
He said 'obese'! No matter how pro graphics u r...
roanoke1979 189 Reviews 1326 reads
posted shopping candids from a 300 lbs 'obese' lady to her size in pics would look so unnatural it would way obvious. She's sent me text pics on the fly and within last month. 'Obese' she is not.

Not saying his account didn't happen. I am saying his use of the word 'obese' is, while subjective to his opinion, not accurate IMO.

Cmon man,

Sir C

I am relatively new to the Atlanta area but have lived in multiple places and hobbied on and off for about 8 years now. So not a spring chicken by any stretch of the imagination. But what I experienced with the mentioned provider surprised me quite a bit. A bit of a warning to you and also a bit of vengefulness on my part, and of course, making sure that she doesn't get to smear my nascent reputation with other providers.  

Anyhow, so I made an appointment with her some time ago, and screening went smoothly. Got to her place at about 9.20 pm and was welcomed into an apartment that was well kept and very classy. Unfortunately, the pictures on her website and indeed, the reviews on TER quoting her as a 9 or a 10 on looks are totally not what I would have expected on seeing her. She is decidedly past her prime and flirting with an unmistakable case of mild to moderate obesity. She is also rather broad shouldered and at least I could not bring myself to consider engaging in intimacy with her.  

Not one to invite any confrontation, I settled into a drink with her, while we chatted and shot the breeze a bit. My mind was working furiously trying to figure how to get out of the situation. I used the rest room and as I came out, I realized the only way out was to be honest and up front, state my position, offer half her donation for the approximately 17 minutes that I had been in her apartment, and get the hell out of there, cutting my losses and wandering about town for the night, drinking away my disappointment. Well, thats exactly what I proceeded to do.  

What followed was bizarre. She got really quite miffed that I suggested I wasn't the least bit sensually attracted to her, and when I made my offer of half her usual hourly donation as a cancellation fee, she absolutely refused and insisted that I owed her the entire amount. I tried the sweet talk diplomatic approach again, explaining how it would be amicably resolved if we were to accept some compromise on either end but she would have none of it. She physically blockaded her apartment door, and as I tried to reach behind her to reach the handle of the door, pushed me away. I stepped back, again pleading my case and then she started to call me a little "bitch"...and so on.  

Eventually, after aimlessly waiting and stating my case yet again, I reached behind her for the door handle and when she would not budge, I had to push her out of the way. That took a fair bit of strength by the way, and soon we were a heap on the floor by her elliptical machine and I was trying to keep this woman down while I had a brief second to rise and get the hell out. I managed that finally. She is strong physically, and large, and it took my best strength to get me out of there. I am not a petite wimp I assure you. I work out regularly and can easily do biceps curls with 30 lbs and ride about 50 miles a week on a bicycle. But you get my drift. This woman is BIG, BROAD and NASTY with her physical strength.  

She subsequently texted me all sorts of lovely nothings...that the cops would come get me, that I was done, that my 411 account would be done and so forth. Well, as it turns out, I deleted my e mail I had used for her, my phone number was duly changed in a day's time. Who wants trouble with the cops. it also turns out, I informed the folks at 411 and they took her account down. I also informed the folks on TER and they have generously allowed me to warn the community about this provider.  

I am not much interested in trying to prove the veracity of my account, so take it as you will. I am an honest fellow and do not post any negative or positive information unless there is a really good reason to do so.  

Good luck.

I feel sure she's had ample time to smooth it over with Kayla. Hookers blacklist innocent people and become devilish bitches when they feel they've been crossed. I'm sure if you could see behind the curtain of the PO board you'd understand just how bi-polar, dysfunctional and bitter many ladies in this arena are and become. What you see out here ain't shit compared to what you see back there.

Yeah, like Roanoke said: it's back up man...

Sucks to hear and glad you posted this warning.

