
Choice works both ways...
mongo19621954 22 Reviews 358 reads

There are some ladies who won't see guys who engage in activities with partners who are at higher risk from an STD even though they are going to use a condom if they see you.  That is THEIR choice.  And it's not an irrational choice. Condoms are not 100%. They break. They get abraded - microtears-  Not often - but it happens.

Another way of putting it is that a seat belt won't eliminate your chances of getting injured in an accident; you need to drive safely as well.   Seeing someone who bare backs strangers (even if YOU use a condom with her) is the equivalent of running the yellow light with your seat belt on.  You probably are going to be OK.  Most people get away with it.  BUT Do it enough times though and you will get nailed.

Some people are ok with running the yellow;  some aren't.  It's your choice and their choice.  

A ad for BB. WOW. Really!? Atl ad forum.  


Prostitution! LOL! The lady offers BB 3 Doors for 300. Clearly not an ad for prostitution. CLEARLY! 🤤🤤🤤🤤

She either doesn't know any better or thinks it's the "norm".  It's a good thing it's posted, that way you know what and who to stay away from!  Let buyer beware!.  It's a good thing!  


A whole hellavu a lot can change in six months! Hell in a week or day even! Nope. I feel sorry for her!

Posted By: TP9431M
A ad for BB. WOW. Really!? Atl ad forum.  

See AA men. This looks more like a scam. Definitely someone to stay away from if you value your safety.

many mongers ready to ride raw.
Bet she has a manager.

To each his or her own! If you want it.....if not keep moving!  

I concur. No judgements. Something for everyone.

Posted By: doublelll
To each his or her own! If you want it.....if not keep moving!  

There are some ladies who won't see guys who engage in activities with partners who are at higher risk from an STD even though they are going to use a condom if they see you.  That is THEIR choice.  And it's not an irrational choice. Condoms are not 100%. They break. They get abraded - microtears-  Not often - but it happens.

Another way of putting it is that a seat belt won't eliminate your chances of getting injured in an accident; you need to drive safely as well.   Seeing someone who bare backs strangers (even if YOU use a condom with her) is the equivalent of running the yellow light with your seat belt on.  You probably are going to be OK.  Most people get away with it.  BUT Do it enough times though and you will get nailed.

Some people are ok with running the yellow;  some aren't.  It's your choice and their choice.  

Good, if not great analogy...but there are so many nasty and unwanted possibilities!  STD's!  Pregnancy?  The list is unending.  I know condoms break...this shit happens.  But, going into it full on and bare knowing you're at a higher chance of getting God knows what.  NOOOOOOOOOO! Who would want to be full of....well, you do you even move on to another appointment?  The thought grosses me out.  ICK!  I may be sounding juvenile, but, so be it.  EW!

BB only if u provide recent test result (ad says so too). I wrote review just waiting to be approved.

She openly says she does BARE BACK.  So,  MOST of us think it's dangerous.  She and whomever can do what they want with each other.  Just rest assured,  you will presumably not EVER see another provider that knows you have been with her!  No one wants the risk of being seen knowing you'll want bare back.  Your dick,  do what you want with it!  Good luck!  You will be happy to know that you will be on quite a few  DOES NOT SEE lists!  :)


6 month old test results. Whoo  Hooo. I feel safer already.


I wouldn't care if they were 6 minute old test results. I'll pass.

I need to get VIP status, so I can see hitmew's reviews.  I need to know who to stay away from.

Posted By: hitmew758761
BB only if u provide recent test result (ad says so too). I wrote review just waiting to be approved.

It's your choice. I'm not interested and would never be. If that's your thing, go for it. Just do us (who prefer safety , both guys and gals) a favor and post a review detailing the BB. So we know who you are.

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