
I have a question...may be silly but, here it goes....
Khori See my TER Reviews 1535 reads
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What do you think of hair color?  Preference?  I'm going natural....and was turned down for an extended visit because I don't color my hair anymore---oh, and I've been seeing him for 7 question of my age,  but is it REALLY that important?  I'm perplexed.....Who fucks someone's hair?   LOL!   Sorry if this is a repeat question and,  I think pretty silly...but I still want to know.....oh,  and I made him go limp when I told him I don't color my hair anymore...WTF?  LOL!  



sailor66 14 Reviews 754 reads
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No need to try and be something you aren't just to please someone else. As far as the guy who chose to stop seeing you because you quit coloring your hair, methinks he has bigger issues than just hair.

steel949 21 Reviews 397 reads
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Khori See my TER Reviews 543 reads
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......but the color was breaking my hair off.....I'd rather have naturally silver hair, than no hair...LOL!  It was time to quit....NOT trying to make this all about me....sorry everyone...  :(

rbhobbydude 6 Reviews 583 reads
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Some gotta have blonde, some brunette, some red head, some gotta have ebony, some white, some Asian.  Some gotta have big boobs, some small boobs, some natural boobs, some enhanced boob, big asses, small asses.  Jeez it goes on and on.  I guess you, with your old hair color, were right in his fantasy world.  

You will still have plenty of guys that luv ya for what who you are, so don't stress over it.

I just like girls don't care as long as they are willing to give me a good time, oh and they are hot.  LOL

bigjoe2002 55 Reviews 290 reads
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To me color is ok but natural hair is better.

-- Modified on 6/16/2015 2:39:15 PM

WilliamKidd 11 Reviews 391 reads
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For me it depends on the woman.  Some women can pull off colors others can't.  Hair color is not a big deal.  Although I have to say there is something about a very attractive natural red head.

That being said whatever you do do not have it look like you stuck your head in a bucket of black ink.  Or if you are going blond do not have big, dark eyebrows.

LayDownSally 5 Reviews 256 reads
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IT would not matter to me. Now, that said, different horses for different courses.  Wish him well as he moves on, I say. You seem to be doing something comfortable for you.  So, that is the right thing. Other fellas around to take his place.

xyz23 45 Reviews 464 reads
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...I don't choose who to see because of any particular thing. I am an ass man but I don't automatically eliminate a provider from my possible list if her's isn't ideal. I like natural hair but if blond hair is due to hair color I won't decide against her. I know there are guys that are that way but I don't get it. As long as what you have is clean and combed/brushed I'm fine with it. (Colored hair is ok with me as long as it's a color natural to humans. Red/blue/black or what have you from a paint bucket won't get it.)

You and I talked about this a while back. I liked the fact you were letting your natural color grow out. I'll like the way you'll look with it. I say you need to do what you want to do and what's good for you.

No doubt there will be guys to take his place and they'll do it because you're going with what you've got.

Keep on keeping on. It's your thing, do what you wanna do.

hoss2 33 Reviews 384 reads
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But to each his own in this hobby...
To me, it's more about the person i'm paying to spend time with than their hair;
You're a beautiful exotic woman and won't have any problem replacing him.

Khori See my TER Reviews 212 reads
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I didn't mean to make this post about me.....but,   I guess......I was really wondering what everyone thinks of mature women with silver hair?!   It's only natural!  LOL...thank you so are a doll.....I wish I could go back brown,  but, it's not in the cards.....I give up....into "life" as it


Khori See my TER Reviews 339 reads
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Kind words from a kind Gentleman.....


In all honesty.....I'm feeling a bit awkward posting this...I wasn't looking for compliments.......just a real sense of a guy's feeling on a silver headed chick.....LOL!  Oh well....

Khori See my TER Reviews 422 reads
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I was a hair stylist back in the day for many,  I know what chemicals "can do" to your hair......that's why I'm going natural.....

