
Khori See my TER Reviews 1236 reads

I have no problem doing this "stuff"  I just merely asked a question...IF a guy would see a girl that had a video of her having unprotected sex with another man....PORN or NOT porn.......I think my question is being taken out of context....but,  thanks for your input....

NO mal-intent intended to any provider....BUT...I was wondering...(this may get removed).....

Would you see a provider that actually shows you they have intercourse without a condom?  Via video?  UGH!  I know I will get slammed or this will be removed....but I am really serious and wondering....makes me a tad nervous....

Thank you gents and ladies if you want to reply....I appreciate the input...


Well...basically......but,  does it make you wonder?  IF they are paid the price,  will they go "all the way"?   I hope I am not stepping on toes.....but,  this is something I would never consider.....

There is a dofference in a professional porn star having the raw dawg vs
Some chick getting boned bareback by some random dude. That being some sort
Of testing before the shoot. Again I stress professional.  

I think everyone has fucked someone who has fucked someone sans the jimmy hat  

Now I think your post will get removed. Lol

Yea....but WE ALL get tested.....sigh.....I am just a bit weary.....   I may be the only one though...I am assuming,  if you are a porn star,  you get extra privileges?  Are they actually advertising they will be sans condom with the next gent?  These are my questions....and I KNOW ----everyone is different and we cannot categorize everyone....I'm mostly just curious...OH---and would you leave a review???  Another innocuous question....thank you....

I wouldn't see a lady who advertised no condom banging either in word or deed.  
I have seen reviews about allowing bareback over the years and it's not always. BP ho
I believe it happens all the time.  

I do believe in the bbbjcim but only with classy ladies

cashorcredit839 reads

I can't control what a provider does outside of my presence..... if she's fucking someone without a condom on video that's her choice, however when I'm fucking her I will be using protection (my choice).  

I don't get involved in these ladies personal life's, what providers do with their clients and outside of my presence with their BF's and husbands, frankly it's none of my business.  

Furthermore I'm not naive these beautiful ladies go home every night to a guy who doesn't pay them and he's fucking them bare.

The only thing I request from providers is, "good hygiene", "don't NCNS me", and deliver a quality session for the time I've paid for.  

-- Modified on 10/7/2014 7:10:35 AM

Thanks....I guess I didn't think it still "weirds" me out.....good point....   :)

Basically you can control what you can and everything else is just creating drama.  

This BBF comes up often and what you said is only thing one can control

If I was a guy, I wouldn't. HIV can take six months to show up in a test. That's the one that scares me.

I will refuse to give a whitelist if he so much as asks for bbfs.

Eddie Murphy covered this in his standup in the 1980s.  Once upon a time, you got sick from unprotected sex and you got a shot.  Then there was a time you'd have to take some pills and everything would clear right up.  But then unprotected sex got dangerous.  His punchline, "what's next, you put your d**k in and explode?"  It still makes me laugh, but but it's also very sad.

There's lots of celebs who have naked selfies or sex tapes. There are many Porn Starlets, and Pro-Am PornStars (the one who have done less quality cinematography porn, usually a frat party, a POV, or simply a tripod/third person with a camcorder) who have now become escorts. Even non-celebs are sexting.

So, in a way, there's little difference between escorts and laypeople/celebs with sex tapes. The number of people who recognize the people in the sex tape has changed, that's all.

Having seen 'real' Porn Starlets in the past, No... it didn't bother me that SHE had BBFS or BBA with BBBJ and various money shots from Ron Jeremy and/or Peter North, etc. on camera for rent money. To me, So What? if SHE escorted instead of/in addition to Stripping at the Pony when she toured - lucky me!

In a way, with the advent of the camcorder, porn/ sex tapes are almost like tattoos. At one time, getting a tattoo meant going to the shady part of town, risking Hep B/C exposure, etc. and thus tattoos were distinctive and rare and a sign of someone who was lower class. Then tattoos became mainstream to the point that now more than half of the people I know have at least one tattoo, often hidden under their business suits and dresses, so it's not a big deal.

