
Had guys tell me they would not see a lady if they saw someone who reviewed her had seen a TS ...
boomit 2026 reads
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What do providers think about guys who also see the occasional Tranny? Would you do a double with a tranny? I know there is or was an agency that offered the service, but it is rather taboo. I am a guy that identifies as entirely hetero, and do not find men attractive at all. I do enjoy the change of pace, and experience of being with a TS. My fantasy is to do a double with a great TS and female provider. I assume I am in the minority, but would like to hear opinions on the subject.

SouthernElite See Agency Profile 1280 reads
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And yes, we still offer that service.  Our TS model (past or present) has always been one of our most popular models.

Posted By: boomit
What do providers think about guys who also see the occasional Tranny? Would you do a double with a tranny? I know there is or was an agency that offered the service, but it is rather taboo. I am a guy that identifies as entirely hetero, and do not find men attractive at all. I do enjoy the change of pace, and experience of being with a TS. My fantasy is to do a double with a great TS and female provider. I assume I am in the minority, but would like to hear opinions on the subject.

GaGambler 1126 reads
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First off, I am not here to judge, we get plenty of that from our supposedly "open minded" whores and whore mongers, but I don't agree that his tastes represent the majority here.

Once again, my post is NOT a judgment about the OP's taste in sex partners, we like what we like and it's really no one else's place to judge whether one fetish is "normal" while another is "sick" as long as we are talking about consenting adults, but I do disagree that anywhere near a majority of men would find another person with a penis sexually desirable.

Sorry, but this does nothing for me sexually, but I hope you find what you are looking for and have a great time.

Funny, thinking back I used to date this very hot Vietnamese girl several years ago. One of her best friends was a tranny that had started hormone therapy and was planning to actually have the operation as soon as he could. We got to be friends as well as he was simply "one of the girls" for all intents and purposes, but would I ever invite him into our bed??? Hell fucking no!!! lmao I guess I am not quite that open

atlfreethinker 858 reads
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I think it is irrelevant whether it is majority or minority.   Never been with a TS myself but wouldn't rule it out.

SouthernElite See Agency Profile 1051 reads
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Well poor choice of words on my part. Maybe not the majority, but being on the end that fields the calls of what people are looking for...there are ALOT of men interested in this. Point being that the TS has always had the highest percentage of calls at my agency. While people say they may not judge there is always the fear that someone will. I'm sure that a majority of the men that do see TS providers don't let their buddies know.

Posted By: GaGambler
First off, I am not here to judge, we get plenty of that from our supposedly "open minded" whores and whore mongers, but I don't agree that his tastes represent the majority here.

Once again, my post is NOT a judgment about the OP's taste in sex partners, we like what we like and it's really no one else's place to judge whether one fetish is "normal" while another is "sick" as long as we are talking about consenting adults, but I do disagree that anywhere near a majority of men would find another person with a penis sexually desirable.  

Sorry, but this does nothing for me sexually, but I hope you find what you are looking for and have a great time.

Funny, thinking back I used to date this very hot Vietnamese girl several years ago. One of her best friends was a tranny that had started hormone therapy and was planning to actually have the operation as soon as he could. We got to be friends as well as he was simply "one of the girls" for all intents and purposes, but would I ever invite him into our bed??? Hell fucking no!!! lmao I guess I am not quite that open

Shaft1 129 Reviews 949 reads
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Since, I've been on the mend,  I've had a chance to read more threads than ever before, not sure if that is good or bad LOL, but one of the things I've noticed is an over abundance of negative venom in blasting posters for asking questions and stating their preferences.  You would think this community would be the most understanding of differences and preferences in taste without being judgmental and critical. The one place that would be tolerant and open without judging. While it may not be your "cup of tea", that doesn't mean there aren't people that like certain things or attributes and they should have the right to state it and ask for help without fear of persecution.  I was surprised as I read some of the general board and ISO postings and how negative and mean spirited some of the replies seemed. LOL, no wonder so many people use aliases.  Just had to get that off my chest, LOL, way too much time on my hands. I'll be coming back horny as hell, look out sexy women :)

MeetEricaStone See my TER Reviews 1064 reads
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Girls that screen will hesitate because they don't want to get reviewed by a guy who has a TS review.  Crazy I know, but having a review from a guy that's reviewed a TS will make some men take a pass on that provider.  My advice is to see whoever you wish, but don't make it public.

