
I'd be moving on down the line. ...
austin197 2 Reviews 2095 reads
1 / 39

I have been trying to see a well reviewed provider but it has been frustrating. She has the most extensive process to get verified that I have ever been thru. I understand this and don't have a problem with it but when I was trying to get verified it took her assistant a long time to get back with me to let me know if I had been verified or not. Our first meeting was gone before the assistant let me know that she I had not been verified. Luckily I didn't wait around and made another appointment with someone else.

Now that I have been verified we have confirmed a day and time but the length of the session is in question. Once again I have tried to contact the assistant to confirm this detail but have gotten no response. I would expect a lot better from a provider of this caliber. What is the best way to approach this situation?

bballs 40 Reviews 1605 reads
2 / 39

Sdd like a hassle but Gotta know when to walk; the time you've wasted you ain't getting back

xyz23 45 Reviews 1319 reads
4 / 39

...This may not quite qualify for what I'm about to say but it's so close I'll say it anyway.

I will beg for pussy. I will pay for pussy. I will not beg to pay for pussy.

austin197 2 Reviews 1628 reads
5 / 39

Posted By: bballs
Sdd like a hassle but Gotta know when to walk; the time you've wasted you ain't getting back
Wise words and so true. I think it is perfectly acceptable to set a reasonable deadline to year back from a provider and if they don't respond then find another one. There is a point where the chess game becomes a crap shoot and the odds are stacked against you.

austin197 2 Reviews 1984 reads
6 / 39

The bad thing about that is providers don't like to have their time wasted. I can understand that. If you start booking with several at once that means you will need to cancel with some of them and they won't like that at all. IMHO, it is best to have a time in mind when to pull the trigger and call someone else. If the original provider does happen to get back to you at the last minute then it is their own fault. But that is my humble opinion.

austin197 2 Reviews 1202 reads
7 / 39

Posted By: xyz23
...This may not quite qualify for what I'm about to say but it's so close I'll say it anyway.  
 I will beg for pussy. I will pay for pussy. I will not beg to pay for pussy.
It makes me wonder how she has so many great reviews.

foguete69 38 Reviews 1359 reads
8 / 39

the provider with a alter ego!!!!  Shhhhh  that type of provider usually is lousy at time management but fucks up a storm.  This is what I suspect here.  lol

Just my own personal observation.

wege1010 11 Reviews 1081 reads
9 / 39

And Miss B IS an awesome lady!!!  
Who does Mary Poppins screen for? :-)

Posted By: GingerTaylor1234
just duck out and avoid the so-called "DRAMA"...LOL. But, in catch-22 type issues, no one is perfect, but, I TRY to imploy The Golden Rule. If the shoe was on the other foot...if YOU were a lady, had a screener, whom you paid, but, was screwing up appts. for YOU with clients who really wanted to meet you...would you want someone to nicely and discreetly tell you? Personally, I would. I don't have that issue cuz my screener is like Mary Poppins...practically perfect in every way, but, just posing the question here. One thing that is sad to me in this ever changing "plugged in" world, people often don't take the time to help someone out. Everyone is in such a rush to avoid drama and I totally understand why. But, by avoiding drama, you avoid PEOPLE. LOL. With people, comes problems and drama. It's inevitable. It's what you do NEXT that counts. Just food for thought. ;) Maybe if the screener just gets the message, she can improve her response time in some manner?

anonymousfun 6 Reviews 1375 reads
10 / 39

Big fucking deal.  

What is the point of the post?

marchon 1353 reads
11 / 39

it goes both ways.....many ladies double book to guarantee they're gonna get an appointment (and income) from someone.

marchon 1057 reads
12 / 39
marchon 1345 reads
14 / 39

There is no cure for stupid......

austin197 2 Reviews 1306 reads
15 / 39

Posted By: anonymousfun
Big fucking deal.  
 What is the point of the post?
You are certainly entitled to your opinion but it has nothing to do with not responding to my liking as much as not responding at all. The point of the post, if you read it, is to find out how the best way to approach the situation. Do you have a constructive answer?

austin197 2 Reviews 1653 reads
16 / 39
xyz23 45 Reviews 1460 reads
17 / 39 will get one of them pissed at you and word would get around. Not what you want.

bballs 40 Reviews 1286 reads
18 / 39
GoGoGretchen 1331 reads
19 / 39

I was not suggesting "double booking."   I was just suggesting that he initiate conversation + Then, go with the provider who responds fastest.   To me, "booking is complete," when I have the client's date and time and identifying details.  We have agreed on a date and time to met.  That is when "the deal is sealed" with me.  However, if the client is just initiating contact and asking general questions, I don't take that as a "real appointment" on the books !!!

wege1010 11 Reviews 1345 reads
20 / 39

A perfect provider? She screens for you??? :-)
I will never forget either... "No, I just act like it." LOL
Thank you for the compliment! MUAH back at ya!

