying sober enough so you didn't fall off the boat.  That was piloting.

But even so, it was a treacherous sail.  Sometimes I was as much as a half a mile off shore.  It became hard to see the cute girls in bikinis on the beach at one point.  It was rough going.  Good thing we brought binoculars.  And lots of beer.  There were manatees and floaty buoy things and colored/numbered markers thingamjigs...  It was confusing.  And distracting (took time away from bikini watching!).

Times were tough.  We even ran out of beer at one point and I was seriously considering radioing the Coast Guard for help.  But definitely no GPS for us real men.

Not like today where you can get anywhere you want by pressing a button but at the expense of having to listen to some girl yelling "RECALCULATING!!!" the whole damn time.

God, what a bitch.

Don't tell me how to navigate, girl!  I was sailing the deep blue (well actually it wasn't deep and it was more dark green - but you get my point) with a real map in one hand and a frosty beer in the other before you even were a twinkle in your progammer's eye!  This old sea dog has some tales to tell you.  Yessirree.  There was the one time when we were in the Atlantic - well, actually I was moored off of my friend Ron's dock in Cocoa Beach, but technically it was the Atlantic.  Anyway we we were grilling on the aft deck and we ran out of hot dog buns... the humanity.  I was pretty sure I had a mutiny on my hands.  You should've seen the chaos that ensue..."RECALCULATING!!!.  SHUT UP you silly girl!  What makes you think you can navigate anyway?!!!

Recalculating my ass..

Now we have F-bombs, P-words, N-words, C-words, and various other lettered cursed and politically correct words because "it's Offensive".  

Part of Free Speech is the Toleration of the Offensive. Burn the American Flag/Cross/Bible/Koran/etc., quote BLAZING SADDLES/MEIN KAMPF/BIBLE/KORAN/STARWARS, protest a war/taxes/corruption/gun-free zones.

If you wanna act a dad-burn fool, then act like it. Be prepared to take the offensive language retaliation. Just Don't Tread On Me by asking gubmint or your fellow man to infringe physically on myself and my property.  

We as Americans were once allowed to do these things because we as a People once said  
"Sticks and Stones may break my bones, but WORDS will never hurt me."  We knew words were offensive but we shrugged them off.

Now those same WORDS that offend, that make someone feel bad and hurt feelings, are not allowed because No One is supposed to 'feel bad' in America. We are just too thin skinned for our own good.

If I could bring anything back, it would be that.  


Krunchie851 reads

Posted By: LayDownSally
Hello Everyone, lets get back to having some fun on the boards.  
 The topic of the week - what would you bring back from a bygone era?    
 What would you want to have again, see again, or do again that is not really in fashion these days, or available, or such?  Mention anything. Again this is for fun.  
 Do you miss rotary phones -lol?    
 I wish to everyone a great week.  To the hobbyists, may you get to see your long wished for provider.  I hope that it meets with your expectations.  To the ladies. As for myself, I thank you for being the great ladies that you are.    
 The kids are back in school, vacation season has come and gone. so its time for the adults to have some fun.  
 Have a great week everyone.  

That's funny one day recently I realized I did too,  a number of years ago working the Clubs here in Atlanta, I shaved imy moneymaker alll but a landing strip and kept that for year. Until I recently  read a magazine article that said the lack therof though initially heightened sensation that over a period of time that it was desensitizing.  So I recently grew back a very short neatly trimmed soft down and OH MY GOD I am feeling sensations I had forgotten about and I LOVE IT.

Do not think the media should decide what is correct or not correct.

what do you mean by that!? How dare you tell me that FB, Twitter, IG, fox, cnn, msnbc and the likes have no idea about truth. Everything I read and see on those sites are true, hell, I know because it's written down by someone and read/liked/retweeted by many. You act as if they are just spewing lies and hysteria for ratings and followers. I for one would just die if I didn't get my opinions from the social/media.


Posted By: doogan44
Do not think the media should decide what is correct or not correct.

This thread was taken on last week on the Carolina board.  I thought it quite good so I brought it here.

I have been asked where I get my idea for these topics of the week.  For years I was a member of the Captain69 site. That sites is worldwide but its focus is both London/UK and Europe.  Many of my topics are ones that I used there many years ago.  This topic was one of those, so that was the trigger for this week. Just to give proper credit where due

Posted By: LayDownSally
Hello Everyone, lets get back to having some fun on the boards.  
 The topic of the week - what would you bring back from a bygone era?    
 What would you want to have again, see again, or do again that is not really in fashion these days, or available, or such?  Mention anything. Again this is for fun.  
 Do you miss rotary phones -lol?    
 I wish to everyone a great week.  To the hobbyists, may you get to see your long wished for provider.  I hope that it meets with your expectations.  To the ladies. As for myself, I thank you for being the great ladies that you are.    
 The kids are back in school, vacation season has come and gone. so its time for the adults to have some fun.  
 Have a great week everyone.  

Arcade rooms :)

They were really popular when I was younger. My parents would take my siblings and I to underground Atlanta and we'd play Street Fighter and Mortal combat. It was almost always busy, so each of us would mill around a game station and take it as soon as we could. Then we'd signal the others over. Sometimes I'd convince my mom to play Pac Man with me, she was so awesome at it.. and it was really cool to play with her.

-- Modified on 8/18/2015 2:54:23 PM

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