Thanks for your post...  :)


players2 9 Reviews 318 reads
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I am an equal opportunity person. I certainly have my favorites- red streaks -natural-blonde- red heads - brunettes- dirty brown or blonde- name it I am in. I can't imagine not seeing someone I have seen for 7 years due to hair color-let's just fuck our brains out gezz. Cheers

Warmandsmooth 11 Reviews 490 reads
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anonymousfun 6 Reviews 393 reads
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Many unimportant things in life are very important to some people. I just told someone that, if you are not a fanatic about things, and donโ€™t expect others to behave as you want them to behave, you will have less stress.

If you can laugh at the situation, even better

Logostuck 31 Reviews 452 reads
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She's been all gray for many many years and she looks great.  ๐Ÿ˜

To answer your question, I don't schedule an appointment based on hair color.  I guess I would lean to preferring natural, but it's really not a big deal to me.  Whatever makes the lady feel sexy is cool with me.  

Khori, I know you didn't want this to be about you, but I have to add my two cents.  YOU LOOK GREAT!  ๐Ÿ˜˜


Skylar Raine See my TER Reviews 319 reads
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And are obviously are beautiful person who many providers respect omg with many others who love your company...

"Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind"

Keep Rockin you girl! And, hell if that is what someone wants- they do make a great wigs ... Jus saying.


AlexandraMilw See my TER Reviews 476 reads
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If he is fucking your hair, IDK what to say!!!

After all that time, he should have developed a rapport with you... for YOU.  

That is quite silly reason to not book with you when he always did prior. Just remember that when he becomes interested again. That is quite demanding for you to be an exact way. You still give it up the same and very little variant involved.

Loyalty runs both ways, remember that. Obviously he is acting childish about your hair color vs the whole package.

Limp over something like that? So he was hard til you told him that? Next time keep things to self because obviously he didn't notice at first.
Posted By: Khori
What do you think of hair color?  Preference?  I'm going natural....and was turned down for an extended visit because I don't color my hair anymore---oh, and I've been seeing him for 7 question of my age,  but is it REALLY that important?  I'm perplexed.....Who fucks someone's hair?   LOL!   Sorry if this is a repeat question and,  I think pretty silly...but I still want to know.....oh,  and I made him go limp when I told him I don't color my hair anymore...WTF?  LOL!    

bigjoe2002 55 Reviews 329 reads
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Khori you don't need to worry about it. you are cute with going either way. It might just be an excuse.

Khori See my TER Reviews 246 reads
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Khori See my TER Reviews 383 reads
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Khori See my TER Reviews 458 reads
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Skylar,  very kind words....thank you very, very much....  xo

Khori See my TER Reviews 354 reads
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Funny,  he texted me......I just acted like nothing was said.....oh well.....I'm not everyone's cup of

Khori See my TER Reviews 457 reads
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Big Joe,  you are a sweet heart,  thanks much!

Khori See my TER Reviews 534 reads
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And,  he's much older than I am...even though I'm ancient...good grief.....

foguete69 38 Reviews 367 reads
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depends on the woman.  My current personal preference is black but I have dated married and been involved with redheads and blondes  more often then not.  Since its all about the fantasy maybe that's why I don't seek out redheads or blondes as providers, lol.   As far as gray or silver hair there is time for everything and I am sure you know more important then the color is the condition and health and style of a woman's hair.

electr0nsrealm 45 Reviews 358 reads
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The story of my life...

To your question - whatever makes you feel sexy is what I want.  I'm all about natural, so that would absolutely be cool with me. I'd much rather have you be who you are and comfortable with it than trying to be something that you aren't.  If you're not comfortable about yourself it generally shows up in your enthusiasm (or lack of it) during an encounter.

You seem super cool, so I know there will always be guys lining up to make your acquaintance.  We meet in a kind of fantasy world where we get to see the best in our partners for a slice of time.  But even so, I want my partners to be as happy and comfortable as they can be, so we can all have a great time.  There's a saying here in the south "If mama ain't happy, ain't nobody happy."  I would say in the hobby world that if a lady isn't at least relaxed, comfortable, and sexy (if not happy) then it's going to be hard for her to show the client her best.

