
It's really true, common sense really isn't that common. (e)
southernguy965 58 Reviews 287 reads


TravelLots1715 reads

In response to a Atlanta providers ad on TER I sent an email asking for her availability:

    "Any chance you have availability on April 13 or 14th?  My TER ID is XXXXXXXXX  Thanks for the consideration!"

To which I got a standard reply of please fill out my required info and a list of requirements.

Now I know a lot of ladies have auto reply messages on that kick back that form, so I sent a quick email back.  It said:

"My TER ID is XXXXXXXX and I have ## whitelist references.    Will that suffice?"

To which I got:

"No.  I don't want to see you"

I realize that we are all busy.  I spend inordinate amounts of time searching out providers that I think are a good fit for me, sending emails, waiting for replies and confirmations -- typically I invest hours in setting up one appointment.  I know that providers spend an inordinate amount of time dealing with a myriad of emails and trying to coordinate schedules and logistics.  In the above example I replied to an ad on TER and had the door slammed in my face for suggesting we start the verification process with my white list references.  In the past I would say 75% of the providers say "Oh great."  followed by either "I'll accept those" or "I'll reach out to them, thanks!".  

Is there  a better way to handle this process that I am missing.  I realize everyone would like to have their information the way they want it, but it sure gets tiresome responding to individual needs.  It kind of reminds me of applying to colleges, there should be a standard form.  

I fully understand the need to feel secure in setting up any meeting, for both of us.  I get very nervous (to the point of cancelling the request for a meeting) if the provider doesn't ask for some sort of references (either TER or P411 ID or something).

Should I just chalk this one up to a provider having a bad day?  If there are any providers out there who have any advice I'd love to get your prospective.

I think sometimes both parties don't fully appreciate the investment each other is making in setting up these meetings

...and contact them in their requested manner. Some providers will not consider you if you don't follow their procedure. Her web site may have made it clear it's her way or the highway. Then you could have decided whether to pursue it futher

Since I am sitting in a bar nursing my third drink while awaiting a handler's response for a rendezvous scheduled for over a half hour ago,  I will chip in my response. I am musing about how I have grown weary of the effort necessary to make new connections.  

Some genius will create an site that connects available providers with sniveling mongers. Variables such as references, scheduling, and remuneration would be part and parcel of an elegant solution to this insidious dance that has yet to be uniformly choreographed.  

So, channeling some of Shaft' s vibe, I am still ISO of tomorrow's shill post..

PorfirioRubirosaJr542 reads

1 - if you honestly "invest hours in setting up one appointment" I'm afraid that leads me to ask "wtf?" Are you serious? Lol, get real.

2 - you say 75% of the time the approach you described in your post works fine - that's a good average - why mess with success?

#1 Did the lady have a form which required certain information on her site?  
#2 Or did she just itemize the information needed and request you submit the information via email or phone?
#3 If such a request was made did you provide the information as required?
#4 Did the information request if any say that she would bypass all other requirements in exchange for your UserName,     etc. ? In other words you got that MajicKingdom pass at Disney that bypasses everything for convenience.  

If you answered No to #1 and yes to #4 then I understand your dismay.  
If you answered Yes to #1 or #2 and No to #3 but all you offered was the UserName, etc then I would say she dusted you because you did not follow, AMF, a little harsh without further adieu but within her rights I would say..I for one and others too, state if all the information provided is not complete and accurate as requested  that you will be given little or no consideration. I specifically outline as do most others what is required for WhiteList, 411, Semi-Pro(UTR) Hobbyist and NUBs, guess where the ones that just send me a username go>>>>>>>>>

The reason I ask is that some seem to think that a simple inquiry with "Hey There, this is WHAMBAMTHANKYOUMAAM, I got xxxxxxreviews and xxxxxxwhitelist lucky for you Baby there will be another notch in my 30.30 so let's ride" is enough.  For some that is enough, bless their hearts and yours too.  But,  it is not enough for many it seems, though  it certainly helps and you should get some respect and due consideration for investing a great deal of time and funds in pursuit of your interests and supporting your favored providers.  

So, did you provide all requested info or  did you think the Whitelist would be the Key to the Majic Kingdom and for some it is, bless their heart and yours, too ?  Or If you did all required   maybe she didn't like your reviews

TravelLots357 reads

The answer to question 1 is -- I replied to her ad.  I read her TER reviews and contacted her via the email in her ad.  
2) she specified nothing about required information in her ad
3) after she made the request, which as I mentioned seemed like an auto reply -- I reminded her that I had a TER ID and referrals -- hoping to save some time.
4) No it did not.   She did however in her form ask for Drivers license numbers, etc -- Not going to happen!

