
Hey, I am an asshole, but even I can't condone this kind of hijack
GaGambler 683 reads

I don't steer clear of the boards of course, a simple post count will prove that little fact, but hijacking legitimate posts looking for a bit of advice, just to lash out at a bunch of women and agencies not even mentioned or participating in the thread is a bit boorish even for my taste.

so amazing to have a community that seems so active , responsive and helpful . I am a new provider on T.E.R and recently have been looking into getting professional photos done .

However , i wanted to ask the hobbyist -- are you interested in pro photos truly ?

A selfie or homemade photo (although less professional ) can be more intimate and real.

Can I have some thoughts ? I  started off of just posting selfies and it worked out for me.

Pro shots are nice but I prefer the selfies.

Mix it up.  A professional photographer can work magic in presenting your most flattering self.  The selfies show more casual situations, giving a hobbiests a range of visually impressions to develop attraction to you.

Posted By: Tartus
Mix it up.  A professional photographer can work magic in presenting your most flattering self.  The selfies show more casual situations, giving a hobbiests a range of visually impressions to develop attraction to you.

The real look of a selfie is good- but tastefully done Pro pics are hard to beat. But use what you are comfortable with. Good luck and be safe my dear. Cheers from the Lake.

Cottonmouth917 reads

almost look like wax museum mannequins . And others like ummm Taylor Leigh . She photoshops her saddlebags  off . Sorry to offend it's the first one who came to mind .  Give me the hotties like Morgan and Terri Lynn who actually work their butts off to look good .

anotherdamnalias783 reads

Oh look,the drama queen has a new alias. Get a fucking life already damn. The new girl asked a question either answer it with no added opinion or retire already.

And to original question, selfies are great.

Cottonmouth801 reads

it will increase your business . If a guy with cash wanted a softy blob ho He could go to Toy R Us and buy a doll of the Pillsbury Doughboy put a wig on it and save a ton of $ .

anotherdamnalias798 reads

Soooo sorry. Guess again, too bad it's not 3 strikes and you're out. I can play this game all night long.

And to further prevent derailing a perfectly good thread, there have been numerous discussions of the selfie vs. pro pics on this board Lana, the "search this forum" tab will find most of them sweetheart.

Hopefully Cottoneyedcunt will pass out when she gets finished with her beer.

Cottonmouth825 reads

you've photoshopped off or you wouldn't have jumped so quick . Do you feel special because when they look past your fake pics ? Stop stuffing Dunkin in your face and then maybe, that's maybe , you can step up to the big leagues .

Thanks !!I was so cautious with my selfies - competing with beautiful women -I got scared i wouldn't be called but low and behold my first month I got two reviews (not a lot but it got me giddy!!! ) and a lot of regulars that like my selfies.

why would you hijack the tread pitiful. You are really a sorry person and we know who you are.

anotherdamnalias686 reads

Look you stupid, drunken, washed up, worn out, has been...Go finish off your beer pass out and quit trying to start drama because you can't sell your old ass anymore. I am not Taylor Leigh, I have never seen the girl, can't see her apparently because she is booked thru November. We get it, we really can't handle being bested, face it

Cottonmouth602 reads

face cum sponge . ISIS needs all the women they can get for their giant sausage party . Go get them and stop the bait and switch photoshop off your big ass BS for guys who save for that special P4P occasion .

If you want to pick a fight that's fine (I like to watch and sometimes wade into that very shallow pool). Just do it in your own thread instead of wrecking someone thread who is try to get some info.

GaGambler684 reads

I don't steer clear of the boards of course, a simple post count will prove that little fact, but hijacking legitimate posts looking for a bit of advice, just to lash out at a bunch of women and agencies not even mentioned or participating in the thread is a bit boorish even for my taste.

I don't mind a boorish hijack so long as the real fake names are used by the poster and
for saddlebager or linebacker or has been or never was or trailer trasher.