But you can't really trust the numbers. Meaning all the 9's and 10's.  In the future I recommend cross referencing reviews of the reviewers.  Some of these fuckers 10's are another mans 3.  

If you couldn't tell she's a bit more on the mature side then you need to update your eyewear prescription. Maybe she's packed on a few pounds lately.  Sounds like she was working a good buzz into a bad drunk. Booze and rejection sometimes don't mix. Especially when you're a "VIP" your own mind.  

I don't mean to find the humor in this at your expense but I can't shake the image of her trying to block you from leaving and wrestling you to the floor.  

Sounds like that elliptical is a make shift bar stool.  

Posted By: mark2b
I am relatively new to the Atlanta area but have lived in multiple places and hobbied on and off for about 8 years now. So not a spring chicken by any stretch of the imagination. But what I experienced with the mentioned provider surprised me quite a bit. A bit of a warning to you and also a bit of vengefulness on my part, and of course, making sure that she doesn't get to smear my nascent reputation with other providers.  
 Anyhow, so I made an appointment with her some time ago, and screening went smoothly. Got to her place at about 9.20 pm and was welcomed into an apartment that was well kept and very classy. Unfortunately, the pictures on her website and indeed, the reviews on TER quoting her as a 9 or a 10 on looks are totally not what I would have expected on seeing her. She is decidedly past her prime and flirting with an unmistakable case of mild to moderate obesity. She is also rather broad shouldered and at least I could not bring myself to consider engaging in intimacy with her.  
 Not one to invite any confrontation, I settled into a drink with her, while we chatted and shot the breeze a bit. My mind was working furiously trying to figure how to get out of the situation. I used the rest room and as I came out, I realized the only way out was to be honest and up front, state my position, offer half her donation for the approximately 17 minutes that I had been in her apartment, and get the hell out of there, cutting my losses and wandering about town for the night, drinking away my disappointment. Well, thats exactly what I proceeded to do.  
 What followed was bizarre. She got really quite miffed that I suggested I wasn't the least bit sensually attracted to her, and when I made my offer of half her usual hourly donation as a cancellation fee, she absolutely refused and insisted that I owed her the entire amount. I tried the sweet talk diplomatic approach again, explaining how it would be amicably resolved if we were to accept some compromise on either end but she would have none of it. She physically blockaded her apartment door, and as I tried to reach behind her to reach the handle of the door, pushed me away. I stepped back, again pleading my case and then she started to call me a little "bitch"...and so on.  
 Eventually, after aimlessly waiting and stating my case yet again, I reached behind her for the door handle and when she would not budge, I had to push her out of the way. That took a fair bit of strength by the way, and soon we were a heap on the floor by her elliptical machine and I was trying to keep this woman down while I had a brief second to rise and get the hell out. I managed that finally. She is strong physically, and large, and it took my best strength to get me out of there. I am not a petite wimp I assure you. I work out regularly and can easily do biceps curls with 30 lbs and ride about 50 miles a week on a bicycle. But you get my drift. This woman is BIG, BROAD and NASTY with her physical strength.  
 She subsequently texted me all sorts of lovely nothings...that the cops would come get me, that I was done, that my 411 account would be done and so forth. Well, as it turns out, I deleted my e mail I had used for her, my phone number was duly changed in a day's time. Who wants trouble with the cops. it also turns out, I informed the folks at 411 and they took her account down. I also informed the folks on TER and they have generously allowed me to warn the community about this provider.  
 I am not much interested in trying to prove the veracity of my account, so take it as you will. I am an honest fellow and do not post any negative or positive information unless there is a really good reason to do so.  
 Good luck.
-- Modified on 9/13/2015 1:50:55 AM

PaxtonMehigan1363 reads

She posts new candids all the time and none of them look obese.

How old would you guess she is?

Could you give an estimated poundage please?

Also just wondering if you're going to write a review that could help people in other cities not reading your post.  Or post this on the national board.