Posted By: GingerTaylor1234
some very perfect provider! Thank you, hon, I'm sure she appreciates that! I will never forget..."Are you A-----?" ROTFLMAO!!!!! Of course she was great to YOU, you are ideal in every way and a joy to be around! MUAH

xyz23 45 Reviews 1213 reads
21 / 39

...please explain exactly what you meant if not that.

anonymousfun 6 Reviews 1271 reads
23 / 39

and you want advise on approaching a person known only to you.  

My advise, move on if no  

Good luck to you dude

austin197 2 Reviews 1121 reads
24 / 39

Posted By: anonymousfun
 and you want advise on approaching a person known only to you.  
 My advise, move on if no  
 Good luck to you dude
The name is irrelevant. The situation is what is important.

Advisor2008 212 Reviews 1481 reads
25 / 39

Ter ad.

Ad link.

Gretchen. Here is some hopefully helpful advice
1). Use the URL link below to include your ad on every post.  If people like your post they may follow the hook to your ad
2). Join the provider only board.  The ladies here have an active back channel support system
3). Not sure why your name does not include your profile access, at the top.  Probably means you have an inactive profile or no reviews.  I would review or create your profile by contacting ter support to get this link fixed. Many of guys actively use your name link to the profile to learn about you.
4). Never under estimate how lazy some of us are.  Every post may trigger us to want to know more about you.  Make it very very simple

Advisor2008 212 Reviews 1211 reads
26 / 39

And it's thorns will prick just the same.

I think what several people are telling you is that it isn't going to get any better.  If you want to have fun in the hobby you have to throw out a lot of lines.

Indies are especially challenging.  The individual lady has to balance the admin and the session.  If they are highly reviewed, they get to pick and be very selective often balancing new clients with an impressive list of repeat customers.

Some are just extremely disorganized

Some believe silence is better than a rejection because it prevents you from debating

But you control your own hobby success

That is why we say
Move o

austin197 2 Reviews 1262 reads
27 / 39

Posted By: Advisor2008
And it's thorns will prick just the same.  
 I think what several people are telling you is that it isn't going to get any better.  If you want to have fun in the hobby you have to throw out a lot of lines.  
 Indies are especially challenging.  The individual lady has to balance the admin and the session.  If they are highly reviewed, they get to pick and be very selective often balancing new clients with an impressive list of repeat customers.  
 Some are just extremely disorganized  
 Some believe silence is better than a rejection because it prevents you from debating  
 But you control your own hobby success  
 That is why we say  
 Move on  
I agree and that makes sense. I guess what I am looking for is the best way to move on. Should a guy wait to hear back or just look elsewhere. My feeling is that by a reasonable time it is OK to look elsewhere if the provider has not made contact. I have no problem moving on I am just wondering what is the best way to handle it.

GaGambler 1418 reads
28 / 39

Our little Fungus seems to always be in a bad mood. I guess he wakes up, looks in the mirror and realizes that today, just like every other day for him, is going to be a bad one. No wonder he is always in a foul mood.

-- Modified on 5/31/2014 12:12:21 PM

GaGambler 1212 reads
29 / 39

Take me for example, even some of the most sensitive posters here (not all of course) give me a pass on my "assholishness" because I at least make them laugh while they are getting mad at me.

Fungus is simply "rude and hateful" as you so artfully put it, with no redeeming qualities, well none that I can see at least.

Isn't this supposed to be fun? I honestly don't think that he is having any fun here, do you?

GaGambler 1167 reads
30 / 39

of course so does AF, except in his case, he grows on you like a fungus, which is not really such a good thing. lol

Advisor2008 212 Reviews 1233 reads
31 / 39

One reason I tend to use agencies, is contact is easier and you usually have a few options if choice 1 is not available.

