
If you meant to say "Jasmine the Bozz" you should have just said so
1382316 137 Reviews 2411 reads
1 / 21

Pre-booked w/agency on 8/17 with request for today (29th) Got a request from the Bozz of the agency asking for ref's that evening and sent them. Sent an e-mail on 26th - are we on? Got return e-mail asking who I wanted to see - and I replied same day, On 27th got e-mail that either was available ( not neither - either). Got to town yesterday and sent final request for provider and hotel & room info.
Today appointment time came and went - NO Show. After an hour I tried to call - busy - sent e-mail, got response 'please forward previous e-mails', did so at once. After no response sent request to call - I stayed an extra day to make this appointment.... no call, no response. That just sucks... I have always been extremely polite and accommodating on my end and expect at least the common courtesy of a call or reply. Thought others should know the kind of Jazz some people put clients through.

GaGambler 995 reads
2 / 21

We don't need your post to tell us what we already know. What would be helpful, and what we don't already know is just which agency you are talking about.

Coming on here to whine and bitch is one thing, but it's not helpful at all unless you name names.

1382316 137 Reviews 1371 reads
3 / 21

The name is there, just have to read between the lines - wanted to make sure it got posted so couldn't come right out and say it. I do not live in Atlanta - I just play here when in town - most visitors read Boards before traveling - post is mostly for them.

1382316 137 Reviews 1294 reads
4 / 21

Thanks for the heads up - I struck Gold with another agency that took good care of me this time. I'll take your advice next time I'm down here in this awesome playland you guys have.

foguete69 38 Reviews 984 reads
5 / 21

final sentence of the post!
thanks for the puzzle, more fun then my weekly bridge club...if I were in one.

GaGambler 1013 reads
6 / 21

and there would be no way that your target audience would put your little hint together. So you really weren't helping the people you wanted to help the most. Knowing that one agency flaked out on you in a city that has as many agencies as Atlanta is not too terribly helpful without knowing who it is.

Naming names is perfectly acceptable, and you have a long track record as a long time hobbyist and reviewer, so White Knights should be the least of your worries. FWIW, yes Jasmine is a friend of mine, but I don't have a clue as to what happened, so my intent is NOT to WK for her. You have a lot of credibility and my intent was not to flame you, but to not let this just be yet another uninformative rant post as many posts venting about NCNS tend to be. Your man card is intact. lol If Jaz wants to get her side of the story out, she's never been known to be bashful. lol

BTW NCNS sucks, I'd be pissed too. I am glad you "hit gold" and that you aren't having to leave town with a bad taste in your mouth. See, I got that reference all by myself. lol

1382316 137 Reviews 1323 reads
7 / 21

Anybody that gets a response from the agency will recognize the name because it's the address from which it will originate.  
I had posted a similar occurrence once before naming names in another market and the mod's refused to post it - that's why I did it the way I did here - to make sure at least some folks get the word.
And you are right - I have used other Atlanta agencies and been absolutely thrilled with the quality of service - as to the taste in my mouth....... see the review when I post one...

bballs 40 Reviews 713 reads
8 / 21

From your post it didn't sound like you had one particular lady in mind or that you told jas that you did

NCNS blows obviously, not challenging that - just wondering about your procedures

1382316 137 Reviews 806 reads
9 / 21

I indeed had a specific lady and a 'back-up' in mind and made that request on my initial inquiry. I also have to work within some very tight travel schedules so if I pre-book well in advance I can sometimes alter my movements to accommodate the particular lady. What is really pissy about this situation is that I knew I was going to be done by 2pm, could have easily caught a flight home, but stayed over just to accommodate her schedule (and to experience some things that the lady requested could supply).

Posted By: bballs
From your post it didn't sound like you had one particular lady in mind or that you told jas that you did  
 NCNS blows obviously, not challenging that - just wondering about your procedures

1382316 137 Reviews 893 reads
10 / 21

Owner finally got back to me with  apologies, s*#t happens sometimes and it sounds like things spiraled totally out of control over there. I hope it became a 'learning moment' She was kind enough to offer an opportunity for redemption the next time I am in town.  All hoping for a better tomorrow.

HarryWacker 550 reads
11 / 21

There's a few blue clothed ppl saying that over and over at DragonCon. Something about a Hope corps or something.

Given enough time, things tend to work out.
Posted By: tedro74
Owner finally got back to me with  apologies, s*#t happens sometimes and it sounds like things spiraled totally out of control over there. I hope it became a 'learning moment' She was kind enough to offer an opportunity for redemption the next time I am in town.  All hoping for a better tomorrow.

GennaDimera See my TER Reviews 1326 reads
12 / 21

Use an Independent next time!   ;)

Agencies have their place but in my opinion, they are just too high-volume to give you personalized service and attention.  And I think that they work better for clients who live in town and use them regularly and are usually seeking same-day or next-day appointments.

