
I went to the coast this weekend..
AtlantaaAnnyaa 9644 reads

Check out the pics..

I bet you were a ton of fun! (no pun intended)

I guess it's OK to make a fat joke towards this provider? Do you ever stop to think how hurtful those comments may be? Probably not because people like you don't think. They just respond with an obvious observation. You can't even generate enough brain power to joke intelligently, let alone offer a compliment. Heaven forbid people be nice to one another.

Usually the only time people take offense or feel the hurtfulness of a remark, is when some moron says, "No pun intended." Because you are assured that the pun was intended, and it is hurtful.

Why and how it remains OK for the general public to make fat jokes in this so PC country is beyond me. Being fat or obese is the last discrimination going. It's time to stop. America is 61% overweight and obesity is quickly becomming the number 1 cause of preventable death, just barely behind smoking.

Sometimes the best thing to say, is to say nothing at all. That's something I'd suggest to you both next time you lash out at someone for any reason. Stop and think how you would feel if someone were saying something about you.


Krunchie10242 reads

I'm sorry if you are offended in Orlando, Florida, about light hearted banter I have engaged in with Annya from time to time on our local Atlanta boards in our hood.  Annya posted recently that only clients that looked as good as Antonio Banderas could get discounts which undercuts the premis, that apperance shouldn't matter, of your lengthy post.  I'm glad that you apparently did not see that, nor other posts on our Atlanta boards that would cause you difficulities or the need for you to post a missive to Annya concerning the lack of conformity to your's and the Orlando communities standards.  Please accept my apology for any offense you have derived to yourself in Orlando from these comments.  As you stated, "sometimes it is better to say nothing" after you so constructively and positvely stated, "people like us don't think", "can't generate enough brain power to joke intelligently", and are "morons".

Fat jokes are offensive to some if not to Annya.  Its just common sense.

Well, I think Jimbo was very sweet to defend my honor. Thanks Jimbo :) for that. Krunchie however, does have a very dry sense of humor and even though we have had our share of disagreements I feel that now we are at a truce, so his comment didn't offend me. As for the Antonio Bandaras look alike, well that was a joke as I see all kinds of men of all races, sizes, ages and none of them get free sessions neither would Antonio LOL. I do however think that alot of hobbiests don't realize that for every man that enjoys the company of a thin provider, there is another hobbiest that prefers a heavy woman. In general I am never offended by jokes or comments about my weight because since becoming a provider I have seen just how many men out there truly like me for my size and it's done wonders for my self  esteem. I enjoy my job, and I do fine and the men who love a heavy woman are satisfied and happy with me and most importantly these days I am happy with myself. So I say to each his own, theres someone for everyone.

Annya :)

First of all, I don't see why you keep making reference to me being here in Florida, and you being there. This is a free country, and Atlanta happens to be the nearest board other than the Florida board. Yet you mention Orlando three times and Atlanta twice. No where while signing up for this website did I see anything regarding posting only in your local area. If that were true the general discussion board couldn't exist. Look around, people post from all over to different boards. No one has dominion over one certain area.

Secondly, I'm not in Orlando. I'm close to Orlando, but not in Orlando. Also, why mention my post was lengthy? Is there a word limit to posts? I'll speak my mind and write my opinions and experiences in as lengthy or brief postings as I see fit.

Thirdly, no, I didn't see other posts you've made about or to Annya. Didn't know before someone could post they had to go back and read every other post that's ever been made.

Fourthly, no where in my post did I state anything about 'looks shouldn't matter'. (Althought that is an excellent point.) I was making my point that rather than leave her post alone or say something positive you had to resort to a fat joke. So your arguement of her posting about Antonio Bandares holds no ground. And by the way, I did see her post, as I frequent the Atlanta board. Totally irrelevant for you to bring him or her up when I was directing my post to you and soliddude. Hence my subject line.

If in the past you two have exchanged barbs then so be it. It's just such a shame that one has to dig into the obvious to try and get a laugh. And that has absolutely zero to do with my or any communities standards. Trying to make me out to be something bigger, some sort of moral police is assignign.

Lastly, keep your apology, take anything you said or I said and do whatever you'd like with them. My comments about, "people like us don't think", "can't generate enough brain power to joke intelligently", and are "morons" will prove themselves to be right. This process has already begun and are clearly seen in your attempts to defend your original post.


Very nicely, and eloquently stated Jimbo. :)

must be bored man- i couldn't care less about your banter- banter on!

If you don't care so much why post?


-- Modified on 9/28/2003 3:10:46 PM

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