I hate having to go back and figure out who is being savaged.

GaGambler467 reads

Everyone knows I LOVE fucking with people who deserve it, but what did the OP do to deserve such treatment?

There are PLENTY of opportunities to bash the people you don't like around here, to take cheap shots at a dozen different providers in the middle of a legitimate thread is totally classless, even by my low standards. It really does make the hijacker look like a woman rather than a man, but there is no doubt the hijacker is male, but not much of a man if you ask me.

there are times you miss your moderator perks few that they be, to see behind the curtain.

GaGambler688 reads

and contrary to popular opinion it's not another jealous hooker.

but yes, it was kind of nice to be able to see behind the curtain, and I suppose I was paid about what I was worth. lol

I wonder if it was the cottonmouth that put him on life support... Damn, that must've been a major pain in the ass!

Posted By: GaGambler
and contrary to popular opinion it's not another jealous hooker.  
 but yes, it was kind of nice to be able to see behind the curtain, and I suppose I was paid about what I was worth. lol

Please keep my name out of this shit! And for the record,  Taylor Leigh has the most perfect body I've ever seen. good grief! Only one reason I don't post here anymore.  

Posted By: Cottonmouth
almost look like wax museum mannequins . And others like ummm Taylor Leigh . She photoshops her saddlebags  off . Sorry to offend it's the first one who came to mind .  Give me the hotties like Morgan and Terri Lynn who actually work their butts off to look good .

GaGambler679 reads

Not you Taylor, but the other TL is my favorite slut, I hope she doesn't stay a stranger.

BTW, I know many of you think Cottonmouth is a hooker we all know, but I am willing to bet it's a man we all know instead.

its harder to tell because of multiple account members.

"Saddlebags"?  Are you kidding me?  I've never posted on the board before but have to defend Taylor regarding this comment.  I've had the pleasure of  visited with Taylor for several years and I think the more accurate description of her body would include: perfection, exquisite, glorious, work of art and masterpiece.  Saddlebags...

I love the professional pics, they show your best potential when you're all glamed-up, but I think only makeup and lighting should be changed, NO photoshoping.  I would also suggest professional photos because it shows you are serious and not a Bpage/Clist girl working out of a motel with a pimp (and that you're a little more professional in your business); not proof positive but certainly helps put me more at ease.

The reason we like the selfie/candids is because they give us a chance to compare the fantasy to the reality, and see if we are comfortable with the difference.

As a point to consider, do not let your professional photos and candids show a wide disparity in looks, cause then you may be judged as dishonest and hiding unattractive features, even if that is not the case.  Not all of us can get it up for ANY woman, so we take great pains to find ones that we find attractive and that will . . . inspire to perform; so when someone is NOT represented by their pictures it can become problematic.  The truth, the photographic truth, will go a long way to improve the session.  I haven't seen you yet, but if there is something you find unattractive about yourself, you will naturally want to not show that, but I will tell you there are lots of dudes out there who will not care or love that attribute that you stress over; so just show the truth (even if it is just in your candid) so that everyone can enjoy the session.

Also, professional photos cost money, you probably won't do them often, so candids are a great way to show if you've changed something significant since the pro-photos: hair color, hair length or style, boob size, and waist size.

Another thought.  Consider how you show your face.  Maybe you plan to show all of it, easy.  But, if you plan to not reveal your identity, do consider the line between concealing your identity and revealing enough of your face for the client to make a best guess as to whether you have a face that he likes.  Professional photos are good for this because the photographer can control the blur and what parts are covered very well.  I've seen just eyes blurred, I've seen lower face revealed, three quarter face, light blur so you still have general idea of how the face looks with no detail ... there are lots of options, and you should decide in advance what you are most comfortable with so the pro can work on that pose and not just select the best available at the end of the shoot.

