
hc109 put the shovel down
cashorcredit 538 reads

You really seem to be misinformed so I will leave you with some facts.

I'm surprised your primary doc never told you, that whether a prostitute bangs 2 or 15 Johns a day that you're still at the same risk of catching an std. He also should've told you the only 100% way to stay safe is to abstain from any sexual contact... meaning no kissing, daty or bbj or to find a provider that's a virgin.  

It's 2014 you really shouldn't be sounding this stupid, when used properly condoms have a 85 to 99% effectiveness rate. Although they aren't 100% effective your chances of catching an std when using them are slim to none.  

Next time think before you post  
Posted By: happycamper109
You really think a condom is be all end all protection? You think it's just as safe banging a woman who is with 15 men a day as it is being with a woman who bangs 2? Just wear a condom and all risk is equal? Hmmm, ok, good luck with that.

I've been to the NV brothels a couple times, and would be really curious to hear the experiences of anyone else.  Gents?  Providers--Any of you work there?  Seemed overpriced to me, though I know that the providers have to cut so much to the house.  Thanks all!

Trying2FindaWay956 reads

Sheri's and Chicken in the south. And the ones up north. There are like 20 brothels.

Lots of variety, way more expensive than ATL, very clean, it's fun to meet the girls in the bar and be aggressively picked-up by them.

Best source of data and experience is a sex in Nevada board, google it.

GaGambler819 reads

I would have to suggest though that if being "aggressively picked up in a bar" is what you like, you can save a fortune by going to a country when prostitution is legal. The savings on a single date will likely pay for the airfare if you stay in this hemisphere.

A few places that come immediately to mind are Costa Rica, Panama, or the DR. All are no further a flight than Nevada and overnight dates are considerably cheaper than a date of a single hour in Nevada. I would say on average an overnight date in DR will run less than $200, in CR about $3-400 and in Panama $4-500. and this is for the upper end girls, not our version of BP which can also be had for much less than the rates I've quoted.

Other advantages are BBBJ is available, even if not necessarily the norm. You don't have to venture out into the middle of nowhere in order to get laid, and you can keep a lady with you for as long or as short a time as you like. I used to like to see 4 or 5 different women a day several years ago, but I think I burnt myself out from doing that and now I often stay with the same lady for a day or two.

Just a thought

GaGambler706 reads

I've been traveling to Latin America on a regular basis for well over a decade, everywhere from as far south as Argentina to as far north as Mexico and the Caribbean with another dozen countries in between. i have been with well over a thousand different women during that time and the worst thing that ever happened to me was I drank some bad water once in Pereira Colombia and had the shits for a week. Never once have I contracted an STD down there.

You do realize that condoms are available just about everywhere in the world, don't you?

I rather be with a provider then some drunk chick that I met at some bar.

You really think a condom is be all end all protection? You think it's just as safe banging a woman who is with 15 men a day as it is being with a woman who bangs 2? Just wear a condom and all risk is equal? Hmmm, ok, good luck with that.

GaGambler584 reads

unless you are going to the MPs very few of these women are seeing more than two guys a day either, most only one. and unlike the illegal prostitutes in the states who get tested at their own discretion, these girls are required to get health cards to prove they are disease free.

Go ahead, keep arguing and prove just how stupid you really are.

Not only have I never caught anything but with over a decade of going to places like the Hotel Del Rey, and meeting hundreds if not thousands of fellow mongers, I have yet to hear of a single case of someone catching something from any of the chicas there.

If you want real risk, go try some $50 BP ho right here at home, or take a stroll down E Ponce or Metropolitan, I'll take the legal, and tested chicas of Costa Rica or Colombia any day of the week.

cashorcredit539 reads

You really seem to be misinformed so I will leave you with some facts.

I'm surprised your primary doc never told you, that whether a prostitute bangs 2 or 15 Johns a day that you're still at the same risk of catching an std. He also should've told you the only 100% way to stay safe is to abstain from any sexual contact... meaning no kissing, daty or bbj or to find a provider that's a virgin.  

It's 2014 you really shouldn't be sounding this stupid, when used properly condoms have a 85 to 99% effectiveness rate. Although they aren't 100% effective your chances of catching an std when using them are slim to none.  

Next time think before you post  

Posted By: happycamper109
You really think a condom is be all end all protection? You think it's just as safe banging a woman who is with 15 men a day as it is being with a woman who bangs 2? Just wear a condom and all risk is equal? Hmmm, ok, good luck with that.

cashorcredit519 reads

15 guys a day, I don't think any ladies little Coochie could handle that many guys

GaGambler569 reads

He could be both uninformed AND stupid. lmao

I will happily match my intellect with any of you half witted bozos.

Krunchie523 reads

...especially if it is because you don't have the same opinion and calling someone a half witted bozo is beyond the pale.

GaGambler558 reads

Now in my defense, I did allow for the fact that he could be uninformed and not just stupid, but my money is still on "all of the above" Pulling numbers like "15 guys a day" out of his ass is not really a sign of a smart guy. Not to mention I doubt he has ever even been to any of these countries in order to form a basis for his opinion. I bet you he thinks all girls that work at AMP are unpaid sex slaves being held against their will as well.

Actually the more I think about it, he most likely is just stupid, but until now I didn't call him that, I just allowed for the possibility.

He has only called my opinion stupid once.  We have called each other assholes several times but that usually only happens when buying a drink for the other.

GaG has a thin tolerance for bullshit.  But he will always respect a valid difference of opinion.

I can say the same thing for CoC, but he is perhaps nicer.  Lol, fuck. Nearly everyone is nicer than GaG on a roll, lol

Sorry HC, you missed the mark here, keep trying though.  GaG can roll with you, argue your points, get your facts not suppositions, assumptions, or implied concerns.

cashorcredit505 reads

But what can do when someone insist on digging

I wished someone would've told me not to bet on Creighton tonight.

GaGambler474 reads

I never filled one out, so there was nothing to bust.

Actually I haven't even been betting this year's tourney, and except for yesterday where I would have cleaned up, the other days I would have gotten crushed, so I am money well ahead by sitting on the sidelines. I think I will just wait until baseball season to start gambling again.

Actually, this isn't a matter of having a "different opinion." There have been actual STD prevalence studies done among the CSWs in Nevada by competent researchers, and the rates of bacterial STDs are quite negligible.    
This has been commented on rather recently in Sexually Transmitted Diseases, Dec 2012, "Sexually transmitted infection testing of adult film performers: is disease being missed?".  The study was among pornstars inn LA, but authors discuss STDs among CSWs as a comparison. In the discussion, the authors state: "As of the late 1980's, brothel workers in Nevada have been required by state law to use condoms for every type of sex act and to be tested weekly for STIs. Since the implementation of these regulations,  these brothel workers have not had a single case of HIV, and their STI rates are negligible."


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