Maybe she didn't like my reviews...they are respectful and dignified.

so where is the rub, I wonder,  she had requirements that you did not wish to comply with and she apparently did not wish to further entertain the exchange.........NEXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXTTTTTTTTTTT, or is the issue Truth in Advertising since she did not so state her requirements in the AD or did the AD perhaps mention "Screening Necessary", different strokes for different folks....suzee

And the WhiteList?  Just asking or are you using an ALIAS, why?

-- Modified on 4/8/2016 12:00:31 AM

...the posters "name" in the upper left corner of his post appears in black font. The posters actual board handle would appear in teal colored font. Additionally if it were his handle there would be an envelope just below it. If he has reviews (he says he does) how many he has would be below the envelope.

My guess - she has a process; you didn't go with it.   From your OP,  it seems that you feel like it's not worth filling out the form.   That's not unreasonable.  I hate forms too - regardless of what they are for.  Still end up filling out a lot of them though....  

I can speculate that she didn't feel that you weren't going to cooperate with a process that she needs to use as a business matter.  
You didn't waste any time - she didn't waste any time - what's not to like

She might be have been annoyed rather than pissed off.   Possibly, she does not even remember this exchange by now...  

You might be one of dozens of emails she got that day or week. You dropped through the screen - not a big deal.  That's what a screen is for.  If I had a successful business with a lot of potential customers and limited ability to serve - I would develop ways to trim that number of customers down quickly.

Now - if you did keep after her once she said NO, then I could see pissed off...

Another way of looking at this - If she really and truly gets P.O.d over what you have described - you may have dodged a bullet...    

My opinion - If you try to project people's emotions - it will trip you up every time.  Act like a gentleman, treat people decently, behave honorably and don't worry about how they feel;  you ain't responsible for their feelings and how they react to you.   That's on them.

Move on and enjoy the spring

Suzee nailed it.

A TER handle, some reviews and a whitelist or two entitle you to nothing, zip, nada, niks, rien, nichts, etc...

Throw in an overly-casual or potentially disrespectful approach, and bingo - you are in dry dock.

Try something like this:

"Hi ___!  I noticed your ad on ____ and after reviewing your web site I'd love to spend some time with you.  
I was hoping you would be available from ___ to ___ on ______ date for ____ hours incall/outcall.

I respect your need to screen me. My name is ___, my TER handle is ____ and my references are _____ and ______. I am also a P411/Date-Check/RS2K member ID _______. If you need any more info to screen me, please just ask and I'll be happy to provide what I can.

You can reach met at my email __________ or by phone/text at __________.

I'm looking forward to hearing back from you and I hope we can make our schedules come together so that we can meet.

Sincerely, blah, blah."

Try that. Embellish it or trim it if you want. Don't add in any discussion of money, sex or sexual innuendo. Save that for face to face (especially with a new lady).

You'll have better luck

Will you marry me, pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasssssssssssssssssssseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee......

PorfirioRubirosaJr358 reads

That is some serious serious brown-nosing you posted right there, but perhaps you are being sarcastic of coarse.

No, the Master should give instruction and there are many who should listen and we would all profit financially and pleasurably with much less, sniffling and whining of "well, I can't believe she ______________", well dumbass she put it in writing DO NOT SEND ME LESS THAN I REQUIRE spend less time looking at the pics and do more reading......................
besides sweetie,  I am never COARSE, often a Vulgar, Wanton, Slut but never COARSE, really...suzee

-- Modified on 4/7/2016 8:18:53 PM

but you do as you choose. There is a reason you think 75% response rate from the ladies is "success".  

I am concise, specific, polite and offer the info she needs to screen me and move on quickly to things that are more fun for both of us.  

I don't know what drives it, but if you tend to think in terms of avoiding "brown-nosing" when you communicate with a woman - you're thinking about the wrong thing and emphasizing the things that raise red flags for the gals.

Do as you choose... I'll gladly bump you for that date

PorfirioRubirosaJr236 reads

I was talking about your post being a case of brown nosing.