Independents (at least low-volume ones) are more used to gentleman who book in advance and they are usually corresponding with you personally so there is less of a chance of something happening like what happened to you.  I am not saying that it does not happen with Independents; just far less likely.  You still would need to research their reviews and make sure they have a reputation of being reliable.

I've been in the business for a few years now and I can recommend some great Independents that are very professional and reliable.  

Better luck to you next time you come to Atlanta, sweetie

ToniLove See my TER Reviews 632 reads
13 / 21

We need drinks soon :)  
Hope you're well!!

ncreaver 6 Reviews 971 reads
14 / 21

While independents also have their place, in my opinion many lack accountability to be depended on day in and day out.  

At least most agencies will do right by their clients if one of their ladies doesn't perform to reasonable expectations. Also, it's much easier for agencies to find a backup should stuff happen at the last minute (and stuff always has a way of happening at the last minute).

I'm not saying that agencies are perfect. But for most business travelers, agencies offer that great combination of accountability, dependability, and choice.

ATLDAWG 442 reads
15 / 21

Good that you struck gold-how about name the good one ?  Looking for clues isn't the name of the game Tedro !!

ATLDAWG 522 reads
16 / 21

Always go with independents-no reason to deal with an agency ie...  ( "Middle Man/Woman" with a price markup and usually not staffed by anyone who has a vested interest in the outcome !!  I suspect a high turnover rate in agency schedulers and flaky gals) !! Just sayin' !!

Posted By: GennaDimera
Use an Independent next time!   ;)  
 Agencies have their place but in my opinion, they are just too high-volume to give you personalized service and attention.  And I think that they work better for clients who live in town and use them regularly and are usually seeking same-day or next-day appointments.  
 Independents (at least low-volume ones) are more used to gentleman who book in advance and they are usually corresponding with you personally so there is less of a chance of something happening like what happened to you.  I am not saying that it does not happen with Independents; just far less likely.  You still would need to research their reviews and make sure they have a reputation of being reliable.  
 I've been in the business for a few years now and I can recommend some great Independents that are very professional and reliable.  
 Better luck to you next time you come to Atlanta, sweetie!  

jbob0099 14 Reviews 550 reads
17 / 21

I have used both Indis and agencies ... (though more indies I think) and dont think one is better than the other ... In general agencies may take a markup but then they provide a service to the provider that she does not have to do herself, and some agencies (like Sunny/exotic flavors) are actually cheaper than many independents.  Agencies can provide backup and suggest alternatives, an option you do not get with Indies.  So I would not slam or exclude agencies ... just recognize there are good and bads in each and also that sometime s**t just happens even to the best of us.

ATLDAWG 437 reads
18 / 21

I used to use agencies-that was before the internet, etc...and like lots of other Hobbyists-If I liked the gal-I would get her phone number and contact her direct going forward-therefore avoiding the agency and helping her build her client base-and I never asked her to accept less in payment than what the agency fee was.  Built a of great contacts in lots of cities over the years that way !  So I was one of those scourges of the agencies ! almost every profession...side work is King !

jbob0099 14 Reviews 513 reads
19 / 21

I have a philosophical disagreement with you.  As in any business you have the individual contractors and those that work through a company/agency.  The ones that are through the agency pay the agency a fee, but it takes care of many backend functions for them like marketing and advertising etc.  This is a cost they save.  IMHO to work through an agency and then do side contracts directly with customers is unethical.  

Posted By: ATLDAWG
I used to use agencies-that was before the internet, etc...and like lots of other Hobbyists-If I liked the gal-I would get her phone number and contact her direct going forward-therefore avoiding the agency and helping her build her client base-and I never asked her to accept less in payment than what the agency fee was.  Built a of great contacts in lots of cities over the years that way !  So I was one of those scourges of the agencies ! almost every profession...side work is King !

zorrf 596 reads
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Is that generalizations are stupid.  I was probably about 11...maybe 12 when I did.  So it's puzzling to encounter adults that haven't had that lesson yet.

ATLDAWG 497 reads
21 / 21

I didn't mean to imply that it was ethical !  However----it's Real !!!!  Have a Nice Day !

Posted By: jbob0099
I have a philosophical disagreement with you.  As in any business you have the individual contractors and those that work through a company/agency.  The ones that are through the agency pay the agency a fee, but it takes care of many backend functions for them like marketing and advertising etc.  This is a cost they save.  IMHO to work through an agency and then do side contracts directly with customers is unethical.    
Posted By: ATLDAWG
I used to use agencies-that was before the internet, etc...and like lots of other Hobbyists-If I liked the gal-I would get her phone number and contact her direct going forward-therefore avoiding the agency and helping her build her client base-and I never asked her to accept less in payment than what the agency fee was.  Built a of great contacts in lots of cities over the years that way !  So I was one of those scourges of the agencies ! almost every profession...side work is King !

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