Thanks everyone for posting your views on this unfortunate experience.  
I would say she is about 200 lbs and 5'5. She is about 45 to 50 I would say.  
I can't post a review I think since I didn't have a session with her but perhaps if the TER folks are okay with it, I will do so.  

And yes, I am sure it was funny to imagine a dude wrestling this person to get out of her apartment and when I did, I ran like a rabbit. I was totally surprised at how out of breath I was...Lol.  

Anyway folks, lets just keep it as honest and good as we can for all of us. I don't like confrontation. I feel uncomfortable posting anything negative about someone if it affects their livelihood, but this situation just took it to a new level.

Finally, I am aware her p411 account is up, well, it was suspended I was told. I can't fight them on it. I simply don't have the time and energy to continue to try and state my case.  


Posted By: PaxtonMehigan
She posts new candids all the time and none of them look obese.  
 How old would you guess she is?  
 Could you give an estimated poundage please?  
 Also just wondering if you're going to write a review that could help people in other cities not reading your post.  Or post this on the national board.

PaxtonMehigan1719 reads

You had a session you can review if it happened as you say.

WildJimmy!1272 reads

"I would say she is about 200 lbs and 5'5. She is about 45 to 50 I would say.  "

the height thing doesn't change that much with years, IDT, and those states are so far off her P411 profile that I would suspect she double booed or something and grabbed a stand in from out of the soup kitchen. a Meet & Greet. I have not had a session with her. I won't speak to any other info in this thread. It was approximately a year ago that I spoke with her. (Yes, I'm taking into account the heels she had on.)

GaGambler1526 reads

Is this a start of a new trend where even sacred cows (pun fully intended) have to actually deliver or get called out for their bad behavior? I certainly hope so, and while I won't say "My faith is restored in the system" I am at least hopeful that there is hope for TER after all.

I love the fact that a relative newbie came on here, told the truth from his POV, named names and didn't puss out and hide behind an alias. KUDOS, and my sincerest thanks for braving the inevitable White Knights that are going to come crawling out of the wood work to warn the community about a woman whose BSC tendencies have been only back channeled here for years.  

Anyone else have any Veronica stories they would like to share? I don't have any myself as she is WELL out of my age range to begin with, but I have heard a LOT of back channel stories about her BSC behavior over the years. This sounds like a perfect opportunity to "share with the class" lol

Great job Mark, sorry about your bad experience, but I would like to sincerely thank you for your post on behalf of the community

Every time I read his post I'm still laughing. I find it so hysterically amusing. I can't believe a hooker would literally block a door and try to prevent a patron from exiting and then follow it up by calling him a little bitch. Talk about a nasty, vile attitude. Personally, I wouldn't have offered her any cash at all. If she never disrobed and he found her to be unsavory for lack of a better word, he owes her nothing.  

I'd heard the stories in the back channel as well and I'm no John. But this is why ladies need to find an exit strategy. You get well past the point of prime and if you're a boozer it's a double whammy as the alcohol will make you softer and older looking at a rapid rate in your 40 plus years.

GaGambler1454 reads

but it happens to be absolutely true. lol

Damn, I think I just figured out who you are. Or at least I hope so, because if you are who I think you are, it's all good:)

Well I'm surprised it took you this long to figure it out. I'm not one to mince words; known as an asshole biggot racist... Never met a "Nig" I liked.  Yep there's a difference. But we can talk about snap backs, fake ass gold chainz and saggy pants later.  

Unless a woman keeps herself in tip-top shape beyond 40, retire with some dignity. When you live life staring into the bottom of an empty bottle, the only person that's going to find you remotely attractive is the man/woman in the mirror.  Or another drunk.  

