
Just watch Channel 2 news at 5 and 6. I set my DVR to record from the mobile app.
Not_The_Real_Me 4111 reads
1 / 39

...what happened a few weeks ago.

They posted a story on their Facebook page with pics.

anonymus8T27bILB54 40 Reviews 1194 reads
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docmitchell 13 Reviews 1899 reads
3 / 39

Somebody dropping dimes to the Police and the News....

Posted By: Not_The_Real_Me
...what happened a few weeks ago.  
 They posted a story on their Facebook page with pics.  

Not_The_Real_Me 1430 reads
4 / 39
roadwarrior88 1815 reads
5 / 39

According to one of the girls attorneys. Can't wait to hear that explanation.

ValuedCustomer 1706 reads
6 / 39

Looks to me like a pretty typical bust to me.  Dunwoody...  I seem to remember an agency bust there a year or two ago...

-- Modified on 1/12/2017 6:24:53 PM

DerekMATL 1874 reads
7 / 39

Can the escorts/agency give intel for clients and police bust the clients? Or am I just paranoid? Just wondering if they do some sort of plea where they give off clients and arrest clients? Like if the agency shows emails/texts and busts the clients (us) and comes to our house to arrest us. Am I paranoid??? lol

-- Modified on 1/12/2017 10:34:35 AM

Not_The_Real_Me 2001 reads
8 / 39

Dunwoody Police had been watching the apartment complex for months and even had surveillance cameras INSIDE the apartment.  WOW!

Not_The_Real_Me 1575 reads
9 / 39

They can't prove you did anything wrong just because they have your info.   And hopefully, you didn't give them your REAL info.

docmitchell 13 Reviews 1627 reads
10 / 39

They didn't play around this time.  Going to be a big press conference next week in dunwoody according to the news and it looks like Johns, escorts are fair game this time around. If they have video from inside the incall and in the parking garage then it's game over and they will charge all with RICO.

2timesanalias 1475 reads
11 / 39

Yeah the whole story is misleading, they forgot to mention how they gained access to a private residence to install cameras, but the bigger story is how YOU knew it was going down before it happened. Remember that thing called karma

Not_The_Real_Me 1666 reads
12 / 39

Does that mean someone at the agency was helping or would the apartment complex management be authorized to allow that?

docmitchell 13 Reviews 1560 reads
13 / 39
playingsafe 1529 reads
14 / 39

Guess they saw a lot of guys arriving for bible studies or appliance repair.  If cameras were inside I wonder how much porn they captured, without any compensation being exchanged of course.

StirThePot 1611 reads
15 / 39

Posted By: DerekMATL
Can the escorts/agency give intel for clients and police bust the clients? Or am I just paranoid? Just wondering if they do some sort of plea where they give off clients and arrest clients? Like if the agency shows emails/texts and busts the clients (us) and comes to our house to arrest us. Am I paranoid??? lol

-- Modified on 1/12/2017 10:34:35 AM
No you definitely have cause for concern. If you've EVER engaged in these types of activities or maybe even just thought of engaging in these types of activities, then you could be culpable. The thought police recently joined forces with most metro police sectors and busts such as these have been running rampant. NO ONE should consider himself safe at this point. Best thing to do is throw away any and all electronic communication devices (i.e - cell phones, laptop & desktop computers, personal tablets, etc.), hide your wife and kids, transfer all financial resources to a third cousin in the Cayman Islands, pray, stock up on milk, eggs and bread and call Sol.  
This is the absolute WORST I've ever seen this and I've never been more scared that we are ALL going to jail this time.

Now all together - "The sky is falling, the sky is falling"!

-- Modified on 1/12/2017 7:48:20 PM

roadwarrior88 1323 reads
16 / 39

Can you please explain how you think I knew it was happening before it happened since my original post was the day after it happened?

2timesanalias 1649 reads
17 / 39

Probable cause would still require the resident to sign off on it, it's called expectation of privacy. Now, security footage from the garage...ehhhh possibly. There's more to this story than is being reported, they only list half of the persons arrested and charged

StirThePot 1664 reads
18 / 39

Posted By: docmitchell
They didn't play around this time.  Going to be a big press conference next week in dunwoody according to the news and it looks like Johns, escorts are fair game this time around. If they have video from inside the incall and in the parking garage then it's game over and they will charge all with RICO.  
Well if you numbnuts sat there and actually counted out a stack of $20's to your host for the evening rather than leaving it in an unmarked envelope in the bathroom and then simply enjoying your time with another consenting adult then yes, you most definitely deserve whatever you get.  
There is a correct way to do things and if you don't know the proper protocols & procedures then either get a book, ask some questions or pick another type of hobby cause this one most definitely isn't for you.  
Through either your carelessness, lack of knowledge or laziness you put ALL others at risk.

docmitchell 13 Reviews 1427 reads
19 / 39

Johnny law only needs a judge to sign off on a RICO warrant to gain access to that apartment because it's no longer considered a private residence if it's being used for commercial purposes. I.E. commercial sex trafficking   I know several lawyers who I hobby with a not feeling very safe tonight and they know it's going to get a lot worse this week. Somebody tipping off a news hound will now only speed up the arrests

2timesanalias 1279 reads
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roadwarrior88 1314 reads
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That's what I thought...