Aww man !I loved the advice !! Thank you !  I usually blur my photos -how I so wish I could find out how to link my reviews to my photos and then I could show you :(  I'll figure it out somehow! You guys are a blessing , thank you for your opinions !! 😊

anotherdamnalias613 reads

X2 Lana, I couldn't resist calling out a has been.

Both have a place. A good photographer can do quite a bit with lighting/angle/etc... Try to keep the retouching to a minimum on the pro shots.

On selfies, consider what is around you... (amazing how many selfies contain a toilet) do try to avoid.

Haha - that one had me dieing !I'll  avoid the toilet !

Cottonmouth726 reads

the peephole . When I read about ones who turn their phones off and don't answer the knock at the door I laugh . Can you blame them ? +50 lbs , ashtray breath and more base than Ronald McDonald is not what the doctor ordered . The side bar strippers are there for a reason . It's called you look like a lingerie linebacker so get over it. If you add your name to a class action lawsuit for minimum wage you need to wake up and face reality . Nobody wants a lap dance from a hippo. You should have stayed with the gas pumper job and continued being the minor league queen of the trailer park. It's nobody's fault but your own.

Let me see the best you.  That is I want some sizzle but a few candids
that show off your personality will get the call.

Good luck to you and pm me a pic so I can evaluate.

Do both!  Get some professionals for your ads and every once in awhile throw in a selfie!  :) Keeps the guys in the know of how you are looking then and now!


I know lots of people have weighed in, but since this is an issue that some agencies/providers just don't get, I wanted to chime in too.  If a provider or agency only has pro shots that are obviously touched up, I won't see them.  I'm trying to resist naming any particular agencies or providers.  When I see these touched up photos, I can't help but wonder what they are trying to hide with every square inch looking like it's been air-brushed.  When a pic looks fake, it just isn't sexy to me at all.  I want to know what the person really looks like before I see them.  It is really frustrating to see a provider and she ends up looking nothing like her pictures because they were so heavily touched up.  Your pictures should reflect who you really are and what you really look like if you want repeat customers.

I think having some pro shots is good, but they should show your actual skin and body as opposed to a Photoshop brush affect or completely blowing out the contrast.  That being said, the selfies need to be of reasonable quality too.  A completely blurry selfie is just as bad as an air-brushed pro shot since it says you don't care enough to take a good photo.

Just my 2 cents

I like the professional pics but would prefer seeing non professional pics to better see how they look in person.


It is late evening, so I will write a bit.

A selfie or pro photo? It depends.  For me to answer you for your case I would need to see a picture of you.

I will use GC as an example of my point. Also, while people on an internet board are free to offer opinion and bash someone if they wish.  In that vein I can offer a defense, too.

Yes, Gold Club does some photo work on their presentations. Who doesn't?  I have booked with a few of GC girls and have met about all of them. At no time did I believe that the photo work took away from the actual representation of the girl.  They are meant to put the girl in the best light.  I get that. Heck, I would not want real actual pictures of me on the net.  GC girls are nice enough to overlook some things about me so I can overlook a few things on them (which are very very few).

Some examples;

Brooke has pro pictures but really she would do better with more selfie's.  Ok some might be in shock. I met her at a birthday lunch then a M&G. At both times I could have taken photos with my phone than what is on the site. Now the site pictures were very well done.  They just kinda missed something important about her. She is a natural beauty and someone who is fun to be around. When around her, despite her very impressive natural beauty, she makes you feel relaxed. Her photos just miss that. I could have taken better pictures in what she was wearing both times that I met than what is on the site.  

Another one, Olivia. Olivia is a very underestimated girl in this market.  I enjoyed having sex with her as I have had few others because she is a natural sexual experience. Now her pics do show that she rocks an LBD, she does as very few women can do. They get it right, she has great slender legs and a butt to have your hands on in order to appreciate what a girls but can be (ok, I cant go to another M&G now because if she reads this and then sees me she will knock my head off). The pic shows she rocks a LBD. Then she wears an LBD to a M&G. I took time to go say hello. I seriously wanted to ask if she wanted to leave.  I would gotten in serious trouble -lol. So see, the pics, despite the work, got it right.  