Youth is forgiving. Being an older, in shape whore is one thing, being a beligerant, vindictive drunk old whore is a dangerous combination.  When you drink to avoid the issue, the issues gonna rear its ugly head eventually.  If hooking over 40 is your only option, put down the booze and break out the elliptical and break a sweat...DAILY

Glad all he suffered was a throw down and some nasty comments. So as much as I hate to admit it, I sympathize with the boys on this. Pages upon pages of 9-10 reviews would leave a patron at ease about forking over personal information to get the confirmed date.  Just goes to show you never know when someone's gonna flip.  


Posted By: GaGambler
but it happens to be absolutely true. lol  
 Damn, I think I just figured out who you are. Or at least I hope so, because if you are who I think you are, it's all good:)

Thanks you predicted, I am getting based aplenty by this person, her friends and perhaps only one "white knight".

Used to have a regular lady who was quite fit and enjoyed wrestling from time to time. We'd do it just long enough to work up a little sweat and then we had some serious sex. It seemed to really turn her on. I would also suggest trying naked Twister with oil. Giddy up!!!!!

Just common courtesy. She didn't mislead you any more than any other provider with retouched photos. They all do it. If you didn't like the show, then don't come back, but you already bought that ticket. Be a man and pay up. I had a similar occurrence with someone, she showed up, I wasn't at all attracted, so we just sat and chatted a bit. I never said I wasn't attracted, just kind of made some other excuse. No need to hurt someones feelings. I paid full price. That's why meet and greets are good. You get a preview.

PaxtonMehigan1342 reads

How would you know her pictures aren't more misleading than anyone else's? Were you there?

He offered to pay half - or so he states - that's more than most charge for a cancellation fee - and instead she wanted to rumble - or so he says.

I'm not sure why he states his ability to curl 30 lbs either of she is as obese as he states

there are no contracts.  why would you encourage false advertisement?  

I walk out if the girl doesn't look anything like her photos and uses inflated reviews.

That's BULLSHIT!  First of all she didn't have to go anywhere. He showed up and at 9:30 pm. I was a hooker for nearly a decade and had few men ever show up that late as most hobby safely during office hours. It's not like she had a long list of men wanting to book at that hour. If her clothes stay on and he's unhappy with what he sees, he shouldn't have to give her a fucking penny unless he's paying her for an off campus dinner date. He was there 17 minutes for Christ sake. And I'm sure the first 15 were a "holy shit, how the fuck am I gonna get out of here" moment.  Grow a pair happy camper. Would you pay a lady you didn't fuck if you left because you couldn't stomach it?  That's just plain extortion.

How is that different if she would not see me if she did not like my looks. Please. He should take some of the blame she is old and fat-would take very little research to find that out.

Based on his side of the story, he shouldn't have spent close 20 minutes sipping on wine on her couch, shooting breeze, the  and she should have not gone to the extremes she did when he was going to give her half. If both had done these two things there would be no dirty laundry to air here.

But there's something about having an elliptical machine in the mix that I find strangely comical, shame on me I know. This could have ended up a lot worse if someone had really been injured by bumping their head on a hard/sharp object . Something to think about by both parties .

Steph xoxo

i rarely ever drank alcohol during session but I do recall once having to slam back a quarter bottle of jack Daniels before I could proceed with the requested deodorant free arm pit worship. I'm sure I wasted about half an hour of his time slamming back a few in order to get through it without laughing my ass off.  

Well, this has been fun. Thanks Admin for letting this thread stick as I've been rather bored this weekend. Id love to stay and see how the saga unfolds but a nap is calling my name.  

Peace out!

WildJimmy!1196 reads

Maybe it was a very, very good wine. lol

You1304 reads

Had an appointment several years ago with Veronica and was confronted with a reality at considerable odds with the  available photos and reviews. She was indeed a large woman, whose weight was obviously greater than what was "advertised."  

 I am just not attracted to women with that build; I was not turned on at all and "accepted" oral sex and left.  
I had no interest in negotiating any sort of "rebate" (I accept such situations as one of the possible outcomes; the TER reviews improve the odds but offer no guarantee of physical compatibility).

