
as far as train wrecks go
TaylorLeighxxx See my TER Reviews 1855 reads
1 / 22

After numerous nasty emails and texts threatening my rep and to out me, I'll list myself under 'other' again, lol
Some of you crazy bitches should get a life;)

foguete69 38 Reviews 477 reads
2 / 22
TaylorLeighxxx See my TER Reviews 1028 reads
3 / 22

What's up is I shouldn't have to have my profile posted under another city or 'other' city to not get fake reviews or be harassed incessantly by locals and my profile/description be destroyed. Atl is getting a bit catty:( Really getting tired of the drama. 4 top 20 Atl gals are currently looking to 'destroy' me .. Really?! Get a life!

Posted By: foguete69

airmantroy 28 Reviews 665 reads
4 / 22

No you shouldn't !!! There are more than enough guys in this area to support every provider in town. I know of one particular catty bitch that needs to just go ahead and retire, most everyone I hear complain about such behavior mentions her name at some point...I know she has plenty of white knight pussy whipped guys, why be a back stabbing bitch to boot?

You do you Taylor, karma will serve the haters their just desserts sooner or later...

(And no you bunch of drama lovers, I will not name names or give clues

anonymousfun 6 Reviews 394 reads
5 / 22
bigjoe2002 55 Reviews 377 reads
6 / 22

I am sorry that you are going through that treatment. A person as established as yourself deserve respect. Some people only objective is to bring negatively with them wherever they go. Just stay strong and it will be better after while.

GaGambler 705 reads
7 / 22

It would still be hard to destroy your rep.  

As long as your profile still say "pictures accurate" I think you will be fine.

but it does suck that anyone has to go through this kind of crap. Personally, besides "the bitches" involved, I blame these insipid "top" lists that TER has created, the only way to climb the list it appears is to knock down the ladies above you.

and anyone calling me a "suck up" can kiss my fucking ass. Even Stevie Wonder would have to agree that Taylor is fucking hot.

ga_kosh 22 Reviews 500 reads
8 / 22

After all GaG, you're only offering disagreeable people to "kiss my fucking ass' and not any other ass you wouldn't try to use for "fucking" - such as your "hairy ass", "skinny ass", or even "shiny metal ass".  

As far as Taylor goes:
Competition. There are pros and cons, as well as professionals and convicts - regardless of the services being provided. Some folks are so willing to gun for the top that they seemingly sell their very souls to discredit anyone above them, not knowing that such actions will keep them from that very same goal.

Though I dislike NASCAR now, when I did follow it, I remember multiple Winston Cup Champion Jeff Gordon being quoted that he enjoyed hearing the crowds boo him because "love me or hate me, they still know my name and what I can do (on the track)."  

With these thoughts in mind, and I think others would agree, that you're likely a getting a case of supreme jealousy/envy thrown your way.  

I only ask that you don't let the Green Shadows of Envy cast by other people dim your day.

ga_kosh, being the Black Knight because White Knights don't get to say "It's Just a Flesh Wound!

USGrantlover 219 Reviews 562 reads
9 / 22

And you can be a suck up. On occasion. But its ok.

2442939 410 reads
10 / 22

You're too good of a woman to have to put up with that crap.  The people who know you know the real truth.  Forget the silly rankings, you're better than those girls.

FriendoftheFamily 671 reads
11 / 22

can't we all just get it on, er, I mean get along

Scrump_Master 697 reads
12 / 22

Congratulations on successfully throwing your own pity party, and subsequently getting the drooling dim-witted lap dogs to attend.
Kudos to you for strategically forgetting to mention any "nasty emails and texts" that may have emitted from you. Like a skilled marketer you've learned well how to divert attention directly where you want it, thus masking any thoughts a rational person may have regarding what part you play in creating your own drama.
While your suggestion that "crazy bitches should get a life" is readily accepted and supported by the masses, as with most advice we give others, it is always best to begin implementing such advice from within one's own glass house.

players2 9 Reviews 532 reads
13 / 22

No one deserves extra drama in this arena. And the idea there are no catty ladies-please. I guess I am just a drooling dim-witted lap dog. I support Ms Leigh- but she doesn't need me to protect her reputation.

bballs 40 Reviews 489 reads
14 / 22
HarryWacker 479 reads
15 / 22

Hiding behind your alias to bring up unpopular but valid points, you still have a chance to meet up or perhaps reunite with Ms Leigh.

One woman's WTF is one alias's Pity Party.

Not everyone names names in a vent, nor copy/pastes emails. Some people consider these activities as Tact.

