
obviously repeats
ExecutiveCompanionsAtlanta See Agency Profile 549 reads

Mainly for safety concerns  

Posted By: londubh
Curious more from the lovely ladies' perspective. Do you prefer to see a lot of different men or do you like to have repeats?

-- Modified on 7/28/2015 11:40:38 AM

Curious more from the lovely ladies' perspective. Do you prefer to see a lot of different men or do you like to have repeats?

-- Modified on 7/28/2015 11:40:38 AM

I feel the answer is obvious, is it not?  

I say......repeats! :-)


I guess I find that interesting being that so many of the hobbyists seem to lean towards variety. Could it go either way with providers? On the one hand repeats mean you are getting happy clients come back, but variety means you are widening your client base.

Mainly for safety concerns  

Posted By: londubh
Curious more from the lovely ladies' perspective. Do you prefer to see a lot of different men or do you like to have repeats?

-- Modified on 7/28/2015 11:40:38 AM

Safety concern definitely makes sense.

As far as I'm concerned, meeting new clients regularly, and also having repeat encounters with gentlemen with whom I'm building an ongoing dynamic, are both important aspects of variety.  :)

I'm the same way in my civvie/personal sex life.  I like to have friends who I can sleep with regularly, NSA.  We still build a regular sexual dynamic together, build familiarity, and go deeper with our explorations that we have in the past.  But if I only slept with regular friends, I would get bored, so I need to chase those random hookups too when I'm in the right mood... bars, the park, the grocery store... wherever I see a hottie who stirs my attentions!!  If I exclusively had random hookups, and no regular sexual partners, that would get a bit superficial and boring too I think.

For me, variety is always key.  But I would think something was wrong if I did not have a healthy circle of regulars as a part of that variety.  I like to meet new people, but I also like the opportunity to go "deeper" (pun fully intended).

I have to admit, if I had a client who was rich & dedicated enough to see me every week or multiple times per week, I would probably get bored pretty quick.  I don't sleep with anyone that regularly and don't enjoy doing so.  Once or twice a month, or once every few months, are perfect frequencies for me.  Which is part of why I travel so much.  ;)

antares588 reads

Variety and repeat... Without it in the equation, well...???

Posted By: londubh
Curious more from the lovely ladies' perspective. Do you prefer to see a lot of different men or do you like to have repeats?

-- Modified on 7/28/2015 11:40:38 AM

antares447 reads

Question for the ladies, I still love my Heineken!

There's so many more factors spinning around in this lifestyle than just *my* personal choice of who I see more and less of, lol. However I do enjoy my current mix of gentlemen, which comprises mainly of men I know well with the occasional "fresh meat" thrown in :)  

"Regulars" come in so many varieties though - for example, there's men that like weekly arrangements, some I see every month or two, some less often. Some men have been seeing me for a few months,  years, and *many* years. I do notice that like all relationships, it goes in phases - a man who may have dated me once a week when we first met may get preoccupied elsewhere for a while and only check in occasionally as time goes on, or move out of the area and only see me on his return trips, or any other myriad of hypothetical situations. We're lucky to have that kind of flexibility here.  

I don't think I *could* choose between developing a rapport with same people vs enjoying the novelty of new partners, even if the choice was mine to make. I like both for different reasons, it's like apples to oranges with me.

~Mme X~

I love seeing my regulars.  There are men I've been visiting with UTR for the last four something years, a couple even longer.  I enjoy the rapport and an added bonus is that they've learned my body well, which means more orgasms all around and there's not much I enjoy more than that.

That being said, variety is the spice of life, and part of what I loved and missed most about this hobby is meeting new suitors.  The slight flutter of nervous anticipation, the newness of it, learning what they like.  It's really just fun.  

Lucky girl that I am, I'm back in business and don't have to choose.

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