Sorry for using an alias but getting into mudslinging fights is not my idea of fun. I don't even provide reviews (for a variety of reasons). I just wanted to validate some of the comments of the poster. (But frankly, his effort to negotiate a partial rebate wasn't a good idea; unless she wasn't willing to provide the service, attraction is not guaranteed and he should have  instead posted a review to provide his own assessment. Rolling around on the floor, trying to escape, oozing any and all dignity is not a desirable outcome and not worth trying to hold on to a few dollars.  And can't say it was about the "principle!"

V can handle herself and I'm not here to White Knight but what the OPs definition of 'obese' is what's throwing me off. Have u seen her candids over the last few months? That is not even close to an 'obese' female at her height. Just sayin'  

Sir Cumalot

Bashing her sobriety right now but candid pics can be altered and doctored. Take it from a pro. Or former pro lol. There are so many photo enhancing softwares to smooth blemishes and unsightly areas.  I would venture to guess the only areas of V's candid pics that haven't been altered are those from the neck up.  I mean, come on dude. shopping candids from a 300 lbs 'obese' lady to her size in pics would look so unnatural it would way obvious. She's sent me text pics on the fly and within last month. 'Obese' she is not.

Not saying his account didn't happen. I am saying his use of the word 'obese' is, while subjective to his opinion, not accurate IMO.

Cmon man,

Sir C

i am a physician my friend and obesity is a BMI over 30. She is definitely at that point. Weight in kilograms divided by the square of height in meters... not that i measured her lol, but just saying, from a merely gestalt view. mild obesity is where she would fit medically I think.

Might exclaim...Oh my!


Posted By: mark2b
I am relatively new to the Atlanta area but have lived in multiple places and hobbied on and off for about 8 years now. So not a spring chicken by any stretch of the imagination. But what I experienced with the mentioned provider surprised me quite a bit. A bit of a warning to you and also a bit of vengefulness on my part, and of course, making sure that she doesn't get to smear my nascent reputation with other providers.  
 Anyhow, so I made an appointment with her some time ago, and screening went smoothly. Got to her place at about 9.20 pm and was welcomed into an apartment that was well kept and very classy. Unfortunately, the pictures on her website and indeed, the reviews on TER quoting her as a 9 or a 10 on looks are totally not what I would have expected on seeing her. She is decidedly past her prime and flirting with an unmistakable case of mild to moderate obesity. She is also rather broad shouldered and at least I could not bring myself to consider engaging in intimacy with her.  
 Not one to invite any confrontation, I settled into a drink with her, while we chatted and shot the breeze a bit. My mind was working furiously trying to figure how to get out of the situation. I used the rest room and as I came out, I realized the only way out was to be honest and up front, state my position, offer half her donation for the approximately 17 minutes that I had been in her apartment, and get the hell out of there, cutting my losses and wandering about town for the night, drinking away my disappointment. Well, thats exactly what I proceeded to do.  
 What followed was bizarre. She got really quite miffed that I suggested I wasn't the least bit sensually attracted to her, and when I made my offer of half her usual hourly donation as a cancellation fee, she absolutely refused and insisted that I owed her the entire amount. I tried the sweet talk diplomatic approach again, explaining how it would be amicably resolved if we were to accept some compromise on either end but she would have none of it. She physically blockaded her apartment door, and as I tried to reach behind her to reach the handle of the door, pushed me away. I stepped back, again pleading my case and then she started to call me a little "bitch"...and so on.  
 Eventually, after aimlessly waiting and stating my case yet again, I reached behind her for the door handle and when she would not budge, I had to push her out of the way. That took a fair bit of strength by the way, and soon we were a heap on the floor by her elliptical machine and I was trying to keep this woman down while I had a brief second to rise and get the hell out. I managed that finally. She is strong physically, and large, and it took my best strength to get me out of there. I am not a petite wimp I assure you. I work out regularly and can easily do biceps curls with 30 lbs and ride about 50 miles a week on a bicycle. But you get my drift. This woman is BIG, BROAD and NASTY with her physical strength.  
 She subsequently texted me all sorts of lovely nothings...that the cops would come get me, that I was done, that my 411 account would be done and so forth. Well, as it turns out, I deleted my e mail I had used for her, my phone number was duly changed in a day's time. Who wants trouble with the cops. it also turns out, I informed the folks at 411 and they took her account down. I also informed the folks on TER and they have generously allowed me to warn the community about this provider.  
 I am not much interested in trying to prove the veracity of my account, so take it as you will. I am an honest fellow and do not post any negative or positive information unless there is a really good reason to do so.  
 Good luck.
-- Modified on 9/13/2015 5:36:08 AM

