
How Is JOLIE Doing She Is An AFT Of Mine When I lived In Atlanta?
ferrari_dude69 8755 reads

There where alot of posting's I saw on her, so I am checking up on a friend of mine!
Thank You,

-- Modified on 12/2/2003 10:45:08 AM

brookebutler8937 reads

This is a tad bit odd to me. If you and she saw one another enough to be your ATF, and you know her website, what is the problem here?

She posts on here regularly and I know that when I have tried to get in touch with her, she always answers the phone.

Forgive me but this sounds a little fishy here. Jolie is one of our Angels and I am sure she doesn't need any stress. Just contact her.

Something about this odd post doesn't sit right with me on this. Jolie, use caution with this person.

love ya,

Dear Brooke,
I saw all of the tread & wanted to know from people in atlanta how she is for if I asked her she would of course say "fine"!
Get her on the phone, you must have another number than me for I alway's had to leave her a message.
Brooke, I hope this resolve's you doubt's & question's!

Krunchie10450 reads

The only thing he left out this time was the members rap.

Members! Pass the bug spray! Quick!

Who is HO Dude, Joe? For I am xta_sea(main), sea_ya, good friend(my aliases) which where name's of two of my race boat's (fyi)!
Willie, What is wrong being friend's with Lezley, she is a great person to call my friend! (Do you what her personal email address or phone number)?(lol)

-- Modified on 12/2/2003 2:39:01 PM

Sentence structure and spelling?

Now, when are you going to give to me my lessons in Grammar. Knowing how to speak such fine languages does not mean they still should not be fine tuned with proper grammar usage. Heidi told me she met you recently. She told me about it. She took all you had and made sure of it from what I can gather. She is a giver to though (of course). She is now telling me about infrared film and films altogether. She is overly excited about doing something prior to this upcoming Mercury Retrograde. It is about a week I think. Mike South is in Canada until then. What would the members here think of BillinAtlanta doing our film for us? That is a type of humor statement not to be taken literal by any means. But, would like to know how BillinAtlanta feels about it. I also need to fine tune a few other items that I could use your masculine fingers for. Been doing meditation with Heidi. Would like to try a few new things using your body if that is OK. You may or may not enjoy it yourself, but I will promise not to ramble to much and try to bring pleasure to you with these new things. Oh, and I promise to actually do all of that at my office.

HO_DUDE has been nice to me, but did tell me that recent reviews indicate I need to see his plastic surgeon friend. Scared to death of needles though. Usually, surgery requires a few of them from pre to during. I hate any needles. I do not like skin punctures on any level (unless I am riding an ATV, then it is still not any fun, but can justify it).

How grammatically incorrect is this post? Brooke, Joeether, and Krunchie all have excellent word usage and smooth grammar flow. Why are my posts usually hard for some to understand? Some have told me this anyway.

I really do not want to know any answers to any of these questions. Just indiciating that all is fine for me. No concerns should arise with anyone here (pertaining to me). I do not want anyone I used to work for or with to start bashing me on the board for whatever reason they have. So, LET this thread die. That person does not like it when I get too much attention from what I have discovered. That hurts me knowing this person feels that way. But, oh well is what I think about it.

I like being unique/odd like you BillinAtlanta, (and multi useful in this world), but do not like negative attention from those that like to attack the kooks of the world like us. Did I spell that right? I do not much like that word though. I would probably prefer to be called something with earlier vowels in it (a,e,i). Less fond of the later vowels (o,u and isn't "y" one too in some cases?). Come with me, teach me proper word usage (funny how Heidi drops hints sometimes), and do some films for Heidi and myself?


Would love to get with you/and/or Heidi to do some film.  This week is out due to a lot of prior commitments and I need to send some examples of my previous films.  I'll email more since you want this tread to die :).  Oh,, nuttin wrong with your sentence structure or spelling.  I can see your mind working as you write. Its when writing is meaningless and has no redeeming qualities that I have problems.  As a matter of fact, I find your writing style very intriquing.


You speak French, Greek, Russian, Italian and Spanish.  That is an impressive list, the last thing you should be concerned about is grammar.

Jolie and her friends,,forget anything else.  Well,,, not really,, but I WOULD shoot them with no strings attached ;) - Other than I'd get to fondle the photos


I feel you are reading, just not posting. Either way this is not worth you effort IMHO. Thanks Brooke for your good advice.

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