As far as your gent, I have no idea what that was about. It sounds like he may have just wanted a change and this was something he could use as an excuse.  Admittedly, an incredibly lame one, but an excuse nonetheless.  I'm guessing if it wasn't hair color it would've been something else.  I wouldn't waste any calories over it.  As has already been pointed out, it just frees up some of your time for a new, awesome gent that you can spend time with.  That will love and respect you for who you are.  

How are you on natural hair color for guys since we're on the subject?  Or is hair optional altogether  (here's hoping lol).  I'm cautiously optimistic that you don't have a lot of expectations around that.  Some of us are follicularly challenged.

As some of us older gents have discovered much truth in that wise saying "Hair today, gone tomorrow."


Khori See my TER Reviews 442 reads
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Trust me,  I KNOW this person.....while away,  he has gotten me 2 hair appointments to color my roots.  I'm NOT totally silver, yet,  just roots......the damage color does to my hair, isn't worth it anymore.  And neither is he.  OH he was serious about the color....but, he's no show pony either.......I am not angry at him for not wanting to see me.....he has his specs....and that's ok....but, it just seemed to be silly.  After all our is in question?  Guys have their preferences, and that's fine with me.........


electr0nsrealm 45 Reviews 317 reads
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Is it silly?  Sure.  But people are often silly.  And the dynamics of relationships are complicated.  Especially so in long term relationships.  Big things become small things and small things become big things.  And there is the etherealness of sexual chemistry and romantic attraction.  Oh, and folks are fickle.  And sometimes douchebags...  

Come to think of it - I wonder how we get along for any length of time at all, really.  So be happy in the moment.  I suppose that's the lesson to learn.

And speaking of being in the moment I hope you are not missing these nice compliments being thrown your way.  (Wink wink).

And speaking of missing things you also completely avoided my hair preference question for you.

Turnabout is fair play.  Well, actually I'm not sure it is but I'm going to try it anyway.
Posted By: Khori
Trust me,  I KNOW this person.....while away,  he has gotten me 2 hair appointments to color my roots.  I'm NOT totally silver, yet,  just roots......the damage color does to my hair, isn't worth it anymore.  And neither is he.  OH he was serious about the color....but, he's no show pony either.......I am not angry at him for not wanting to see me.....he has his specs....and that's ok....but, it just seemed to be silly.  After all our is in question?  Guys have their preferences, and that's fine with me.........  

Khori See my TER Reviews 308 reads
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Smooch.....   :)   To each their own.....people make choices.......and I am OK with that....

jimbeam#7 48 Reviews 292 reads
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Johnnycade 28 Reviews 464 reads
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Let's unpack this.  I'm sure you are beautiful, your picks show that you are attractive.  There have been lots of positive comments directed towards you, all deserved.  BUT, to answer your original question, aside from not being attracted to gray hair (cut me some slack, I'm only 41), I find hair in general to be important.  Before we get all hippie on the subject, awww shit too late, natural is not necessarily better. Lots of guys like make up and fake boobs . . . those are not natural . . . but vs. no make up and a flat chest . . . (like they say, less is more, unless less is standing next to more, THEN less just looks pathetic).  I'm squarely in the doll-yourself-up camp.  Many have already professed to prefer the natural woman fresh out of the commune under arm hair and all, I tend to think that preposterous, but that's just me and the longer I'm involved in the hobby the more I see that EVERYTHING (and I do mean everything) is attractive to someone.  Like Joaquin Phoenix said, what makes one man puke makes another fall in love.

As to hair.  It matters a lot.  Fuck color, I think style and length matter too.  And woe to those who show pictures that don't match the current hair.  I'll cut slack for some minor variation in style, but length and color matter, just like any other physical attribute.  Not to objectify too much, but there is a difference between a bright pink Charger and a black Charger, one I want, the other I don't.  When I pick from the gallery, I care about the hair and the whole look.

So I guess I'm one of those weirdos that care.  But I also care about the location of tattoos, etc.

Perhaps one day, when I'm much older I'll be cool with uncolored hair, but even now, gray roots showing gives me a big softee. I also hate shaved heads and boy cut hair on women, regardless of color.  Remember Grace Jones, fuckin disgusting hair, great skin and body though

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