
Damnit, no more M&G's for me!
der441 226 Reviews 1050 reads

I'm going to go broke, and that's a big problem, lol! It's been a week since the M/G and I've already seen 3 providers I met that night, including 1 today. The bigger problem is there were 10 providers I saw there that I was interested in. The biggest problem is I have a complete lack of impulse control!!!! More reviews coming soon. :D

Posted By: der441
I'm going to go broke, and that's a big problem, lol! It's been a week since the M/G and I've already seen 3 providers I met that night, including 1 today. The bigger problem is there were 10 providers I saw there that I was interested in. The biggest problem is I have a complete lack of impulse control!!!! More reviews coming soon. :D

ATL is a great place to meet gorgeous providers for a reasonable rate ($300-$500)

But I will have wonderful memories to think about while living under a bridge.  

Happy Hobbying

You are the man.  I want to  be like You when I grow up. I have been in the hobby almost 10 years and I have yet to go to a Meet and Greet.

I have a nice list too, but have yet to see any of them.  Too much other stuff going on.  But, thinking about them makes me really wanna.  I met some really good prospects at the meet and greet, and have narrowed the list to about 6, but I started the evening with 2 must see's, if I had left then I would have missed at least 4 more terrific ones

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