And this second one ups the ante even more.  Which leads me to believe you are gay and insecure

Step to the front please 😜  

Posted By: MasterZen
Suzee nailed it.  
 A TER handle, some reviews and a whitelist or two entitle you to nothing, zip, nada, niks, rien, nichts, etc...  
 Throw in an overly-casual or potentially disrespectful approach, and bingo - you are in dry dock.  
 Try something like this:  
 "Hi ___!  I noticed your ad on ____ and after reviewing your web site I'd love to spend some time with you.  
 I was hoping you would be available from ___ to ___ on ______ date for ____ hours incall/outcall.  
 I respect your need to screen me. My name is ___, my TER handle is ____ and my references are _____ and ______. I am also a P411/Date-Check/RS2K member ID _______. If you need any more info to screen me, please just ask and I'll be happy to provide what I can.  
 You can reach met at my email __________ or by phone/text at __________.  
 I'm looking forward to hearing back from you and I hope we can make our schedules come together so that we can meet.  
 Sincerely, blah, blah."  
 Try that. Embellish it or trim it if you want. Don't add in any discussion of money, sex or sexual innuendo. Save that for face to face (especially with a new lady).  
 You'll have better luck.  

HofFer335 reads

I pmed a lady I was interested in. I gave her my TER handle (with 15 or so white lists) and told her I'd seen 3 of her friends that she advertises doing doubles with.

She still wanted me to fill out her form. I mean really, you can't ask 1 or 2 of your friends about me ?

I said "no thank you" and moved on.

Am I missing something ? I just don't feel comfortable filling those damn forms out. Like I don't feel comfortable using an agency. I don't want my personal information on file anywhere. I'm sure I've missed some good times, but in this hobby we all have our comfort level.

By the way, I have been with more than a few of Atlanta's most popular and best providers.

If you are going to spend "hours" on booking an appointment, why not take the extra 58 seconds and type up something that is a little better than - Hey I wanna see you Tuesday, here's my TER ID and whitelists.  

I have had PM conversations with a particular provider over a pretty decent amount of time and when I inquired about availability, she requested my screening info....I didn't bat an eye and went to her site and filled it out as requested, simple easy and painless...Sometimes you have to stroke their ego before you can stroke the pussy. Even the finest dining establishments have a sign somewhere that says "We reserve the right to refuse service"

TravelLots414 reads

As I said -- We're all spending time effort and money in this hobby.    I don't think anyone should take shortcuts on safety.  But I gotta tell ya -- sometimes I feel like I'm the one who should be paid for all the work "I" do...especially since there is a "no return policy" :)

In the words of the late great Who drummer Keith Moon, 'will go over like a Led Zeppelin'. Chicks don't want to hear you bitch and moan about the 'work' you do to get screened.

If in your opinion their screening is over the top, move on. No shortage of fine ladies in this town.

TravelLots314 reads

And I realize it may sound like I am.  It's a fact --- both sides spend time getting things setup.  And I realize it sounds harsh, but it's also a fact that the money comes out of my pocket.  Yes I said that.  But it's true.  It would be great if we could all walk into a room, share the secret hand shake, choose our respective partners for the night, exchange gifts and have a great time.   That just isn't the way it works.  

And for me the ritual is magnified by the fact that I am constantly searching for providers in cities I'm not familiar with do to my travels.  I feel like a newbie every time I hit a new town.   I'm sure things are a bit easier if you're shopping in your back yard every time you want to go out..

Take 20 mins to fill in the mad lib inquiry he sent you, save it, and then it will be forever ready for you to send to that perfect lady you've spent so much time trying to find.  

Better luck next time!

Wow, I mean really just WOW....."Sometimes you have to stroke their ego before you can stroke the pussy."  stop it please you guys are killing me ROFLMFAO and peeing myself....

Incontinence ???  Seizures???  

Suzee, It's not meant as direct as it sounds, but if a lady wants more info to make her feel comfortable, and we want to see her, then we must jump thru those hoops. Correct?

OK then, but semantically there is a  big difference between "ego" and "comfortable"......suzee

Yes, by definition there is a difference....My point is that if you want to fuck the chick you will follow her fucking rules to do so.

