
Hmmmmm...depends on what your goals are.
Johnnycade 28 Reviews 718 reads

I can only comment on your fourth question:  

Beginnings are really important.

If you meet an awesome stripper that gets into your mind and you get her to marry you, then let's say she actually finishes college.  But not the junior college communications degree, she graduates from MIT with a degree in computer engineering.  Then let's say she has five amazing kids with you, there are going to MIT one day too, and then let's say she starts up a company and becomes a multi-millionaire and is a big deal in silicon valley.  Fuck let's say she creates the next Apple.  Now to complete the fantasy you don't get divorced, you retire together and see your wonderful grand kids every day.  At your 60th wedding anniversary guess what . . . She will be that stripper you married!

You're going to always think of her as a provider till the day you die.  After a while, you probably won't be able to get the money question out of your head.  

AND she already understands this, which is why she's looking for a date from a civilian board.  She either doesn't want you to think of her as a provider, or doesn't want to start a relationship with a hobbyist.  Since you don't have a website and reviews with your picture up, you have her at a disadvantage, and it would only be fair to level the playing field and tell her you know.

Whether you tell her or not just remember this rule: treat a princess like a whore and a whore like a princess.

Ok, so I have a profile on and it is fun for me.  I enjoy the game to it and also meeting the girls.  Recently, I got a like and then a wink from a nice woman, who looked eerily familiar to me.  We started messaging, then emailing and then texting and the other night it dawned on me to who she is.  I looked up her TER profile and boom, in fact one pic is the same on Match as her website (of course fully clothed). Anyways, we have a date set.  So, here is what I wanted to talk to you all about and get some advice:

1) do providers use to try and find "normal" men to "date?"
2) do providers use to find new clients?
3) She isn't using her provider cell or email when we communicate, so I do have her real cell and email, so she could be trying to meet a non-hobby guy?
4) Do I even approach the subject with her or do I just play it like I have no idea?

She isn't on the boards ever, but has a profile with reviews, so I am not worried about discussing this here.  Some advice please

This is a fantasy identity here.  Both hers and yours.  Be responsible. Don't let the two intersect.  

You wouldn't want her or anyone else messing with you.

You might also mention it's a game for you to meet girls.  I don't use the site but I'd bet most women on it are not interested in games or hook ups.  Otherwise they'd use Ashley Madison

1.  She's NOT the person in the photos - just found it and sent it to you - Don't see her.  You might get robbed or whatever...

2.  She is the person in the photos - and, is actually interested in you - for whatever reason, used the same picture as she has in her ad.  I can't even imagine why someone would do that.... Lack of judgement - Don't see her. FWIW, I know a provider who actually has a civilian website that she looks totally different in which she advertises legit temp services (at a much lower rate...) - even though both sites have accurate pictures.

3.  She is the person in the photos - and she's just trying to drum up business.  Don't see her.

But by all means, book her if you feel the urge....  You'll probably find out she's never even heard of

GaGambler837 reads

She is the person in the photos, she is not "just a hooker" AND is actually interested in him. He tells her the truth, at the proper time of course that he knows what she really does, and that he can accept it and they go on to become great friends, or even more.

GaGambler591 reads

here goes FWIW, I think you should go on the date, and like others have said, just see where it goes. I don't think you should bring it up unless and until you end up having an actual relationship with her and she doesn't volunteer it.

I know I am getting way ahead of things here, but "IF" you end up having a relationship with this woman and "IF" she doesn't volunteer the information on her own, I think it's important that you give her every opportunity to be the one to "fess up" without having one of those "gotcha" moments. There are many segues you can come up with to broach the subject. In short don't make her live a lie if you two end up having something together, especially if the lie is unnecessary as you seem to be quite able to handle the truth.

Sounds like a really cool script for a movie!  Now we just need to find some development money... and somebody to pitch it to and get Julia Roberts, possibly Richard Gere lined up and..  I know - we'll call it Pretty Woman II - the Internet Age.

Hey - anything is possible.  But using your AD pictures!!!!!  That's Darwin award material....  She might well be the nicest, sweetest person in the world - and she might really, truly want a good relationship with a decent man - who presumably doesn't pay women to have sex with him.... but does he really need to develop a relationship with someone with as much sense as a box of hammers?

If, by some miracle, this is totally cool -- then he really needs to completely ignore his outside information - just like Misty sez...... and just treat her like any other woman he would see in the 'real' world.  But if it were me - I'd run, not walk, in the opposite direction.

Just my two cents..

GaGambler801 reads

You think paying for sex precludes a guy from being "decent" Don't take this personally, but Go Fuck Yourself!!! Who appointed you the morality police?