With indies, your best vet is to prequalify with several.  Let them know up front you are trying to make future scheduling cleaner.  This will shorten time when actively scheduling.

If you build a dance card of favorites then you can almost set up a schedule.

It's okay to request scheduling options from several ladies, but once you commit to a time let the others know.  If two come back positive politely suggest an alternative day or time, it's a scheduling conflict.  

How long you wait is up to you.  I have similar thread below around how long you should tolerate a late start.  The answer is it depends.

At the end of the day, it's your call.  You are the buyer.  It's your time and your money.  If she does not reply within your shopping window, no guilt, no harm, no foul.  You just move on.  If she comes back positive, pick a new date.

Happy hobbying

89Springer 1107 reads
32 / 39

that her name was mentioned on the TER forum.  There's a great provider who's just terrible at communication. Awful. If I need to get an answer to question such as "are we meeting tomorrow", and she's not responding, I'll just send her a text telling her that her name was mentioned. She'll get back to me in under 60 seconds.

austin197 2 Reviews 1404 reads
33 / 39

Posted By: GaGambler
Our little Fungus seems to always be in a bad mood. I guess he wakes up, looks in the mirror and realizes that today, just like every other day for him, is going to be a bad one. No wonder he is always in a foul mood.

-- Modified on 5/31/2014 12:12:21 PM
LOL!.I participate in a few political debate forums so I am used to the grumpy-ness. It is quite mild here compared to those places. I don't mind rude people on forums too much. Sometimes they can really contribute if given the chance.

austin197 2 Reviews 1281 reads
34 / 39

Posted By: Advisor2008
One reason I tend to use agencies, is contact is easier and you usually have a few options if choice 1 is not available.  
 With indies, your best vet is to prequalify with several.  Let them know up front you are trying to make future scheduling cleaner.  This will shorten time when actively scheduling.  
 If you build a dance card of favorites then you can almost set up a schedule.  
 It's okay to request scheduling options from several ladies, but once you commit to a time let the others know.  If two come back positive politely suggest an alternative day or time, it's a scheduling conflict.    
 How long you wait is up to you.  I have similar thread below around how long you should tolerate a late start.  The answer is it depends.  
 At the end of the day, it's your call.  You are the buyer.  It's your time and your money.  If she does not reply within your shopping window, no guilt, no harm, no foul.  You just move on.  If she comes back positive, pick a new date.  
 Happy hobbying
Yeah, it is what it is. I think being considerate of a providers time and simply being polite yet straight forward pays off. I have had more interaction with this provider since starting this thread. The assistant has improved communication and the provider deserves all the great reviews...she is great, BTW. The assistant issue is a matter of inexperience. That is my take on it anyway. Still I think it is OK to move on to another provider in a situation like this. I decided to follow thru with a session....glad I did.

anonymousfun 6 Reviews 1183 reads
35 / 39

Nothing has context. It is butterfly flapping its wings in Bali.

As far as moving on is concerned, you are hopeless otherwise you would have moved on already instead of whining.

austin197 2 Reviews 1468 reads
37 / 39

Posted By: anonymousfun
Nothing has context. It is butterfly flapping its wings in Bali.  
 As far as moving on is concerned, you are hopeless otherwise you would have moved on already instead of whining.
Nice try but I am not telling you a name or place. A hypothetical can be discussed without mentioning such details.  

No whining here although that is your perception. But riddle me this: is it any better complaining about a providers assistant that doesn't communicate or whining about what someone posts on the internet?

GaGambler 1225 reads
38 / 39

I see you have met our village idiot.

Pay no attention to Fungus, he is in a perpetual bad mood, and has been for years.

As for your OP, I have limits on how many hoops I will jump through to get laid, no matter how hot or how fantastic the lady is in bed. Everyone's limits are different, but it sounds like you are reaching yours. It could be the providers fault and the "booker" is only following her bosses instructions, or it could just be a very inefficient booker and the lady herself might not even know that her booker is causing issues for her.

I would suggest that if there is a way to get a message directly to the lady in question without having it go through the booker, you might bring this to her attention, for her own good if nothing else, but I will concede that might not even be possible, in which case my only advice would be to move on to a woman that you can actually schedule with.

GaGambler 997 reads
39 / 39

You make me look downright nice in comparison to you. lol

Now come on and give us another example of your rapier like wit.

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