
No seasoned hobbyist would have gone as far as did or posted (e)
anonymousfun 6 Reviews 255 reads


So, I saw 1 review on a girl named Clara as I was combing thru the New Reviews Atlanta looking for certain providers, as referenced by my thread below. She was hot, and was just what I was looking for. I was a bit nervous, seeing as she had only 1 review, and seemed way tgtbt. Still, the reviewer seemed legit, so I figured wtf?  

I sent her an email as it says on her site. I got a prompt response, telling me she'd be glad to see me, and even sent me some seriously hot nudes of her. WOW! Now, I both really wanted her, and yet was even more nervous. She hadn't yet mentioned screening, and now she's sending a complete stranger nude pics of herself. She asked what time I wanted. I told her the time I was looking for.  

She sent back a response saying that would work, and now mentioned requiring light screening. Whoo, that put me at ease a lot. She sent me a link to a site called Escortchex, and asked me to text or email her when I filled it out. I've never heard of EC before, but I went to the link. It tells you that a lifetime membership is free! Wow, what a bargain(dripping sarcasm)!  

There were her pics, and info tho, so I figured wth, and filled out a user name, password, email. Next step came up, which says that it requires a CC to sign up for "age verification".  It's free to join, but they want to make sure your 18+(21+ in some states). Right, b/c only 18-21+ can have CC's. I had a CC when I was 15, it proves nothing.

 Two, the fine print. You will be signed up automatically for a free trial period on a cam site! Of course, if you fail to realize this, and don't cancel your "free trial" you will be billed monthly at $39.95 per month going forward.  Well, sorry, but no way am I going to give my CC and have to deal with that BS just for a provider whom I might only see once.

 So, I sent both a very nice text and email politely saying that the site made me nervous b/c it required a CC, and signed me up for a cam service that I had no interest in. I then sent the names of 3 indy providers who have known me for years, and would gladly verify me. I also gave her a Date-Check ID, and said I could gladly provide even more names if necessary. No response. Oh well. Good luck with your biz.  

Was I being too paranoid?

Might be a good idea to note the brethren that review her

I sent pm's to both reviewers asking for their thoughts. If she was just a BP girl I wouldn't bother, as I don't see them. However, the fact that she also has a regular site, as well as a BP ad made me want to roll the dice.

On the 6th of June...  but the powers that be seemed to have removed it.

Personally, I trust neither reviewer..

But I guess with your search troubles you couldn't see the previous psa on it.

And anytime you are asked to enter a credit card it's a wake up call that you're doing it wrong.  LOL.

I noticed the "new" review as soon as it appeared, got distracted and couldn't finish my post...I'm almost willing to bet all 3 of the reviews are fakes, however I'd like to hear from one of the other ladies he reviewed to be positive...

popping up in various regions that require Escortchex for screening Here's what it all looks like:

TER members are being driven to these sites by new reviews that are posted for these "providers". Escortchex traffic is driven through the TER review process... not any other advertising venue.

A fake review goes up from a handle with a few other reviews. Then in rapid fashion a few more reviews by one-review handles go up. The reviews steer you to a provider website.

The provider websites are professional and well done. Better than many legit websites. When you contact the "provider" via phone or email, a gal answers and directs you to Escortchex for screening. After that, she goes radio-silent.  

Worse, a few of these "reviewers" appear to have submitted reviews for established providers - a few of them I know. The reviewers do not respond to PM's.  

If you haven't submitted a problem report to TER for a fake provider using Escortchex, and for each of the reviewers, post the profile link. I will. I can always use a few days or weeks of free VIP for a few minutes effort that might help save someone else from being scammed.

Shows that even a vet like me can get caught letting the little head do the thinking. Fortunately, my instincts were correct and I never signed up for the EC website. And if nothing else, I got some hot nude pics of whomever Carla actually is.  

I'll say one thing, it's a good scam. Have a hot girl get a seemingly legit review,  then have her send hot pics along with a very enticing email. I'm sure a lot of guys have signed on, only to have the "provider" mysteriously disappear. It's a reminder to me and everyone else to always be vigilant and let the big head do the thinking. Stay safe everybody.

Many years ago I fell for that one.  I think I had the big chump loser sign tattooed on my forehead fir months after that.  Thankfully prices per hour were much lower than

Great website, lots of great ladies with reviews.  Oh you are not local, please send deposit, prepay, we will send her to you when you get to Boston.   Yah right, still can't believe I got suckered in.

