
and here I thought "caliber" was a reference to your clients "thickness"
GaGambler 416 reads

With a "high" caliber having a large diameter and a "low" caliber being a pencil dick. lol

As for me, I never judge a woman for charging too much, or too little for that matter. I do however poke a bit of fun at the guys who really think they are getting "all that" by going for the HDH's, but what they pay is no skin off my nose (or other parts of my anatomy) and if a woman can get guys to pay her rate, well good for her, that's what capitalism is all about. I am sure most people think I am grossly overpaid too.

I had a 90 min appointment set up for today with an out of state provider with high scores and great reviews. I set everything up like three weeks in advance. Did nothing wrong that I know about. Her incall was downtown and I live about 45 mins north of downtown. I made sure to leave about 30 mins early because I knew there would be traffic. Before I left I emailed her for her incall. On the drive down I would check my email every five mins. I finally got to CNN center(she had told me through previous email that her incall was around here) and still no reply. I emailed her again requesting her incall address. Finally, the appointment time passes and I still hadn't received any reply. Is there a special place in hell for this kind of person? At least have the common decency to let me know that you need to cancel so I don't have to make a two hour round trip. Still pissed😡...

Is she still here - let a brother know who she is so we don't make the same tactical error - PM is fine

If you hadn't spoken with her in 3 weeks, she may have cancelled the tour or left town early. May I suggest, that next time you might try contacting her the night before to confirm your appointment. Hopefully, she would respond back or let you know she left early or cancelled the tour.

If the scenario was that you communicated with her yesterday or today and she subsequently NCNS'd you, then your post does no good if you don't name her. It rewards 'bad behavior' on her part and doesn't let other hobbyists know that she may have issues with reliability

Well the original time was suppose to be Tuesday. I emailed her on Monday to tell her I needed to reschedule. She agreed to reschedule for Wednesday at 12:00pm. On Tuesday, she emailed me to see if we could move it up to 11:30 to which I agreed.  

Posted By: Bucky11
If you hadn't spoken with her in 3 weeks, she may have cancelled the tour or left town early. May I suggest, that next time you might try contacting her the night before to confirm your appointment. Hopefully, she would respond back or let you know she left early or cancelled the tour.  
 If the scenario was that you communicated with her yesterday or today and she subsequently NCNS'd you, then your post does no good if you don't name her. It rewards 'bad behavior' on her part and doesn't let other hobbyists know that she may have issues with reliability.  

Is that against TOS to out a provider? Would I get in trouble?  

Posted By: Bucky11
If you hadn't spoken with her in 3 weeks, she may have cancelled the tour or left town early. May I suggest, that next time you might try contacting her the night before to confirm your appointment. Hopefully, she would respond back or let you know she left early or cancelled the tour.  
 If the scenario was that you communicated with her yesterday or today and she subsequently NCNS'd you, then your post does no good if you don't name her. It rewards 'bad behavior' on her part and doesn't let other hobbyists know that she may have issues with reliability.  

That is why I asked for the PM. Thank you for sending it as I was considering her.

GaGambler363 reads

You are most certainly allowed to name names, but it does give her (and her White Knights) a chance to tell her side of the story.  

IMHO, if you don't name names, then your post is not a PSA, but just a rant. The only way to stop bad behavior is to call out the people (men or women) doing it. It would be a public service to every would be client of hers for you to name her publicly

It is one of the reasons for TER.  Name her.

Yes sir. We emailed back and forth on Monday and Tuesday. I emailed her about four times today and never got a response.

she decided to keep the LA rate.  

IMHO, while she may have encountered something that absolutely took her off the grid for that period, the odds are infinitesimal.  Even in that event, though, she should do a follow-up apology (at a minimum) at the first opportunity.  To simply blow you off is inexcusable.  If the high caliber clients in LA accept that sort of behavior, then I'm glad to be here in ATL with our southern belles that would never think of doing that.

-- Modified on 4/28/2016 8:12:54 AM

Just lie and say something came up. I would've been fine with that and I wouldn't have had to make the drive. I did receive a PM from someone else who had a NCNS from Mia as well. He said he had a 3 hour reserved yesterday. I still have not received any communication from her... On to the next one...

And I still think that it's better to ignore men who think it's their God-given right to get 300/hr pussy... BUT yeah, if you're going to be high-end, it's important to conduct your business in a most professional manner (i.e. Keep appointments BAMN or alert people ASAP - and it does seem she ran into some issues that prevented her from doing so).

And for the record, the caliber discussion its not about budgets or means. I understand that some prices are just out of reach for some people and that is real. I'd never suggest that a man who can't afford XYZ rates is of a lower caliber. But anyone who whines and complains or makes smug descending comments about a ladies rates? Trash. Plain and simple.

GaGambler417 reads

With a "high" caliber having a large diameter and a "low" caliber being a pencil dick. lol

As for me, I never judge a woman for charging too much, or too little for that matter. I do however poke a bit of fun at the guys who really think they are getting "all that" by going for the HDH's, but what they pay is no skin off my nose (or other parts of my anatomy) and if a woman can get guys to pay her rate, well good for her, that's what capitalism is all about. I am sure most people think I am grossly overpaid too.

...thread did not convey what you are saying here.

Your statement there made it clear if she lowered her rate she would get a low caliber client.  It came across very snobbish.

The biggest.

So if it sounded snobbish, it was.  

And if anyone was offended, they probably should be.  

Because really and truly, the only people who were offended were the people who think providers need to be kept in their proverbial place.

If someone can't afford a luxury item, that is all well and good and no business of mine.  