I have paid for sex, A LOT, and I still consider myself a decent guy. I've also had many "real" relationships with sex providers and I consider most of them "decent" as well. Just because you have this hang up, don't presume that the rest of us do as well.

Lets face it, deep down you are ashamed about seeing hookers, aren't you?  Well for the record, I am not the least bit ashamed about it,

Yep forgot the part where it's still never really free and it's cheaper by the hour.  
No matter how ya slice we, we are expensive....and how!

Posted By: HeathersLuv4u
Yep forgot the part where it's still never really free and it's cheaper by the hour.  
 No matter how ya slice we, we are expensive....and how!
The full and complete untarnished truth of fact!  
Like it or not; it is what it is no matter which relational paradigm we choose...

We are real people still. We have families, kids, and lives outside of the business. So while some women may use it to pick up clients, chances are that she's just looking to go on a regular date and find a nice man. Just my 2cents

Posted By: HappensMoreThanYouKnow
Ok, so I have a profile on and it is fun for me.  I enjoy the game to it and also meeting the girls.  Recently, I got a like and then a wink from a nice woman, who looked eerily familiar to me.  We started messaging, then emailing and then texting and the other night it dawned on me to who she is.  I looked up her TER profile and boom, in fact one pic is the same on Match as her website (of course fully clothed). Anyways, we have a date set.  So, here is what I wanted to talk to you all about and get some advice:  
 1) do providers use to try and find "normal" men to "date?"  
 2) do providers use to find new clients?  
 3) She isn't using her provider cell or email when we communicate, so I do have her real cell and email, so she could be trying to meet a non-hobby guy?  
 4) Do I even approach the subject with her or do I just play it like I have no idea?  
 She isn't on the boards ever, but has a profile with reviews, so I am not worried about discussing this here.  Some advice please!  

I agree with Misty on this...

#1 assuming you aren't just baiting to see what providers may or may not be on that site...

She is a woman and you should respect her no matter what her chosen profession is, just because she's a provider does not mean you should expect anything more than a date for dinner. Providers aren't mutants or anything without the need for a relationship, it's a means to an end for them...

However, if you aren't serious about meeting someone and having a relationship then you should be upfront with her, don't waste her precious time off.

Posted By: SouthernElite
We are real people still. We have families, kids, and lives outside of the business. So while some women may use it to pick up clients, chances are that she's just looking to go on a regular date and find a nice man. Just my 2cents  
Classy post from a sweet, classy lady.

What I meant is it is like a game with if you see the website, it is very interactive with winks, and likes, and messages, and who has viewed you....

I am looking for a real date with her and not playing the "game".... I will be more selective in my word choice next time.

Also, I am not fishing for providers on, I would just schedule an appt if I wanted to see them.

All great advice and if anyone else has any ideas, let me know... Leaning on on the keep the worlds separate until the right moment presents itself.

My only fear, is being in public with her and one of you fools calls us out ;)

Thanks for the feedback!

ATLDAWG669 reads

Don't say anything about what you feel you have discovered.  Go about your business like it was a date.  Let her bring it up--if it ever needs to be brought up---why screw up what could become a good thing - especially if you are wrong ?

EwingSF1607 reads

The real problem is if you fall for this woman, can you then deal with the fact that she is a provider. She wont give it up for you. Just be aware of that..

I can only comment on your fourth question:  

Beginnings are really important.

If you meet an awesome stripper that gets into your mind and you get her to marry you, then let's say she actually finishes college.  But not the junior college communications degree, she graduates from MIT with a degree in computer engineering.  Then let's say she has five amazing kids with you, there are going to MIT one day too, and then let's say she starts up a company and becomes a multi-millionaire and is a big deal in silicon valley.  Fuck let's say she creates the next Apple.  Now to complete the fantasy you don't get divorced, you retire together and see your wonderful grand kids every day.  At your 60th wedding anniversary guess what . . . She will be that stripper you married!

You're going to always think of her as a provider till the day you die.  After a while, you probably won't be able to get the money question out of your head.  

AND she already understands this, which is why she's looking for a date from a civilian board.  She either doesn't want you to think of her as a provider, or doesn't want to start a relationship with a hobbyist.  Since you don't have a website and reviews with your picture up, you have her at a disadvantage, and it would only be fair to level the playing field and tell her you know.

Whether you tell her or not just remember this rule: treat a princess like a whore and a whore like a princess.

GaGambler751 reads

One I still see occasionally on a FWB type basis. I quit thinking of her as a hooker years ago. Our relationship quit being about money years ago. I have a few other friends that used to do this for a living, I don't treat them, or think of them any different from any other female friends I have.