Still, you bring up good points.

airmantroy 28 Reviews 481 reads
16 / 22

As you hide behind this weeks alias, chicken shit ....

I have never seen Taylor, never attempted to see her, but I'm far from dim witted or a lap dog. I'm sure if she wanted attention, she could have simply posted her FREE ad on the ad board....

MasterZen 33 Reviews 420 reads
17 / 22

I'm quite sure the drama is not appreciated by any of us, either.

Hopefully, everyone involved knows that "outing" is a pretty serious thing, and it rarely stops at just one person. Karma and the law of unintended consequences. We've certainly seen it before.  


GaGambler 448 reads
18 / 22

but if the alias coward has something to say, it's a public board, I am open to having my mind changed.  

Truthfully, I have no dog in this fight. I have never met Taylor and I am nobody's lap dog, Plus I love a good train wreck. So if someone would like to present the other side of the story I am all ears. For the record I have received some backchannel communication saying that there are two sides to the story. We've heard Taylor's side. if anyone has the balls to actually make the case that she is lying without simply taking pot shots from the safety of an alias, let's hear it. I am all about fair play.

AlexandraMilw See my TER Reviews 381 reads
19 / 22

I suspect the lady is being quite honest and venting. Sure it could be a way to mask a ThreAD but surely there are thousands of better options for starting one than this. ......

Also gals can be very catty, especially in rated cities. Hell, they are catty even in non rated cities. I think she should just ignore them and go on being her. Just consider how catty they are to the men who try and rate them honestly!!! They got to give 10/10's and word it just so or a few will throw a hissy fit and be vengeful and throw out threats.  

No reason for Taylor to list under "other city" as she is just giving in to what a few others want.

If there is 2 sides to the story, I have no way of knowing obviously. I like trainwrecks too. So obviously I am going to go with this being a legit vent (that really didn't need to be posted btw as there are just certain things we don't vent about IMHO) until shown otherwise.

My dear Taylor, whenever I have been pissed off at other ladies' behaviors, I just keep it to myself. There is no win for you in a matter such as this, if true. People will assume it is for attention even if you are 100% right. Attention equals views to your website and reviews. I know it is shitty if this is going on. The Provider Board is a much better place to vent and not throw guys into this, If they know they are getting to you, which obviously they can read this thread, they will keep it up.

I agree with GaG that my mind is always open for changing.  

Even if they got rid of the Top 100, there will still be fighting going on. There will still be messing with guys who don't leave 10/10 reviews. It isn't right but frankly it is not going to change.  
Posted By: GaGambler
but if the alias coward has something to say, it's a public board, I am open to having my mind changed.  
 Truthfully, I have no dog in this fight. I have never met Taylor and I am nobody's lap dog, Plus I love a good train wreck. So if someone would like to present the other side of the story I am all ears. For the record I have received some backchannel communication saying that there are two sides to the story. We've heard Taylor's side. if anyone has the balls to actually make the case that she is lying without simply taking pot shots from the safety of an alias, let's hear it. I am all about fair play.

foguete69 38 Reviews 428 reads
20 / 22

this one hasn't even jumped the tracks.  lol  As the cop might say "nothing to see here, move along folks".  lol  looks like a venting post only.  Don't see anybody other then the alias responding and responding not to the charges of the op but rather to the appropriateness of throwing it out there.

Oh well time to look for a fuck buddy.  Have a great Thursday everyone!

USGrantlover 219 Reviews 352 reads
21 / 22
TaylorLeighxxx See my TER Reviews 483 reads
22 / 22

My apologies!.. Who are you? I've been known to attack a hobbyist or two here on behalf of myself or other providers (several of whom I don't personally know) a time or two. It takes an astounding amount of harassment for me to call out a provider... Which a few of you have now shown me. My take.. Fuck me once- I didn't see it, what?! Fuck me twice-hmmmm...
Fuck me 3 times or more- consider yourself fucked. No one besides an alias decided to speak up on this post. Not surprising. Why dare out yourself? Lol  
For all of those who received a pm bashing the hell out of me.. Well there's your guilty parties;)

Posted By: Scrump_Master
Congratulations on successfully throwing your own pity party, and subsequently getting the drooling dim-witted lap dogs to attend.  
 Kudos to you for strategically forgetting to mention any "nasty emails and texts" that may have emitted from you. Like a skilled marketer you've learned well how to divert attention directly where you want it, thus masking any thoughts a rational person may have regarding what part you play in creating your own drama.  
 While your suggestion that "crazy bitches should get a life" is readily accepted and supported by the masses, as with most advice we give others, it is always best to begin implementing such advice from within one's own glass house.

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