But if you (the proverbial you) want to complain that you can't see the reason why ladies charge a certain amount or you want to state that based on principal alone you won't pay a certain amount...well we can all see through that

Those are the kind of men who feel entitled to being treated a certain way and ultimately resent their providers (because they don't think they should have to pay anything because it's their right/need as men to receive this kind of attention).

I would never EVER expect to persuade these men of their jackassery.

But every so often I like to remind other ladies on the board that you can be wildly successful even if your business model does not adhere to the guidelines that board tricks set out for you.

Yes I love my clients! And yes I love my lifestyle! And being a Leo, sometimes I need to rub it in the faces of my haters.  

There is so much life beyond what gets shared here on this board.  

The end.  

...what you're railing against. I don't think providers should be kept in their proverbial place and you will find many if not most here don't either. I and many others don't complain about why/what providers charge. I hope you'll note in my initial response on the caliber thread I agreed that there are those guilty of what you're saying. My reason for posting there and here was to take issue with you lumping all Atlanta mongers that hobby at rates lower than Mia's together as low caliber by stating "If you'd like to keep the caliber of clientele you enjoy in Los Angeles then I'd advise you keep your same rates." You made a sweeping statement encompassing all here. That is what I take (and took) issue with. It would be appreciated if you could acknowledge that.

I edited to add "and you will find many if not most here don't either" to the second sentence. I added "and many others" to the third sentence. Those additions made this more to my point.

-- Modified on 4/28/2016 7:20:19 PM

I also took care to note the proverbial you in my recent post - meaning not you! There's no reason to think that I'm saying folks who hobby at a lower rate are lower caliber. At all. Especially if they are sweet gentlemen.

I get that my wording seems insensitive to you, but I think you are reading too much into it. If she lowered her rates to see men who feel entitled to lower rates, she would not be enjoying the same caliber of client. Period. End of story. Can I get an Amen

I think you meant  exactly what you said, said exactly what you meant,   I think you said it again and I think you clarified it, semantics and parsing aside by others I see where you offended none, period.............suzee

-- Modified on 4/28/2016 9:54:18 PM

...of clients who do what you are speaking against.

Thanks for your thoughts. Very enlightening

Uncle_Juice374 reads

You seem a little needy and co-dependent

Stick to your own views, why do you need anybody to acknowledge or agree

Do you...just do you...

She just emailed me saying she was in the hospital all day. I'll be the first to apologize and hope that you are feeling better. Please accept my sincerest apologies.  

FWIW, this is why I didn't want to out the NCNS provider. So I'm the asshole now...

Uncle_Juice467 reads

That's where you fucked up

You can't be sure on the same day of the ncns

Well, I would say you were under some duress there because the sharks sensed blood in the water, so it was eat or be eaten ......c'est la vie, suzee

You have gained much face for whatever that is worth.  I wish there were something we (your fellow mongers) could do for you other than say "attaboy" but - it is what it is

HofFer470 reads

Was she so ill she couldn't let you know ?

Uncle_Juice496 reads

Unless you get blacklisted

I think you're best option now is to start a separate apology thread - otherwise it will just get buried here and unless everyone reads all the posts, nobody will realize that you fucked up by wrongly accusing a visiting hospitalized provider.

Just my thoughts

My experiences have been allergy/sinus issues in Fall made me go back and forth with a fantastic agency over a gal. I had a sinus headache that made it impossible to drive. The agency handler was most pleasant  when I called the morning of the pre-scheduled appt. I sounded like I'd smoked a carton of Marlboros without sleeping. 2 weeks later, that same provider had the same type issues and the handler offered me a visit with someone else, but I know what and who I desire and try my best not to let "lil kosh" get the best of me. I never did get the opportunity to see that young lady before she retired/moved on, but Life is too short to sweat it.

Another provider who NCNS entirely. I was patient. Sure enough, a couple of weeks later, she contacted me and seemed sincere stating that lost had her mom the day before she was to see me (I was her only appt that day). We mutually agreed that it just felt too awkward if we did meet up and she has since moved on. Life Happens.

So, I am a bit surprised by your post. There are true ERs in this world and a case of NCNS, even with a visiting provider, is as likely with best left alone until cooler heads prevail and contact is re-established. Sure, there are some flaky people in this world. I generally try to let things calm down and see what happens.

However, I give more patience than normal with a visiting provider due to her travel expenses and logistics (flight schedules, etc.) She's expending a bit more to be here so I give her more than a second chance.  

Once things calm down a bit, I most often find that many perceived NCNSs are actually an ER (illness/auto accident/family ER).  

Since I'm coming in late on this, and it appears the companion in question has aired her side, my advice is a bit moot.

As my Daddy used to say, 'Patience. Jackass. Patience".

Happy Thursday.

-- Modified on 4/28/2016 6:27:29 AM

to relate what happens to a provider as I would what happens at my job.  If I am dead, or in a life-threatening position, then sorry but my boss isn't gonna know about it until later.

BUT, if I don't show up to work and don't send my boss an email explaining anything and then next day show up and say "I was in the hospital".  My boss would be up my ass(and not in the good way.) (Don't go there... I am not saying hobbyists are the boss of the providers. Moreso... concerned co-workers! :) )

A hospital visit can be a million things, but only about 1 or 2 would incapacitate me in a way that I couldn't send my company an email/text saying I wouldn't be at work.

I'd say for almost 99% of the reasons I would ever visit the hospital, I could at least fire off a 4 word email "I won't be there."  Maybe Mia falls into the 1%, but if not, I don't think she is completely faultless in this experience

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