Glad your okay.

Posted By: MasterZen
popping up in various regions that require Escortchex for screening Here's what it all looks like:  
 TER members are being driven to these sites by new reviews that are posted for these "providers". Escortchex traffic is driven through the TER review process... not any other advertising venue.  
 A fake review goes up from a handle with a few other reviews. Then in rapid fashion a few more reviews by one-review handles go up. The reviews steer you to a provider website.  
 The provider websites are professional and well done. Better than many legit websites. When you contact the "provider" via phone or email, a gal answers and directs you to Escortchex for screening. After that, she goes radio-silent.  
 Worse, a few of these "reviewers" appear to have submitted reviews for established providers - a few of them I know. The reviewers do not respond to PM's.  
 If you haven't submitted a problem report to TER for a fake provider using Escortchex, and for each of the reviewers, post the profile link. I will. I can always use a few days or weeks of free VIP for a few minutes effort that might help save someone else from being scammed.

I had my Monday planned around seeing "Clara" after the second review, but after all this investigative reporting, I will move on, happily, to my second choice~

I don't think i would do well with managing screening ext- it sounds all so scary in USA

I take my hat off to the USA providers.

Serena x

But my last two trips have been a bit disappointing.  I think it's the southern Eastern European influx to the agency boards.  But you never lack for variety, features, or options.    

Ah well, I will get back there in a few months.

But Serena, the ladies of Atlanta, are very fine.  The great ones make the screening just a natural part of the scheduling.

Same thing happened with a different girl up here in Boston.  
Exact same MO; cute girl, you e-mail her and she sends you a bunch of nudes. Our girl even gave her menu AND PRICES in her email response

I did the same thing when I saw the Verification Website and asked her if there was another way. No response at all.  

Thing is, not one of her reviews mentioned having to go through the process.  Hmmmmm.....

DER , understandable to wonder 'whats up' with the nudes being sen to you right off the bat ,and of course it turned out to be a scam / TGTBT .... what I like to do on these provider pics' no matter when they come in or how I see them - is to first copy and paste them in to Google Images - -amazing how many times youll find"Clara" and others on another sex web site totally unrelated to BP or TER -- or even in the united states   :-(  

Posted By: der441
So, I saw 1 review on a girl named Clara as I was combing thru the New Reviews Atlanta looking for certain providers, as referenced by my thread below. She was hot, and was just what I was looking for. I was a bit nervous, seeing as she had only 1 review, and seemed way tgtbt. Still, the reviewer seemed legit, so I figured wtf?  
 I sent her an email as it says on her site. I got a prompt response, telling me she'd be glad to see me, and even sent me some seriously hot nudes of her. WOW! Now, I both really wanted her, and yet was even more nervous. She hadn't yet mentioned screening, and now she's sending a complete stranger nude pics of herself. She asked what time I wanted. I told her the time I was looking for.  
 She sent back a response saying that would work, and now mentioned requiring light screening. Whoo, that put me at ease a lot. She sent me a link to a site called Escortchex, and asked me to text or email her when I filled it out. I've never heard of EC before, but I went to the link. It tells you that a lifetime membership is free! Wow, what a bargain(dripping sarcasm)!  
 There were her pics, and info tho, so I figured wth, and filled out a user name, password, email. Next step came up, which says that it requires a CC to sign up for "age verification".  It's free to join, but they want to make sure your 18+(21+ in some states). Right, b/c only 18-21+ can have CC's. I had a CC when I was 15, it proves nothing.  
  Two, the fine print. You will be signed up automatically for a free trial period on a cam site! Of course, if you fail to realize this, and don't cancel your "free trial" you will be billed monthly at $39.95 per month going forward.  Well, sorry, but no way am I going to give my CC and have to deal with that BS just for a provider whom I might only see once.  
  So, I sent both a very nice text and email politely saying that the site made me nervous b/c it required a CC, and signed me up for a cam service that I had no interest in. I then sent the names of 3 indy providers who have known me for years, and would gladly verify me. I also gave her a Date-Check ID, and said I could gladly provide even more names if necessary. No response. Oh well. Good luck with your biz.  
 Was I being too paranoid?

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