Posted By: HeathersLuv4u
So he's supposed to just stand there, endlessly debate with her, and get insulted / shoved around? All in the name of being that woman's idea of a "gentleman?" Riiiiiiiggghhht, because that makes a ton of sense.   :/

I see on many providers' websites and on here that their time is valuable and they don't want it wasted. And I totally get that...but what about the customer's time? At what point do you say enough is enough? While I'm not about putting my hand on a woman in anger or whatever, at what point can you defend yourself or attempt an escape in this scenario?

Please enlighten me. I truly want to know what could've been done differently.

Hence her beligerant behavior and threats because he didn't want to fuck her.    How fucking flawed is your logic?  What if you showed up to find a guy you found repulsive and he stood in front of the door and refused to let you leave?  You should really just STFU because you make about as much sense as a snail.

Posted By: HeathersLuv4u
That's not much of an explanation or an answer to my question. You're saying under no circumstances can a man ever lay a hand on a woman? Because that's just not realistic, let's be honest.

I've only struck a woman once in my life, and that was because she went for my nuts then smacked me upside the head with a tv remote. There are instances where it's perfectly okay to defend yourself. Woman or not. Just sayin'

You want equal rights / treatment...but also desire special treatment? That's kind've a bit much, don't you think? You can have one, not both.

-- Modified on 9/13/2015 3:01:46 PM

You're a fucking idiot too. He has the right to leave.  You sure wouldn't have your angry face on the subject line  if the roles were reversed and a man was trying to stop a hooker from leaving. Wow, another dumbass hooker

Does that mean we aren't gonna be BFF's?

She seemed to be the aggressor. If she would not let me leave-I would have pushed the fat bitch out of the way.

I would have ripped her head off and shit down her throat.  

Nah, no love lost between me and Heather. I never cared for her when I was a Ho and I damn sure don't now.

It's refreshing to pop in and tell the truth.  Being politically correct and having to lie on this board was the worst part of hooking.  No fear of being brutally honest now.

...posts I've ever seen on this board. I want the IQ points I lost reading it back. Until then, I'm blocking you.

Sir C

well, now Heather...well now. I suppose that is the only story that Veronica can say to justify her behavior. And you are probably her friend. Trying to support her version of the story. I have some bruises on my back and a herniated disk to prove to you... but I perhaps don't need to. Some people simply have anti-social tendencies and lack a bit of empathy. That is what I got from Veronica. Initially, I attempted to simply talk to her about offering her half the price and saying i wanted to leave and she pushed me. I retreated back in her apartment and said I would just sit and wait it out but it did not work at all. She was guarding the door like a sentry...mall cop!!! I had to get out of there and there is no way i was paying 450 roses for a thorny experience! Haha. Let me politely say, please go shag someone else off with your interpretation.

The guys who reviewed her. They need to be held accountable too.

I don't want this scenario to become the norm....kicking girls ass

CharlieSheeeeeen1167 reads

The minute she impeded his way to leave is against the law and when he tried to reach behind her to open up the door she put her hands on him which is assault.  I don't believe in man handling woman, but if a provider pulled that on me she'd be in trouble.