Now I would add selfies of her in casual clothes. Why??  Answer, to meet her is to get that she is a Carolina type of girl. Now for I know she is from NYC. But Olivia would fit in as a girl in shorts, flip flops, and such at a Hilton Head beachside seafood bar.  Still hot but in a different way.  Again, an example of the pros and cons of selfies and pro pictures.

Another Rachel. A very fine pro set of pictures. I could have; however, also taken pics of her in that green dress she wore at a recent M&G.  Very classy and very hot.  More ladies should follow her example.  

OK, another example. A young lady names Ava Raleigh.  A good pro set that just fell flat in my opinion.  It did not capture her whatsoever, a total miss. Now don't get me wrong they were excellent pictures but they missed the boat. She came dressed as a Audrey Hepburn type at one M&G. I could stepped away a few feet, let her take several poses in the stool chair, and got a better representation of her sexuality.  

Lana, it depends on you and your styling on what will work best. I think trial and error get s you to the best place.  Good luck and ignore the jerks.  I am not perfect and I don't expect it in the ladies. I look for a very good sexual companion and looks is only one part of that.

I really don't mean this to be a bash GC post, but it does strike me that their pictures warrant a least in your opinion.  You have to at least admit that it's a controversial practice.  
The first thing I think of when I see them is Wow that is a lot of touch up work.  I'm not saying their girls are unattractive or anything is wrong with them, but the pictures are an instant turn-off for me and it would take a lot of amazing reviews to overcome that.  

Just one guy's opinion

me_pman, that is the reason that a board like this exists. In fact, I like reading respectfully stated opinions when they disagree with mine. I learn something. Thank you for posting it.

It is a late night once again, so I will write for a bit.   I will take the GC thing on again and then put forward my opinion, as a punter, on the industry as it relates to provider pictorials.

As to GC regarding their pictorials, yes, there is a bit of photo work there.  I have booked 3 there (and oh would book again with any of them) and have met most of others there at GC through the M&G's. In my opinion the pictures are quite accurate. GC is just doing good business. He puts a little polish on the product. Also, something that was not mentioned and that was the photographer himself. He too (assuming the photo person is male) is doing good business for himself by doing some picture work.  No way for me to know who did how much to the pics, and I don't care.  Also, pictures are media and only one part is the sender the other is how the receiver takes it.

An example, and staying with GC.  Brooke has some well done pics. When I saw them, I admit,  I passed. Why? Too good looking.  Yep, I was intimidated. I will admit it.  Still, I admit, "wow, what a looker she is".  Then, I met her at a M&G. A nicer person would not be found anywhere.  So see in my instance her pictures missed the mark. Again, just me as I am sure she does quite well.  I did get to share that honestly with her over a lunch M&G.  I flat out told her 'I think that I could take better pictures in what you are wearing right now than in your pictorial". She is not convinced which I understood as she did not know me.

Ok, since its late and this thing is really buried deep in a thread, a bit about me. I have taken a lot of provider pictorial pictures.  I was raised in Tennessee by a foster mom. Since age 3.  That woman was then what we called a madam.  She worked as a provider in the 1940's and 1950's and then opened a house. I lived in that house.  Age 3 to young adulthood. A provider tutored me in Algebra in between her bookings.  Another provider, when actually more than one, taught me sex. Others taught me how to ask a girl for a date. Others how to tie a tie, write a term paper, how to be a gentleman, etc.  Second, many years later, I helped run an agency in London for a period of time. Was part owner.  I understand a bit about pictorials.  Note - I am not in the industry, I run a business that does international managerial consulting work.  