So speak for yourself, but don't claim to speak for all of us. For some of us, beginnings don't mean shit.

I hadn't thought about it as claiming to speak for everyone . . . but I'll accept it, because I guess I am projecting.  BUT, I'll also double down and say I'm not just speaking for everyone now, but also anyone that has ever lived in the history of mankind :)  (I'll make an exception for tribal cultures, but not eastern or western . . . that's a LOCK.)

This particular profession and hobby, even more than others (in fact maybe ANY other), carries a threshold decision, and it is part of your identity forever (whether you choose to share it or not, whether you choose to think about it or not).  In many ways I think it is exactly the same as virginity, either you are a virgin or you are not, either you've been paid for sex or you haven't (and that's on us too, either you have paid for sex or you haven't).  

Treating a provider the same as anyone else is just being polite, and she deserves to be treated with respect same as anyone else; my point was that the label doesn't wash off, and even though it might fade, like a bad tattoo it will always be there.  The very fact that you have TWO buckets "any other female friends I have" proves conclusively that you know which is which, that you've categorized, and that it is present in your mind.  

Separately, but connected, I was also suggesting that there could be a stigma (on either end, but mostly from his point of view) that could taint the relationship, because you can't un-know something, even if you choose to look past it. On this point I would argue with you, but having read your other post about your lifestyle (I would rather be you than be the President :)), well shit maybe it's not all (just all minus GaGambler), because it hadn't occurred to me that someone like you was out there.  (I suggest that at your frequency, sans wife and kids, you are no hobbyist, this IS your life.)  BUT, if it's not ALL (except you of course) then why are there no posts in online dating sites that say "Tired of fucking men for money, looking for a nice guy to settle down with."  Or vice versa "Can't afford to keep paying for sex, looking for a soulmate that happens to be a nympho."  One would think that if your assertion was true, then "ONE" such post might exist on a legitimate dating board [BTW, I'm totally assuming that, I haven't looked to see that it is true, I am just sure that it is.], and since it doesn't I'll fill in the blank for you, that is because ALL people looking for civilian dates (whether provider, hobbyist, or neither) don't look past it.

Count de Monet660 reads

That you should persue this as a legitimate  relationship outside the
hobby.  Take her for a nice dinner and then on to a night at Trapeze!
Tell her to let her hair down and let her do whatever she is comfortable with.
After sex she is probably tired of having to...

Count de Monet

the lady in the picture.  It will not be the first time a pic has been used that is not the person.  I have seen pics before of escorts on sites like  Very well could be the lady in the pics, too.  I would check it out and keep my business, my business.  Best wishes and meet in public for everybody's safety.

Posted By: HappensMoreThanYouKnow
Ok, so I have a profile on and it is fun for me.  I enjoy the game to it and also meeting the girls.  Recently, I got a like and then a wink from a nice woman, who looked eerily familiar to me.  We started messaging, then emailing and then texting and the other night it dawned on me to who she is.  I looked up her TER profile and boom, in fact one pic is the same on Match as her website (of course fully clothed). Anyways, we have a date set.  So, here is what I wanted to talk to you all about and get some advice:  
 1) do providers use to try and find "normal" men to "date?"  
 2) do providers use to find new clients?  
 3) She isn't using her provider cell or email when we communicate, so I do have her real cell and email, so she could be trying to meet a non-hobby guy?  
 4) Do I even approach the subject with her or do I just play it like I have no idea?  
 She isn't on the boards ever, but has a profile with reviews, so I am not worried about discussing this here.  Some advice please!  

Consistency and something to look forward to bruh

Proceed if you can supply that, if you can't you're wasting both your time

...for all the advice and feedback.

Going to NOT say anything, I am going to take her on the date, have fun with her and treat her no different than anyone else I would ask out.

This hobby throws us many curve balls and I intend on playing this one the right way.

Will give you an update on Monday and again, thank you to all... Great advice and feedback from everyone

GaGambler568 reads

Come to think of it, I have had many sexless "first dates" with providers on unpaid dates. I think many providers (or at least the smart ones) want to know if you actually like them or if you are just looking for a freebie. I have to confess, patience does have it's rewards.

One beauty about the hobby, you can have a "sexless" date, and then rather than going home and beating your meat like a teenager, you can simply make an appointment with another lady and get your needs met. Everybody is a winner, you don't come off as desperate to get laid like so many other guys she is going to meet, you have both a good time with her, AND get laid by somebody else. What's not to like? lol

Have fun, and don't let the naysayers talk you out of anything that you really know you want to do.

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