
JackCrack 8684 reads

-- Modified on 7/25/2003 7:28:55 AM

Who was the provider or madam who's house was busted either today or yesterday??  It was written up in the AJC on-line today.

Can't say I know her or the establishment...thank god....

I don't think this is one of our girls.  At least I hope not!!!

This woman was a real piece of trash.  She was having this in her house, while her 14 yr old daughter was there.  There's no telling what that girl has been through.

JackCrack9489 reads

Did you see this woman or otherwise know her?

Seems to me, she can afford a house in Dunwoody for her 14 yr old daughter.  The AJC is a rag and everything in it should be thought through before any believe is invested in what they say.

Have you ever heard of a malnourished 14 year in the suburbs?  Not unless they have been held captive.  Only infants and young children in this country suffer from malnourishment because they cannot leave their parents to go eat somewhere else.

If you have first hand knowledge of "trash" behaviour, let's hear it...  Otherwise, your just a cheering participant in the witch hunt.


-- Modified on 7/25/2003 2:04:22 AM

Ozymandias9841 reads

Whether the girl was malnourished or not, a brothel/club setting is no place for a minor; I shudder to think of the impressions that have been made on this child.

Providers and Hobbyists alike should keep their children well away from the playing field.


If I'm an A$$H0le for saying that a 14yr old shouldn't be kept in a brothel, then YES I AM.

Please think before you post.  

-- Modified on 7/25/2003 2:05:15 AM

JackCrack8685 reads

-- Modified on 7/25/2003 7:28:55 AM

JackCrack8852 reads

Let's try your way,

So Mom, an attractive but perhaps under-qualified professional should take a $12.50/hr (best case) 9-5 job.  That "proper" circumstance will enable her to house her 14 yr. old in low-income housing in a bad school district with less understanding of economic realities of life.

I apologize for my off-color accusation.

I don't condone, under any circumstance, minors participating in adult sex.  My understanding is the "brothel" was in the basement.  Sort of a "home office."  That is why I asked if you had first hand knowledge.  Was the daughter hanging out with the SPs?  Did the mom force her to participate or help the business (I mean take calls, etc.).  If so, it's reprehensible, but I suspect Mom was trying to provide a high standard of living for her and daughter.

Tell us if you know otherwise...

-- Modified on 7/25/2003 7:38:14 AM

Ozymandias8578 reads

I don't think anyone takes issue with the choice of profession... the point is that business should have been transacted elsewhere (apt, etc) to keep it from the kid; this way the kid can benefit from the income, but doesn't have to interact with its sources. Home office, indeed...

So, it was in the basement... you don't think the kid knew what was going on down there? And she must have seen the occasional SP and client as they came in and out (at least one client has attested to seeing the kid well enough to comment she wasn't malnourished). It had to bother the poor kid... if nothing else, she must have felt she could never have friends over.

Its psychologically abusive.


LadyRaven8633 reads

If you knew a young girl ...daughter of the provider...was in the house how many of you would be comfortable to completely enjoy yourself???

falsely accused10251 reads

All of you need to take a step back. I am the person you are talking about and since I should have the right to defend myself, I will.

My daughter was never exposed to anything sexual or business related. She was not allowed in the basement. It was kept locked. She was never unattended upstairs or listening to any activities downstairs. She was kept away from everything until the cops busted down my door.

So you think I should have to pay rent on both my house AND an apt? and then not be home for my child when she needs me? AND you still want the price of service to be reasonable?

My daughter wears the same size clothes as me. She is well-rounded and healthy. before this happened, she'd never even heard the word "prostitute".

And finally, hate to dissappoint you but there was never a brothel. I simply shared my home with another provider. SHe was the reason I got busted.

do your witch hunt elsewhere.....

I saw that you were making a come-back, I think that's good for you!  A lot of times, users do not intend to come-off as mean as they sound.  Best of luck to you!


So, its OK if the 14 yr old just sits in her room, hearing her mom provide service to guys, just as long as she's not in the room watching?!?!?

How clueless can you be?

Its scary to think there are people that think like you, walking the streets.  

I enjoy my freedom to hobby just like the rest of us, but I'm not going to ruin a 14 yr old girl's mind so I can have pleasure.  We can exercise our freedoms as long as they don't interfere with other people's freedoms and rights.

q_tip9264 reads

I don't know who the lady is but WSB indicated that she advertised on Supreme's website and briefly showed it during their TV story.

Been there, done her.

It was a cool place. As close to a Reno brothel as I have seen anywhere outside Nevada. And she is a cool gal, and definitely didn't mistreat her daughter as they reported.

When she advertised there, she said she was an ex-porn star.  She advertised as Tasha.  If you go there, you'll find threads and pics of her!


Mary Jane on Supreme also worked in that house...  

I don't know about you, but I'll be staying away from her for a while as well.

-- Modified on 7/24/2003 5:34:01 PM

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