So your view Khori of sex tapes might be like other people's views on tattoos.  
To Each, Her Own - right?


Tattoos are nothing compared to having sex without's quite rare and basically does NOT happen that tattoo artists use the same needle they have used on another person...unless you are Pamela Anderson....I understand that men use condoms...but,  I am not really talking about people that have sex tapes...I had a sex tape with my ex husband.....I am talking about women that are outwardly having raw was just a question as to whether a gent would consider that and actually do goes a long way....   :)

I have yet to make a sex tape or a porno. But like you, I'd only have a BB sex tape with someone I was either deeply committed to, or who was recently tested (if I was in the Porno Biz).

My main relationship of tapes and tattoos is how ubiquitous they both are in today's society.  

A glance at various new girls entering the hobby will show more "One", "A Few", or "Many" on the Tattoo list than "None".

Several girls have admittedly made videos, under other names, when they were younger... and I bet a few others have sex tapes like yourself.  Some of those videos are safe sex, some are BB.

Regardless, it's more of a preference thing.  

What's the saying? "Have Fun, but Play Safe"  

We likely agree more than you think.


I would not feel comfortable with that, and in fact, I took a provider off my list of women I wanted to see recently, just for this reason!

Posted By: Khori
NO mal-intent intended to any provider....BUT...I was wondering...(this may get removed).....  
 Would you see a provider that actually shows you they have intercourse without a condom?  Via video?  UGH!  I know I will get slammed or this will be removed....but I am really serious and wondering....makes me a tad nervous....  
 Thank you gents and ladies if you want to reply....I appreciate the input...  

cashorcredit452 reads

They go home every night to a guy who's not paying them and he's fucking them bare get over it.

WHY  would a provider post a video of her having sex bareback on TER?  IS this something that men love/like?  Just curious...thanks! Would that make you want to see her?  Delving into the idea of videos.....NOT bare back though....too many questions....any answers???  I  really want to know...LOL!  Thank you guys!

To your last question - why post video .. it's basic advertising ... show the buyer enough to entice him/her to part with their money.  Every provider has photos, so Videos just takes it to the next level.

Also As a number of folks said, the video could be made with someone who is either tested (as in the porn industry) or a "partner" outside of the profession where they both trust/know each others medical situation. In that context making a BBFS video would be fine.

It's no different than ex porn stars going town to town doing appointments.  
Or a lady going home and fucking her boyfriend/husband and he has no idea what she has been doing all day. I have heard many stories of bb, diseases, all kinds of nasty shit, involving top providers to backpage girls...I have asked the board about it in the past. I got so I indulge with caution.. the reality is that it exists on and off camera. On and off the clock. If it concerns you, then don't do this stuff. If you do, this get tested regularly no matter what.  
But maybe its like the Ray Rice elevator video. Domestic violence exists every where, but you don't know how serious it is until you see the girl get knocked out.

Very well said sexy man! :)
Hugs and kisses

I have no problem doing this "stuff"  I just merely asked a question...IF a guy would see a girl that had a video of her having unprotected sex with another man....PORN or NOT porn.......I think my question is being taken out of context....but,  thanks for your input....

One simple question!!  I don't care what you do or who you do it with!!!!   It was just a question.  I was thinking of making a video....NO BIG DEAL!  I didn't want to offend anyone...but...looks like I might have???  Not my intention....

Khori you have a PM love :) I am not offended by anything you say and we all love you! I think MM was just trying to say most people are BBing someone in their life and to play safe in the end :)  

I didn't mean to offend anyone. Like TL said, I was just adding my opinion on the topic. And if I offended you.. I have a way to make up for it :-)

LOL....I can be a  sassy little thing occasionally....  tee hee!   ;) wink!!  xo

If you make a video, count me as a subscriber. I can't believe our schedules haven't meshed yet, but they will one day.