Ok, my view on pictorials in the industry. The industry suffers a paradigm.   It takes pictures in Playboy model mode.  To me that is not real. Also, far too many girls forget to smile. Huge mistake, but that is just my opinion.  An example of a smile and how it works - Ginger Taylor.  Now I would not book with Ginger. Why?  I am not up to her speed. I would feel like a male lap dog having sex with a thoroughbred.  Now what wins about Ginger is her smile. Her pictorial gets it right. It provides the impression, "I'm fun, what you want to happen is going to happen, you will succeed in what you seek". Ginger (and I am safe because this a buried thread) understands marketing despite if she was taught it or is self taught.  Sales are made on emotion.  Pictures have to capture that. She gets it. Smart lady, sexy too.  Now, I admit when I get somewhat close to her, my body wakes up. Those of most men would.  It is the intangible.  That is what her pictures explain. It speaks to why she does well, A lot of these new 20 year old girls should pay Ginger, in classes, to teach them the business. These young ones, and I book many, would be better off and safer and more sane, too.

Now when I was in London, I did agency theme pictures. Southern Antebellum, Secretary, Hooters Girls (ah, until I got caught), Swimsuit, School Days, Sorority Night, and a few others. The girls found it fun to do and it did very very well. Now, that market is very different there from here.  

So, I think the agencies here in town do the best they can. My final thing is. Sex is not all about the looks, it is the intangible.  Now, I like a certain look. Me, I like petite spinners. Why? I am 5'7" and the angles just work better.  But I look for the fun aspect.  I overlook the flaws in the girls because they overlook mine (well to my face they do -lol).  Back to GC for a bit, as an example.  In all three bookings I had with them, all of them looked me in the eye while stuff was going on. Now, think, how many times have we booked with providers and left not knowing the color of their eyes. I have made that mistake too, but thankfully not too often. I was taught that, so again, it is why GC get it right. It is abut the experience. I think in the photo work, GC, like any good agency in town is just looking to add to the experience we have. Also, these pictures are on the web. My business pictures are on the web and you can be damn straight they have work on them.  I don't think anyone is trying to deceive. It all comes down to choice. That's mine.  

If anyone has bothered to get this deep in a tread and read this - thanks. Hope you enjoyed it. Have a good day

Thanks for sharing; interesting background!

Hi Lana,

Guys are visual.  And you are expected to be everything for everybody.  So add those two together and it means take all kinds of pics in all kinds of poses, moods, and attire (and sans attire).

I'm a big fan of a girl next door type selfie, but I also sometimes like to see a girl's sense of wardrobe style.  Pro shots are nice to see lingerie, evening wear, styled hair, and nice makeup (if you show your face).  Just don't photoshop (much) as it's considered bad form.

Sultry pics are fine, but please have a couple with a nice smile.  A pretty smile (and white teeth) are the single most attractive thing about a woman.  Well, a great booty never hurts either.  :-)

And please post some au naturel shots - including your pretty bare feet.  Pics of bare feet are becoming virtually extinct for some reason.  I suppose girls think every guy has a shoe fetish - not sure.  But there's at least one guy that likes to see those tootsies.  So please don't hide them away.  For me?  LOL.

1.  Biggest bust is using "a picture that looks like me."  The couple of times that has happened to me it demonstrated the ego of the girl more than the reality.

2.  Mix it up - glamour and natural.  And not all posed shots.  And not all shots from the same shoot.

3.  Show a lot of different looks that represent your personality.  There are a number of good examples.  Grace Kelly, Radiant Ryan, and Ginger Taylor are three that come to mind.

I just think it looks really classy and well done. You don't have to photoshop it but by cute with it. My pics are on the picture boards i try so many different things to stand out from the rest. Nothing wrong with a selfie but I would want to be seen as a model, someone that you are actually dying to meet and I feel a selfie makes it look like everyone else. Also Videos are a great idea as well as videos can't be easily photoshopped. Do what makes you feel good at the end of the day :)

Do you have a link to what you have posted in the past?  We could provide some feedback based on your current photos.

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