
Contrarian DUI Strategy
Krunchie 781 reads

With risk, but in theory said to have worked.  Always keep an unopened bottle of your favorite.  If you’ve been drinking and if you get pulled-over, hold the bottle-up in the most visible manner making sure the cop’s dash cam has a clear line while opening it and chugging as much as you can.

If you are found to be over the legal limit your defense is you did not drink anything until you opened the bottle while stopped.  The breathalyzer or blood test can not prove that is not the case.  You would concede you drank while stopped but not while driving

I don't drink often when I go out and meet with providers because of the fear of being caught with DUI. I wanted to know what are some ways to control yourself from being not too drunk? I heard some tricks from eating potatoes to drink a glass of water before a person drink. Do these tricks work or they are not actual fact at all?

Thanks in advance for your responses

since I really don't drink much anymore BUT I do know that nuts can equalize a breathalizer but one shouldn't drink and drive anyway because it can kill someone innocent ;) If I do drink, I don't drive :)
Hugs and kisses

I appreciate your response and advice Terri Lynn.

Almonds, peanuts etc...I went through a road block when I was younger n we had all been drinking. Well before we got to the road block we had stopped at the store.  I got MnMs with almonds n one friend got hot peanuts.  The 3rd friend didn't get anything but registered drunk! The other friend and myself... well if we registered anything it wasn't enough to matter but I really don't think we registered at all. Anyway I always wondered why some bars keep nuts at the bar. Now I see why. Regardless drinking n driving at all is not safe for anyone so I just don't. I was young and invincible (I thought lol)
HOWEVER if I'm eating his nuts nobody is going anywhere anyway hahaha!  :D
Hugs and kisses

GaGambler969 reads

Just don't drink "too much", simple, isn't it? lol

If your worry is DUI, just stay below the legal limit. If your worry is to not act like as ass because you can't handle your booze, sorry I can't help with that.

Another solution for avoiding DUI arrest is to simply not drive. Taxis aren't that hard to get in the city, if you are too far out in the burbs, then yes, getting a cab can be a bitch.

That is something that I would consider. I wish that there is an app that would be able to test a person limit in drinking to see if they are reaching the limit or not. hmmmm I might design one.

GaGambler593 reads

But one other solution might be a personal Breathalyzer. Just remember, Google is your friend. There are plenty of them available online.

Kudos for playing safe. Even us drunks can be responsible

You'd really "Breathalyze" a chicklet???   LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Maybe I'm reading it wrong.....funny....



Time and food, coffee, nothing...just time.......don't drink and drive!!!!!!!!!!

I do love my coors light though....I don't do many outcalls....whew!  LOL!

I really thank you Khori for your advice on the matter and I really appreciate it.

I've had one too many hang overs back in the more of those!  Take care! xoxoxo



I don't want to have an strange moment together. Sometimes I would feel strange if she is holding an drink in her hand, and I am holding an bottle of water. I don't want to make an person uncomfortable at all with it.

I am definitely ok with someone being themselves ;) Don't let ANYONE pressure you into having a drink if you don't want to. Hell most ladies don't care because that more alcohol for them! lol I really don't drink much anymore so I understand about the drink or not drink thing lol
Hugs and kisses

a belly full of fried food will help with the body processing the alcohol.

or maybe it was something else.  lol  just go with the flow Joe.  if I am going to her I am going
to spend more time into her then drinking so no worries.

That's what I did. You don't have to live intown but closer to town so the cab fare or UBER ride is less. I see people driving intown from WAY outside the peremeter and drive home hammered.

I'm a pretty big guy at 6'5" 270 and I never drink more than 2. It's not enough to buzz me but just enough to loosen up. Of course everyone has a different tolerance level. I enjoy having just one or two before we get started. Plus beware of Whiskey Dick if you drink too much! LOL....It scares the hell out of me! LOL..... Just stay safe and don't drive buzzed!

Posted By: bigjoe2002
I don't drink often when I go out and meet with providers because of the fear of being caught with DUI. I wanted to know what are some ways to control yourself from being not too drunk? I heard some tricks from eating potatoes to drink a glass of water before a person drink. Do these tricks work or they are not actual fact at all?  
 Thanks in advance for your responses

...It takes one hour for the body to process one half ounce of alcohol. (Weight, size and food in your stomach do have an influence.)Coffee, potatoes, etc don't matter. The body takes as long as it takes. Most drinks have more than a half ounce of alcohol so it will take at least one hour (actually more) to process the alcohol so you are no longer impaired.

Consider this when deciding how much to drink or whether to drink at all before or during a session.

I don't drink before or during a session.

I know exactly the percentage of alcohol I'm getting.  4.2 %.    :)  I don't drink liquor.

Tthere is a breath layer device I saw at Best Buy that can do the trick.  Some are more reliable and accurate than others.

Use it for'll be doing yourself a favor,   IF you drink....

Krunchie782 reads

With risk, but in theory said to have worked.  Always keep an unopened bottle of your favorite.  If you’ve been drinking and if you get pulled-over, hold the bottle-up in the most visible manner making sure the cop’s dash cam has a clear line while opening it and chugging as much as you can.

If you are found to be over the legal limit your defense is you did not drink anything until you opened the bottle while stopped.  The breathalyzer or blood test can not prove that is not the case.  You would concede you drank while stopped but not while driving

Abstinence works best.  
 I'm a lightweight anyway, but if I drink, my limit is one beer/shot per hour. I'm buzzed, not drunk, and can drive after the hour. I'veacquired a fondness for warm Guinness so sipping vs drinking helps keep my buzz manageable.
Lastly, Eat. Protein, pasta, finger food, it doesn't matter. The Digestive process helps keep energy levels up, so buzz not as intense.

Still, if I'm with a provider I prefer softer drinks and stay away from alcohol all together.


Drink club soda over ice with a lime wedge.  Drink as much as you want.

The best way is to just limit your intake. As a provider, I can tell you I like my dates to have one or two drinks, enough to lighten the mood and relax. If your doing more than that, It could ruin the evening.

Hope this helps.  :)

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