I think you're an incredibly sexy lady.

In retrospect.....I totally get your point....thanks....  :)  sigh......

I would still see them but like someone mentioned I would still use protection. Right now, in Georgia especially Atlanta. There are a high risk of STD going around that a person has to be cautious whenever a person be with. Do you know in statistics that there is a small town in Georgia according to Georgia statistics (Fort Valley) that has a very higher level of STD percentage rate than Atlanta alone. A Person has to be very careful in the hobby. Even without hobby still got to be careful. To me showing me about having intercourse without a condom is like looking at porn on the internet or tv whatever is better for the individual. It might be exciting for a 5 minute thrill min but a lifetime of headaches and heartaches. Is it worth it?, unless you desire to take chances on an unknown. However, even though a condom isn't 100% effective for STD, it is better than nothing. Safe Wild Sex is better than a life time of turmoil. Enjoy and be safe because your life is worth it.

The problem is, you will never know the true disease profile about anyone you see. So holier than thou is never the way to go.

Seriously, all of them.  Your ex, your first boy friend, those random bar dudes, that time you got so fucked up you can't remember the evening (I'm just assuming you party, maybe you don't), all of them dudes.  All that bareback sex, with those disgusting dudes, creepy. All those BBBJ, they've been in your mouth and you're gonna DFK me?  No thanks.  :)

That's why I only see providers that don't drink, and have no kids (seriously, I'm not a motherfucker, that's proof those bitches did bareback).  :)

Actually, I've seen porn stars, and they do bareback all the time.  And they don't do bareback with me, but have mentioned that if I desired such a thing, I would need a recent STD panel from a reputable testing agency.  

And yes, I hate to see condoms in porn, and I would not like to see condoms in a provider advertisement.  Condoms suck, why would that be a good advertisement; that would be like a Ferrari car commercial where they intentionally showed the car going exactly the speed limit, while on the way to pick up groceries, with your kids in car seats in the back.  Just reminding me of reality, I'm not interested in that.

I would want to see bareback so that I know she's into it, and that she doesn't run.  I hate YMMV, and work hard to reduce the risks of YMMV BS.  And that is really an exercise in getting into the provider's history to decide if she's a flaky unprofessional loser or a consistent professional performer.  I would watch such a video and pay careful attention to the money shot, to see her reaction, because that is the window into her sexual soul :)  In fact, now that you mention it, ALL providers should make porn video advertisements.  Think of them EXACTLY as compliance tapes, for a job interview. :)

....and you are getting me wrong....would a video basically make you want to see her,  even if it is bareback?  That about sums it up for me.....I don't know if that would help or hurt business....and yes...this is a business....I KNOW guys will and do see porn stars....that doesn't mean they aren't protected....I'm NOT putting down the ladies that do their possible's all in what the buyer sees and wants....I LOVE porn...especially deep penetration and girl on girl...turns me on big'm all for whatever anyone wants to the "hooker" biz.....I prefer to see gents that use a condom.....and I think most ladies in the biz would agree...thank you for your opinion and thoughts on this subject....

No offense intended....

I feel like I have to add a disclaimer to my posts.....  ???  Too bad.........

GaGambler505 reads

which if I read it correctly is "is it a turn on, or a turn off to see a provider going BB with a guy in a video on her website?" and "is it going to make you more or less likely to book with her?"

I would have to say that it would be more likely to have a negative effect on me. Yes I know that almost all of us go BB with some one, or at least have at sometime in our lives, but to see a woman that I am thinking about paying to have sex with going BB with some other guy, quite honestly is going to make me LESS likely to see her, not more.

and no, I didn't think it was that hard a question, sorry that every one else seemed to be looking for deeper meanings than what you intended. Unless of course, I was the one who got it wrong. In that unlikely occurrence, sorry my bad. lmao

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