Did that sound better? I know you like the direct approach =) ,and while that may work in marketing, it doesn't sound very charming as advice for someone to follow. I could've used  a different word I guess...

touche', by definitiion though ego has little to do with comfort (actually safety in this case which equals comfort for the lady) but most likely as another poster states the process of screening is just what it states but there are some who are clever enough create a process whereby the potential non-viable candidates are sifted outed like minnows in a submarine net possibly in their arrogance or impatience without even realizing it..................or you coulda just said "hey buddy, whose got the pussy".......suzee

Women, they have half the money and all the pussy...LMAO

This is true some do, but in my house I have all the PUSSY and all the $$$$$'s been fun guys, thanks for the entertainment...........s'il vous plaît , s'il vous plaît me baiser aveugle, suzee

ormaybe303 reads

Maybe she already knows you!....or maybe she can't afford to not know exactly who you are before consenting. You might be her husband, an ex, or some other known quantity. I bet some ladies can't afford that uncertainty.

Posted By: TravelLots
In response to a Atlanta providers ad on TER I sent an email asking for her availability:  
     "Any chance you have availability on April 13 or 14th?  My TER ID is XXXXXXXXX  Thanks for the consideration!"  
 To which I got a standard reply of please fill out my required info and a list of requirements.  
 Now I know a lot of ladies have auto reply messages on that kick back that form, so I sent a quick email back.  It said:  
 "My TER ID is XXXXXXXX and I have ## whitelist references.    Will that suffice?"  
 To which I got:  
 "No.  I don't want to see you"  
 I realize that we are all busy.  I spend inordinate amounts of time searching out providers that I think are a good fit for me, sending emails, waiting for replies and confirmations -- typically I invest hours in setting up one appointment.  I know that providers spend an inordinate amount of time dealing with a myriad of emails and trying to coordinate schedules and logistics.  In the above example I replied to an ad on TER and had the door slammed in my face for suggesting we start the verification process with my white list references.  In the past I would say 75% of the providers say "Oh great."  followed by either "I'll accept those" or "I'll reach out to them, thanks!".    
 Is there  a better way to handle this process that I am missing.  I realize everyone would like to have their information the way they want it, but it sure gets tiresome responding to individual needs.  It kind of reminds me of applying to colleges, there should be a standard form.    
 I fully understand the need to feel secure in setting up any meeting, for both of us.  I get very nervous (to the point of cancelling the request for a meeting) if the provider doesn't ask for some sort of references (either TER or P411 ID or something).  
 Should I just chalk this one up to a provider having a bad day?  If there are any providers out there who have any advice I'd love to get your prospective.  
 I think sometimes both parties don't fully appreciate the investment each other is making in setting up these meetings.  

Mr.Cheeks332 reads

Is that some of them make employment information a requirement.

I own different properties and rent them out for income. I don't have a website or anything like that, and there's really no way I can think of for me to provide verifiable employment info.

I haven't been in the hobby for very long, but I do have good references. And I haven't actually had to go through with filling out a form that does require employment info yet, but I have come across a few such forms recently and I've paused to consider how I would handle it. Should I just put "self-employed" on the form and in addition send an email describing my situation?

I appreciate any feedback y'all can provide.

Hiding behind an alias making claims of an un-established background of Reviews and Whitelist and the last post of "..don't want to Piss off a Provider....that's not right" , really, since when?...............certainly does not go with the opening post..........Something is not right here at all,

TravelLots316 reads

I think what isn't taken into account is the possibility that I'm being honest and am looking for some good advise.  You seem to start from the perspective that I'm an evil lying crud for some reason.   That's the exact reason I use an alias in this post -- I don't need providers reading into who they think I am and what my intentions are.  You clearly proven to me that I can be completely misread.

Not at all....if you were to meet me you would find that I would be among the last judgemental of those you may ever meet and I certainly not much judging you, and certainly applying no labels

Fact You did not follow instructions
Fact You  did it twice
Fact You thought you could slide thru with some Creds
Fact You were denied
Fact You have looked for reasons why
Fact You have been given basically by many the same reasons repeatedly, hobbyists  same as you
Fact at this point you cannot sustantiate your creds
Fact You are not an injured party any more than she is
Fact from the looks of this thread a group of providers did not gang up on you, but quite a few of your fellow hobbyist told you you were wrong
Fact is from this thread it appears there are many hobbyist who understand...and that is refreshing to me
Fact is if you came to me with the right approach following the requirements the door would be ope

TravelLots232 reads

Fact: Based on your responses,  I don't believe you actually read my original post or understand the issue I was trying to raise.

Fact: I am trying to learn everyones perspective so I am more thoughtful next time.

Fact: I did receive a pretty good suggestion from MasterZen and I'll try that.

Fact: I would like to thank all of those who took the time to respond.

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