Posted By: 2timesanalias
Let me think about it. No.

StirThePot 1570 reads
22 / 39

Posted By: Not_The_Real_Me
Dunwoody Police had been watching the apartment complex for months and even had surveillance cameras INSIDE the apartment.  WOW!  
And we ALL know that the Police would NEVER, EVER lie. Not even to "stir the pot", rub a raw wound or make people such as ourselves who are reading and writing on this forum even MORE paranoid than they already are.
If you don't think that the Dunwoody or Dekalb Vice units aren't sitting at their computers right now laughing their asses off at what the're reading (and what we're writing) then you need to seriously get a stronger dose of reality.

DerekMATL 1248 reads
23 / 39

how can they charge the johns though? if it is in the past?

StirThePot 1247 reads
24 / 39

Posted By: docmitchell
Johnny law only needs a judge to sign off on a RICO warrant to gain access to that apartment because it's no longer considered a private residence if it's being used for commercial purposes. I.E. commercial sex trafficking   I know several lawyers who I hobby with a not feeling very safe tonight and they know it's going to get a lot worse this week. Somebody tipping off a news hound will now only speed up the arrests
They better hurry, tomorrow is Friday!

birdluvr69 75 Reviews 1509 reads
25 / 39

Clicking on each in two different towns reveals there is some push back by groups going to fight the removal of the site in question.  You guys/girls are in a mess, it appears:((  Bummer! Hate it for you all! For that matter, any body who gets caught up in the legal system---there might be "justice", but very little, if any "Mercy."

space_lover 1177 reads
26 / 39

-- Modified on 1/12/2017 10:45:42 PM

playingsafe 1343 reads
27 / 39

I wonder what or if the statute of limitations applies, and for how long.....probably 6 minutes in my case, lol! 😁

CantSleep 1250 reads
28 / 39

You posted a question about the agency and said you had been "calling all day"

We all know who you are and so do the cops

DerekMATL 1786 reads
29 / 39

I just have no idea how they can get the johns from the past? Reminds me of the movie "The client list" on lifetime. Is this possible, for the cops to go through the agency's email's or have the escorts dish out names, and the cops bust them? Thought that you had to be caught in the act...?

CantSleep 1604 reads
30 / 39

Um, are you serious?

If the activity has been completed, the person involved is thereby immune?


By the way, how do you think guys should feel about being questioned at their office or home about videos of them parking then returning to their car in an hour at an apartment complex nobody they know lives at....And in the middle of the day?

Should they rest comfortably knowing they left the money in an envelope? And that they have some nonsensical, farcical fast answers about appliance repair? Will their wife and co-workers buy that?

-- Modified on 1/12/2017 9:02:20 PM

2timesanalias 1814 reads
31 / 39

You do realize that's a television show and it's badly written at that..There's a Legal Corner board here, use it to discuss potential ramifications, you MIGHT get a factual response.

playingsafe 1594 reads
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What money?  And why would any guy be questioned in the first place, or even feel obligated to answer said questioning, even if there was something incriminating about someone on a video that looks similar to him?  Some guy in a situation like that would be pretty weak to just start talking away only because he was being questioned.

I just can't understand the value of le going door to door talking to or questioning guys that might be on a 1 week old or 1 month old video doing who knows what benign activity of pulling their car into a garage or walking into a building that many other residents do the same thing day after day, or even knocking on the door to one of the apartments.  Cameras  in the apartment?  Like the poster above said, unless you were counting out a stack of $20s, still nothing wrong.

ATLHumpster 1102 reads
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You seem to know a lot about the legal system in regards to the process. Been there before?

funguy991 57 Reviews 1399 reads
34 / 39

Just say if you are questioned that you were just there for the lemonade only and you should be ok!

CantSleep 1152 reads
35 / 39

You are wrong

You sound like a 4-year old covering your eyes and saying "you can't see me"

playingsafe 1221 reads
36 / 39

I'm wrong...?..with the questions I asked in my post?   Your post sounded more like a 4yo...totally nonresponsive to the questions put forth.  At least you went a little beyond the "...says you" level.  

I really would like to know, as mentioned in my earlier post, why some guy should worry about being asked questions.  Maybe you know enough of the legal or investigative process that you can educate all of us 4 year olds.

ncreaver 6 Reviews 1101 reads
37 / 39

Posted By: playingsafe
I'm wrong...?..with the questions I asked in my post?   Your post sounded more like a 4yo...totally nonresponsive to the questions put forth.  At least you went a little beyond the "...says you" level.  
 I really would like to know, as mentioned in my earlier post, why some guy should worry about being asked questions.  Maybe you know enough of the legal or investigative process that you can educate all of us 4 year olds.
If Uncle Leo can ask you questions at your workplace, then they can ask you questions at your home... in front of your wife.

Have fun!

Batman612013 889 reads
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and also, wouldn't they need a warrant for the cameras?

2timesanalias 924 reads
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So here's the factual answer to that hypothetical question. They can ask me all the questions they want, anywhere they want to.  

Whether I choose to answer the questions or not is where it gets interesting. In my case, I have no concerns at all. So they wouldn't get a lot of satisfaction out of trying to intimidate me into forfeiting my rights.

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