
Hobbying is my stress reducer...
wheelchairman 54 Reviews 421 reads

The only time I get a little stress out is when I am meeting a new lady. That's part of the reason why I prefer agencies. Dealing with the same booker helps put me at ease when a new lady is seeing me.

I also don't see the same lady for back to back dates. I have a 2 lady rule meaning that I see two different ladies before I repeat. This helps keep boundaries up.

If the lady ask me to see her again. I tell her I will contact the agency and make a date. Giving out my contact info has led to some strange results. I got hassled in the past to co-sign on an apartment. I was like "what the hell"?

in the hobby, it can be pleasantly great. Everything is going to plan and etc.... However, there are times when nothing doesn't seem to be going right and it can leave a stressful and depressing day or whatever. ... well my question is what are ways that you deal with stress from the hobby? Anyone opinion is welcome. ...

-- Modified on 4/10/2015 4:52:40 PM

if I feel the hobby is adding to it, I'll take a break. There are some stressors in life you cannot take a hiatus from; the hobby is NOT one of them. Cut stress where you can. You can come back later when things are back in perspective and the hobby adds to your enjoyment of life, rather than detracting from it.

That has happened to me.  I do one of three things. This works for me.  One, I do something afterward totally different that connects me with others. Get my mind on something else. That is somewhat like the step away advice mentioned on the thread.  Two, drop it, but that seldom works. Third, and used more often, I do another booking.  In my London days, the was always an agency that had fun girls. They were pretty, but of course, prettier could perhaps be found. The key to that agency. it was Academy Girls, always had girls that were funto be around, easy to get on with, and were good in bed.  I have just started back but JFL is seeming to fit that mold. All of those girls would be a good time is my impression. Helps to forget a bad booking. Bad bookings happen from time to time.

Posted By: bigjoe2002
in the hobby, it can be pleasantly great. Everything is going to plan and etc.... However, there are times when nothing doesn't seem to be going right and it can leave a stressful and depressing day or whatever. ... well my question is what are ways that you deal with stress from the hobby? Anyone opinion is welcome. ...

-- Modified on 4/10/2015 4:52:40 PM

Hmmm, now I'm interested to see where you were going with that Joe.  Care to share with the class?

The hobby is my escape from stress (and the real world for that matter).  I guess it's one of the things I like so much about role play.  I get to be anybody I want, in any erotic, outrageous situation I want for an hour or two at a time.  It's a great break from reality.  I'm sure I would go insane without it as an outlet.  Or at least be really, really, really cranky without it.  LOL

My only stress is usually schedule related - just allowing enough time to get to an incall in Atlanta rush hour traffic.  That would make Gandhi drop some f-bombs!

Senator.Blutarsky426 reads

...if this ever begins to add stress to my life instead of relieve it like it currently does, I'll find something else. I personally can't see that happening, but never say never.  

...just curious, what is it about this playground that you find stressful or depressing?

After some thought the only thing I can come up with that can be stressful (in addition to the aforementioned traffic - which isn't hobby related) are ladies that ask too many personal/inappropriate questions - especially on a first date.  

For example:

Where do you work? (Most likely just curiousity but still uncomfortable)
Are you married/single/divorced/in a relationship? (TMI)
Who else have you seen recently?  (They should know this anyway - especially if you sent over references)
When will you come see me again? (Before the date was even over - too forward)
Why haven't you come to see me more often? (Maybe because you make me uncomfortable with questions like these. LOL)
Why have you been seeing... these other providers? (Yikes)
Why don't you see me exclusively? (I wish I was kidding - and double yikes)
Why do you seem to like a certain ...body type, ethnicity, speciality?  (My proclivities are my own business, not yours)
What rating will you give me? (if the topic of reviews come up - can be awkward)
Did you see what he/she said about so and so on the boards?  (I don't want to spend my valuable time with a lady swapping board gossip/rumors)

BTW I didn't just make these up - I've seriously been asked all those questions at one time or another.  These questions can be stressful to someone honest and polite.  You wind up being torn between a) saying  "it's none of your business" (awkward) or b) answering truthfully (which could range from mildly awkward to ridiculously awkward).  So you see the only way to truly win is for the lady to not ask such questions in the first place.

And let me freely add my disclaimers -
1) Yes, I absolutely agree guys do the same thing to ladies (ask too many personal questions).  Ladies and gents are equally at fault.
2) I understand many of these questions may be brought up gracefully over a long term relationship, that's a different relationship dynamic.
3) Girls and guys both tend to run their mouths without thinking when in stressful situations (such as first dates).  Consequently, most times the spirit of the question is innocent enough - generally no real malice is intended.

Anyway just some thoughts to encourage a stress free environment for all parties involved...  :-

In fact, it's the opposite.  I'm pretty laid back and care free 24/7, so when I'm meeting with one of the ladies of Atlanta, it's a fantasy becoming a reality.  And there is no way I'm bringing any stress into that situation.  

I dig that anxious feeling when I'm on the way to an apointment.  Especially with someone I have not met yet.  Now, with someone I've already seen, that is a whole other level of excitement.  No anxiety or nervousness at all.  I already know we are going have a great time.  Then, it's more about reconnecting with a familiar person and enjoying each other's company.  

Again, no stress.

Of course being a one woman show CAN be stressful. But whenever I do get overwhelmed, which isn't often,  I just take a break. But I always have a limit & always have off days.

I always look forward to my meetings. As many endophins that are being released,  I'm not sure if I ever get stressed. If anything this very therapeutic for me. I love it & I feel very luck to be able to do it.

Now when its over & I have to go back to Calculus, lectures, & annoying 22yr old boys who are completely clueless is when I'm in desperate need of a therapist or a shotgun. Or Oprah!