-- Modified on 11/13/2014 10:22:30 PM

Lazydog 134 Reviews 848 reads
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I quit reviewing years ago. I've just found a better way for me to fill my needs. However when I was seeing 3 different providers a week and did it for years I steered clear of ladies who had been reviewed by someone who had seen a TS.  I'm not condemning those who do but it was my preference to not go there. The one thing this hobby taught me was we are all wired differently.  
Different strokes for different folks  

Posted By: MeetEricaStone
Girls that screen will hesitate because they don't want to get reviewed by a guy who has a TV review.  Crazy I know, but having a review from a guy that's reviewed a TV will make some men take a pass on that provider.  My advice is to see whoever you wish, but don't make it public.  

-- Modified on 11/13/2014 7:25:36 PM

Johnnycade 28 Reviews 519 reads
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Without judgement, and without flaming, this is potentially very dangerous behavior (for you and me); but it's a long discussion for another thread, another time.  I don't feel like accidentally hijacking this one.

AFICIONADO13 986 reads
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You will be judged by every review you post. Sad but true. A lot of newbies has to start over because of this. Not knowing how things really work that you will be judged and limited on the providers you will be able to see in the future. Let’s say you have been seeing top 25 rated women. One day you have one cancel at the last minute or NSNC and after failing to find a reputable replacement at the last minute you turned to BP just to take care of your needs for that day. Afterwards you review that girl from BP you have just limited yourself on the women you would like to see. When they see you have reviewed a girl from BP they will not see you based on that because they cannot have a review from a guy on their profile from such a guy as it would hurt their reputation.  

This hobby is about you, your fantasy, and desires. You should do whatever you want too that makes you happy. Just think very hard about announcing it to the world unless that is what you plan on sticking with while you hobby.  

Do not be delusional that this world is any different that you will be judged on the types of providers you see. Her age, stats, reputation, where she advertises, her rates, rating, competiveness, and other reviews she has, independent or agency

TrulyMsMocha See my TER Reviews 750 reads
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...before. I'm not the best at keeping track of knowing if everyone i've seen has seen a TS in the past or not so whatever. Personally if a guy does see them it doesn't bother me granted it doesn't look like me has more of an overwhelming taste for TS vs genetic females....but what matters most is he plays safe where it counts with whoever he's seeing (female or male or in-between). I would totally do doubles with a TS.

-- Modified on 11/13/2014 11:57:35 PM

HarryWacker 632 reads
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I always laugh when I read a list of reviews where the reviewer gives the TS gets a higher score than the women.  
Got to be a real ego boost.  

I know there's 31 flavors, but I avoid the ones with nuts. Just not for me.


Krunchie 808 reads
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as much as a risk factor.  No matter which source, std rates in the trans community are off-the-charts, way above hetro.  For those concerned, they would not knowingly expose themselves to the higher risk of seeing a gg provider who shares clients with a tg provider.

foguete69 38 Reviews 677 reads
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Of the perception of risk of exposure to disease/hiv
Right or wrong it is the perception pf engaging with someone who
Engaged in risky behavior.

GaGambler 562 reads
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BUT I refuse to use the term "genetic girl".  Flame me if you feel the need, but I will always use the term "real woman" as opposed to a TS, and not the much more PC "genetic girl" label.

AFICIONADO13 825 reads
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Porn stars since the herpes rate is around 75% and condoms are surely not 100% protective against that. AA males and providers since they tend to have a higher STD rate than a whites. White males because a large percentage of homosexual activity is from married white men that would not dare tell anyone what they did and you have no idea of protection was used or not.  

The truth of it is you have no idea what anybody is doing in their personal life. Since we are just basing this on facts and not judgment.  

I will be the first to admit how selective I am when choosing someone and I have a long list of things that will scratch them off my list.  

My point to the OP was to do whatever makes him happy. It’s his money. I just offered a word of caution that unless this will be an ongoing thing and not just some taboo desire he would like to try not to review or offer those providers as references unless he wants to get stuck in a rut where other providers will not see him

Eilzabeth See my TER Reviews 1011 reads
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I work with a beautiful, fit, white transsexual,  we are both versatile and have a lot of fun

Eilzabeth See my TER Reviews 1069 reads
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LSLarry 163 Reviews 658 reads
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If I see a reviewer who seeks, prefers or "one times it because they got carried away"  

THATS who I take off the list, and this in his/her lists.

Krunchie 665 reads
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...And I suppose if I had used the term "hair care products" you would have gripped about that too....hahahaha!

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