
i don't show up with a scorecard.........
wp55285 28 Reviews 397 reads

I don't show up with a scorecard or a checklist to see if some lady "qualifies" as a 9 or 10.  She may very well offer everything, but based upon how the evening went, it never made its way into bed.  Should I penalize her for that?  I don't think so.

My scoring is based upon, for the most part..........
    --How she made me feel.  
    --How long can I wait to see her again.
    --If she wasn't a provider, do I see her as a GF?
    --Did she just have sex with me, or did she make love to me.

I've seen lots of 10's.  What's amazing is once getting harassed by someone that I gave a 9/9 to.....when she deserved an 8/7 lol.

But bottom line.....did she make me forget about everything I know except for her?

A 10 performer really is amazing, often it is her sexual pleasure and enjoyment that acts as a catalyst to your own driving the experience to special levels.    I thought it would be helpful to share what to expect when you sample the bliss she provides.
Good things:
1)    Her pheromones will linger in your bed for hours, making you eager for more, asking for extended hours or a boomerang session with her or anyone else
2)    You will clutch the pillow she used, clinging the memory of her closer to you over night, your dreams are great following sessions with a 10
3)    You will have erotic memory and flashbacks of her pleasures days, weeks, months later, often at visibly embarrassing moments
1)    9 performers feel like 7.  8 performers feel like 4.  You are ruin for new providers until you reset your expectations
2)    You almost become a stalker In trying to become a weekly regular with her
3)    You tolerate really abhorrent behaviors in terms of timeliness, follow up, and communication, (it is like a 10 in bed means 3 in organization)
4)    When she is a 10 not just on the first date, but even on the 7th date later, the effects almost become coded into your DNA and magnified.

Don’t get me wrong, I will always seek out the 10, but sometimes I wonder if I would be better off with a well rounded and consistent set of 9’s.  I keep more control that way.  But I will tell you, if you can find and sustain a connection with a 10, you start to abandon the hobby and think more about being a sugar daddy.

I wonder do you ladies know when you are following a superstar performer?  Do you steer away to not be compared unfavorably to truly amazing experiences or do you like the challenge of being compared to the very best?

Happy Hobbying

But in reality, 10s are more than a step ahead of the pack, they define something beyond.

Faith used to have the ability to bed you into a total stupor.   Angelica had a total commitment of spirit that took you along her endless release.  Jordan has an athletic limberness in her positions you wondered if you could add a new position to the sex library.   And these are legacy 10s.   I am trying not to shill, but there is another true 10 that combines all three of these former champions.

But, you do tolerate real nonsense like timeliness.  With most ladies I will dock a full point in the review at 15 minutes being late and assume nsnc at 30.   With this one lady I have been thrilled when she showed up 2 hrs late because she more than made up for it.  Yep, man down.

Not sure if others have seen this degree of difference in a 10, but I thought my behavior while silly, was worth noting.

It's funny how I have met ladies that were 8's or 9's but thought they were 10's.  But 10's never even think of their score, they just want to maximize your pleasure by maximizing their own.  So I am curious what the ladies think make a 10 session

You walk out with a glazed look on your face and say what the f just happened. Or you trip going into the shower because your legs are to week. You wonder if you could handle her every day- willing to try. I think Tiger ran into that problem with some 10's- back has never been the same .Not that  Lindsey wouldn't be fun- she may have been the issue.

-- Modified on 8/6/2014 5:50:17 PM

IMO I think it takes 2 to make a lady give a 10 performance ;) So if you guys are getting the 10 experience you must be fun as well :) whats the old saying?? Takes two to tango ;)
Hugs and kisses

I do my best but  the chemistry has to work, even for a manslut

BFE's make the GFE's in a way. :)

Posted By: terrilynn
IMO I think it takes 2 to make a lady give a 10 performance ;) So if you guys are getting the 10 experience you must be fun as well :) whats the old saying?? Takes two to tango ;)  
 Hugs and kisses  

Once in a lifetime, right?  I have not yet lived that long.

I have had a few 9's and a few atf's that provided the chemistry for the
euphoria you describe.  indescribable when it happens for someone.
but I know what you mean

I don't give a lot of 10's, and most of my 10's were because that's how they scored out (they just had everything on the menu and no YMMV BS), or they were 10's because they scored close and did something unusual that I felt was a rare thing.  I've always been able to move on, looking for the next girl or next depraved act to complete; and I think that is a good thing given my needs and priorities.