Good gawd!

THAT'S when I need Iyanla to come fix my life!

The only time I get a little stress out is when I am meeting a new lady. That's part of the reason why I prefer agencies. Dealing with the same booker helps put me at ease when a new lady is seeing me.

I also don't see the same lady for back to back dates. I have a 2 lady rule meaning that I see two different ladies before I repeat. This helps keep boundaries up.

If the lady ask me to see her again. I tell her I will contact the agency and make a date. Giving out my contact info has led to some strange results. I got hassled in the past to co-sign on an apartment. I was like "what the hell"?

LMAO WCman...

Ok, that's a good one to add to my "stressful question" list - "Will you co-sign for my apartment lease?".

Interesting rule on the back to back dates.  I imagine that does help keep boundaries and let cooler heads prevail.  Heh - "heads"...  LOL

Posted By: wheelchairman
The only time I get a little stress out is when I am meeting a new lady. That's part of the reason why I prefer agencies. Dealing with the same booker helps put me at ease when a new lady is seeing me.  
 I also don't see the same lady for back to back dates. I have a 2 lady rule meaning that I see two different ladies before I repeat. This helps keep boundaries up.  
 If the lady ask me to see her again. I tell her I will contact the agency and make a date. Giving out my contact info has led to some strange results. I got hassled in the past to co-sign on an apartment. I was like "what the hell"?

So many beautiful,sexy ladies to see and no unlimited funds can be stressfull.

Since I made the list of stressful/inappropriate questions - for completeness sake here is a list of stress reducing/appropriate questions that providers may ask clients.
In fact some of these questions are so stress reducing they may leave the client doubled over in laughter on the floor.  So, ladies - use them at your own risk.  You've been warned...

Stress reducing/appropriate questions:

How was your day?
Would you like a shower/drink/massage?
What are you into?
How's about those (insert sports team here)?
Nice/awful weather we're having isn't it?
This Atlanta traffic would make Gandhi want to drop some f-bombs, am I right?
Are you good for multiple pops or are you an old fart (sorry I meant to say just good with one?).
Have you been working out?
Did I see you on the cover of last month's GQ?
Are you Richard Gere's stunt double?
Do you have a permit to carry that thing?  Good God!
Somebody needs a big boy condom, don't they?
Is that thing registered as a deadly weapon?
Is it hot in here or is it just you?
I've been a bad girl, do you want to spank me?
Does Daddy want to spank his little girl?
I'm so naughty, do you want to spank me?
Ok - any question requesting spanking is a good bet IMHO.  
Have you done porn?  Pretty sure I recognize you from some porn vids I like...
Would you like some background mood music or will my screams of passion from the countless orgasms you will doubtless be giving me suffice?
Would it offend you if I just gave you this one on the house as you are such an amazing lover?

That about sums it up, but I sincerely hope to see a few more added by some imaginative folks.  :-)

"Did you invent that technique?  Because I've never experienced that before, and it got me off sooo good!"

I actually had a provider tell me how good she O'd after my DATY on her, and that was the first time any client had ever gotten her off with DATY.  This was a well known agency provider, who had done porn films in the past, so I was like "yeah, right!"  Hard to believe something like that, but it sure did sound great and and yes, it certainly made me feel great and "relieved any stress" there may have been.  Of course she went on to relieving in more "realistic" ways throughout the rest of the session.

I think any compliments to our skills, looks or abilities helps relieve stresses or jitters, and thats human nature and should be in all providers' playbook in GFE-101.

Good one OC.  Wow, humblebrag.  You must be some kind of maestro - I've never gotten that kind of compliment.  One time a lady told me I had game.  But now that I think about it we were playing chess at the time.  ;-)

Ok - so another to add to the ok list is something like "Oooh baby - you're awesome, did you invent that technique/position/seizure just for me?".  I like it.

Posted By: OceanCity38
"Did you invent that technique?  Because I've never experienced that before, and it got me off sooo good!"  
 I actually had a provider tell me how good she O'd after my DATY on her, and that was the first time any client had ever gotten her off with DATY.  This was a well known agency provider, who had done porn films in the past, so I was like "yeah, right!"  Hard to believe something like that, but it sure did sound great and and yes, it certainly made me feel great and "relieved any stress" there may have been.  Of course she went on to relieving in more "realistic" ways throughout the rest of the session.  
 I think any compliments to our skills, looks or abilities helps relieve stresses or jitters, and thats human nature and should be in all providers' playbook in GFE-101.

For me, it's all about balance. I balance my life with the hobby, live a healthy lifestyle, meditate, practice mindfulness, etc.  Too much of anything is a bad thing, too little can be worse :)

Posted By: bigjoe2002
in the hobby, it can be pleasantly great. Everything is going to plan and etc.... However, there are times when nothing doesn't seem to be going right and it can leave a stressful and depressing day or whatever. ... well my question is what are ways that you deal with stress from the hobby? Anyone opinion is welcome. ...

-- Modified on 4/10/2015 4:52:40 PM

wrps07380 reads

That way you will be more energized for new appointments.

While you are taking some time take some time to get a std health check. When you get the results back your blood pressure (provided you have no stds) will drop and release some stress. Celebrate and see a provider.

#2: Don't lower your standards simply because you're horny. It only takes a few appointments to figure out exactly how you prefer to play (i.e. price point, type of service, duration, etc.). Be prepared to feel disappointed when stepping below those bounds.  

#3: Move on. Sunk-cost fallacy - sticking with a bad/failing situation because of the time/energy/money already spent in that pursuit. It can be hard to see it at the time, but there will be new opportunities in the future.

#4: Take a break. We all experience those times when everything seems to fall apart all at once. Stop, remove yourself from the situation. Catch your breath.

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