Someone really needs to have a talk with the reviewers and let em know that their fake reviews caused a physical altercation. Maybe even pull everyone of those reviews so this does not happen again.
I'm not ok with gals that harass reviewers, gals who photo shop ther photos or reviewers that fold to someone scamming the system. It makes guys hard on all of us. Maybe rightly so but it ain't fun on my end

That Veronica is a 10 -per some of her reviews are just comical. She has a reputation of being very pushy for her reviews. She even pm's me when I say something nice about ladies she doesn't like-till I told her to fuck off.. Thanks for the real feedback.

Dontbelieveit1395 reads

I am posting under an alias because I have experienced Veronica's vengeance and don't want to experience again..  She is overly pushy, arrogant and down right mean if she thinks you have crossed her or given her a review she isn't happy with.  I would avoid her and her friends like the plague for your own safety.    Agree 100% with the original poster.

PaxtonMehigan1346 reads

Could you name some of her friends you'd recommend also be avoided?

Nobody has a knack quite like me for adding insult to injury.  Wasn't this fun?

You're welcome!

Or a PM via your non existent VIP..bwahahahaha

I haven't laughed so much ( on both sides) in a while...nothing like a good ol fashioned cat fight thru the keyboards..add wine, women, and money and wait....almost like fishing....

ValuedCustomer1316 reads

than I have seen on this board in many moons...  

Good job Ga G.....!

"oops I forgot the donation!


Posted By: mark2b
I am relatively new to the Atlanta area but have lived in multiple places and hobbied on and off for about 8 years now. So not a spring chicken by any stretch of the imagination. But what I experienced with the mentioned provider surprised me quite a bit. A bit of a warning to you and also a bit of vengefulness on my part, and of course, making sure that she doesn't get to smear my nascent reputation with other providers.  
 Anyhow, so I made an appointment with her some time ago, and screening went smoothly. Got to her place at about 9.20 pm and was welcomed into an apartment that was well kept and very classy. Unfortunately, the pictures on her website and indeed, the reviews on TER quoting her as a 9 or a 10 on looks are totally not what I would have expected on seeing her. She is decidedly past her prime and flirting with an unmistakable case of mild to moderate obesity. She is also rather broad shouldered and at least I could not bring myself to consider engaging in intimacy with her.  
 Not one to invite any confrontation, I settled into a drink with her, while we chatted and shot the breeze a bit. My mind was working furiously trying to figure how to get out of the situation. I used the rest room and as I came out, I realized the only way out was to be honest and up front, state my position, offer half her donation for the approximately 17 minutes that I had been in her apartment, and get the hell out of there, cutting my losses and wandering about town for the night, drinking away my disappointment. Well, thats exactly what I proceeded to do.  
 What followed was bizarre. She got really quite miffed that I suggested I wasn't the least bit sensually attracted to her, and when I made my offer of half her usual hourly donation as a cancellation fee, she absolutely refused and insisted that I owed her the entire amount. I tried the sweet talk diplomatic approach again, explaining how it would be amicably resolved if we were to accept some compromise on either end but she would have none of it. She physically blockaded her apartment door, and as I tried to reach behind her to reach the handle of the door, pushed me away. I stepped back, again pleading my case and then she started to call me a little "bitch"...and so on.  
 Eventually, after aimlessly waiting and stating my case yet again, I reached behind her for the door handle and when she would not budge, I had to push her out of the way. That took a fair bit of strength by the way, and soon we were a heap on the floor by her elliptical machine and I was trying to keep this woman down while I had a brief second to rise and get the hell out. I managed that finally. She is strong physically, and large, and it took my best strength to get me out of there. I am not a petite wimp I assure you. I work out regularly and can easily do biceps curls with 30 lbs and ride about 50 miles a week on a bicycle. But you get my drift. This woman is BIG, BROAD and NASTY with her physical strength.  
 She subsequently texted me all sorts of lovely nothings...that the cops would come get me, that I was done, that my 411 account would be done and so forth. Well, as it turns out, I deleted my e mail I had used for her, my phone number was duly changed in a day's time. Who wants trouble with the cops. it also turns out, I informed the folks at 411 and they took her account down. I also informed the folks on TER and they have generously allowed me to warn the community about this provider.  
 I am not much interested in trying to prove the veracity of my account, so take it as you will. I am an honest fellow and do not post any negative or positive information unless there is a really good reason to do so.  
 Good luck.