Recently however, I had an experience with a provider that scored out 10, but the shit she did was several rare things (in my experience), and her enthusiasm was unlike any I had ever met before.  Her "wake" was big, I tried to book with a different provider but my standards were so high and the other providers schedule was off, so I broke my own rule and booked my 10 again (with out a different provider in between), which was unfuckinbelievably better than the first session!  Now, I was damaged and I didn't even know it.  I left town, booked another awesome provider that I had a great time with before, and found that my 10 had changed my tastes just enough that I was not enjoying myself (actually in the middle of the session just wishing we could be done).  That experience has changed me a little.  I've done some others since, but always find myself comparing them to her.  Maybe it's that their acting just isn't as good, now that I've seen a better actor (or it might not have been an act), either way the others seem like robots.

Now I know that I have a weakness that was always there, just no one was good enough to get into my head.  Fortunately I don't live near her, so I'm safe for now.

Anyone have any thoughts on how to cleanse myself of that shit?  Usually seeing a new provider or two helps, but I've seen 3 since and no effect.

9s become 7s, 8s become 4s.  And seeing a 10 multiple times corrupts the DNA.   If just seeing one lady can reset you, she wasn't really a 10.  You may just have to ride it out until you get bored.   I have seen one 9 times, haven't gotten bored yet, but other ladies are regaining thier charm.  Another 9 or 10 or several are the cure

Found one several years ago that I think has ruined me for having sex with other women. Every time out was amazing and I could possibly spend the rest of my life looking for someone to make me feel how she did. They will be compared to her as long as I live.

Posted By: Advisor2008
A 10 performer really is amazing, often it is her sexual pleasure and enjoyment that acts as a catalyst to your own driving the experience to special levels.    I thought it would be helpful to share what to expect when you sample the bliss she provides.  
 Good things:  
 1)    Her pheromones will linger in your bed for hours, making you eager for more, asking for extended hours or a boomerang session with her or anyone else  
 2)    You will clutch the pillow she used, clinging the memory of her closer to you over night, your dreams are great following sessions with a 10  
 3)    You will have erotic memory and flashbacks of her pleasures days, weeks, months later, often at visibly embarrassing moments  
 1)    9 performers feel like 7.  8 performers feel like 4.  You are ruin for new providers until you reset your expectations  
 2)    You almost become a stalker In trying to become a weekly regular with her  
 3)    You tolerate really abhorrent behaviors in terms of timeliness, follow up, and communication, (it is like a 10 in bed means 3 in organization)  
 4)    When she is a 10 not just on the first date, but even on the 7th date later, the effects almost become coded into your DNA and magnified.  
 Don’t get me wrong, I will always seek out the 10, but sometimes I wonder if I would be better off with a well rounded and consistent set of 9’s.  I keep more control that way.  But I will tell you, if you can find and sustain a connection with a 10, you start to abandon the hobby and think more about being a sugar daddy.  
 I wonder do you ladies know when you are following a superstar performer?  Do you steer away to not be compared unfavorably to truly amazing experiences or do you like the challenge of being compared to the very best?  
 Happy Hobbying
This is my opinion-and my opinion only.
I don't "follow" anyone, ever. I have many very dear Friends who are "10's" and I totally LOVE them.
But for me, I would find it very hard to have a "once in Lifetime encounter " with every single person I meet--I like to offer a very safe place to come visit, a very real experience and I give it my very best shot every single time. I'm very happy with my 8 and 9's.  
When diamonds shoot out and encrust us both---I'll let ya'll know. Lol
Just keepin it real. ~Evie

I don't show up with a scorecard or a checklist to see if some lady "qualifies" as a 9 or 10.  She may very well offer everything, but based upon how the evening went, it never made its way into bed.  Should I penalize her for that?  I don't think so.

My scoring is based upon, for the most part..........
    --How she made me feel.  
    --How long can I wait to see her again.
    --If she wasn't a provider, do I see her as a GF?
    --Did she just have sex with me, or did she make love to me.

I've seen lots of 10's.  What's amazing is once getting harassed by someone that I gave a 9/9 to.....when she deserved an 8/7 lol.

But bottom line.....did she make me forget about everything I know except for her?

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