Although it is very entertaining to read the mud slinging (and I too have had to set people straight on the board) it is refreshing I must say to finally see people maning up and calling others to the carpet on their BS. With that said, if I may add my thoughts.

1. TL I've seen you naked in person and you were just fine, we must remember different strokes for different folks, that's what makes this thing so enjoyable. Any and every type of person is available to you to fulfill all of your intimate fantasies.  

2. Twinkles are very tasty. But too many can be unhealthy inside and outwardly.  

3. HELL NO, NOT ASSAULT. Women can't continue to demand respect and to be treated kindly when they act like beasts. My dad always says if you don't want to be treated like a man, don't put yourself in a position for another man to treat you as such. Ladies have to understand that just because they have a vagina does not give the cart Blanche in bad behavior. If you impede/or become physical with anyone, be ready to get your ass handed right back to you.

4. We all know that number inflation, bullying, deals and back channels go on so why do people continue to put such a high value on them? Ive asked for no more reviews, as i just dont think they are necessary, nor do they tell anything but the intimate details of what shoild really be a private encounter, thanks to all those who have really adheared to my request. xoxo. There is rarely if ever a real 10/10 across the board and any provider that says she is in my opinion a somewhat delusional, but that's my opinion. Just like an ass hole, everyone has one.  We all have seen the ones you get removed from your constant bitching and complaining to the admins. Ill be glad when they get rid of that whole system. We also know that men will give low numbers if ladies don't give the "special services or favors" it goes both ways. Reviews should just be yes, no or old pics and yes or no provides as advertised.  

5. All this name calling is childish.  

6. Most ladies tend to post the same overly photoshopped pictures for years on end so this should not be a surprise they dont look the same, else theyd post different pics. However, they should also not be angry when they are called out on such. It is what it is. If you have a 23 in waist in your ad photo, don't have a 42 in waist in person. If these are your marketing methods, don't get angry at the truth teller, get angry at yourself for not hitting the gym. Just because you see yourself that way in a professional shoot does not make it reality. And men don't expect what you see in an overly touched photo to be what you get in person. If the walls are bending in the photos, or she's always extra made up, or she has no flaws, she's fake. Simple as that, we are human expect that.

7. We could all use a little work, inside and out. Youth does not make you a gem just as age does not make you a hag. Some younger woman have fake hair, eyes, lips, waist, ass, nails and still have to photoshop, while some older ones are hard body hotties. It all depends on the level of pride you take in yourself or the doctors you choose. GO TO MEET AND GREETS to get a sneak peak.

Well ill rap it up with this. Live, love and phucking find Joi in your  life. You'd be so much happier in the end.

Holy hell, this thread has lasted this long?!? Haha, damn, I leave to go play ice hockey yesterday afternoon and find this has mushroomed into absolute craziness.   :D

-- Modified on 9/14/2015 2:01:46 AM

I don't even talk to hardly anyone around here anymore just because of crazy stuff like this. I have a good life and to much going on to even worry about all this negativity :)  
Btw, really good to see you posting :) hope you're well :)
Hugs and kisses

All of you, leave me alone.  I like to sleep at night ya know and I REFUSE to get pulled into yawls cat fight. I don't care who's talking shit about me, I don't care who doesn't like me. I dont even care who has been PMing who about me. I'm only interested in the ladies and gentlemen I fuck.  Good grief.  
Go to bed already

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