
Admiral Nimitz in WW2 had a famous saying
Tartus 56 Reviews 568 reads

The time to act is when you can act.  Go with your gut.  Exit, stage left.  The time to act is now.  Contact an agency to address that blood flow to the wrong head-- works every time for me.  Our excellent local agencies will keep uncle Leo at bay.

So has anyone else went the sugar daddy route? Or it only hobbyists here. I've done both and thoroughly enjoyed both.  
Here are two young ladies who are down for the SD deal but here is my delima. I can't shake my gut saying it is old uncle Leo. When I think with the right head I know what to do but then they send pics and I have my blood move to other parts. Suggestions? Comments? You guys(and gals) are pretty damn smart. Anyway to mitigate my exposure?

If I could afford it. So what if you think your uncle Leo. Just be smart on who you choose. Wish someone  was at the lake right now. Cheers.

maturity wise doesn't make you feel like 'Old Uncle Leo'.  She doesn't have to be dry and boring but just wiser when compared to her peers. (Likely less drama to!)

The time to act is when you can act.  Go with your gut.  Exit, stage left.  The time to act is now.  Contact an agency to address that blood flow to the wrong head-- works every time for me.  Our excellent local agencies will keep uncle Leo at bay.

but had to make sure she had the "shot" so no Babies. It was awesome. She was in nursing school and we did it for 2 years. She graduated moved to Boston and is now married to a doctor. Still friends to this day and yes I went to the wedding. Then 2008 & 09 put me into the poor house. God I miss it. But also love the hobby and the wonderful women of the ATL.

I've never been a SD so I'm curious about the arrangements... Also, thanks for sharing your story. Do you pay for college, car, living quarters or all of the above? How often do you meet? I have a good looking co-worker that keeps calling me daddy and has hinted she could use some help.

An old adage states "Don't shot where you eat."  Seems to apply here.  If you want a sb, go to a sugar daddy web site to find one-- but you play with fire when you enter into such an arrangement-- financially and emotionally.

I owned a bunch of condos back then (2005ish) and let her live in one for free including utilities. I could of gotten 1450/mo in a fairly high-end location. She had her own car but when she needed tires I paid for them. Her parents paid for college but I helped with books and lab fees. She did not even talk to her Dad (Daddy issues, thank God) and her mother lived on the other side of the country and was a major alcoholic. That’s why she got as far away from them as she could. She worked at the little Mexican restaurant I went to all the time and knew my ex and kids. Once divorced, she made the move and asked me out. It should be noted that I am a great tipper because I use to wait tables in college and I think she liked the color of my CC card. It should also be noted that she was a super cool chic and very level headed. A rare combo for a Latino from Columbia. I would see her any evening I wanted. So on week I saw her every night. The next only twice, depending on work and other obligations. The major rule was exclusivity and she was the one who wanted to get the shoot so no b babies. She busted her ass in nursing school and graduated with honors. I was so proud of her.  

Take heed to Tartus statement of “Don't shot where you eat." Or what my Dad told me “smart Dogs don’t shit in their cage.” O what I learned back in the 80’s. Don’t fuck any Women in your apartment complex. The work place is not a good place to be hunting Beaver. He is also right about the emotional side of the equation. This woman was very business and I was happy to have the sex base covered and it helped me in my career. But I will admit when she left for Boston I shed a tear. She had to talk to me on the phone so I did not go crazy and then it just became like friends over the years. Still friends to this very day

Was intrigued by your topic and just saw this article this morning...

How to spot a Sugar Daddy

A few easy pointers to get yourself a sugar daddy. easy to follow and its all based on my personal experiences.

 Overview your choice so you know you're not going down a dead path. If he is dressed nicely that is a good indication that he has money. Now if he is wearing a nice dress shirt he got from a department store he is harder to train then a man wearing say Gucci. (doesn't have to be Gucci but if he looks EXPENSIVE it's a better indicator of money.Seriously, men usually don't pay attention to labels unless they are gay or stacked.) Either way, it's easier to coax money out of a richer man.

 You also need to position yourself into what the majority of sugardaddy/sugarmamas are searching for. Are you younger (twenties)? Are you reasonably physically and facially attractive? Do you enjoy sex (not always with your type)? Can you provide a 'girlfriend experience' to someone you have a friendship with, but no romantic feelings for?

 You should also be able to provide an intellectual stimulus. Blabbing about reality TV and gossip rags does not cut it. Read and discuss books, learn about politics or certain historical periods. Listen to classical music, and attempt to pick out certain composers that you enjoy. Go to museums and take in the varying art periods, particular artists. Brush up somewhat on sports, so at the least you don't appear to be tremendously bored if he discusses them.

 Having a career where more sugardaddys/mamas are to more easier found is essential ,such as being a stripper, model or other career where you can come into contact with more affluent people.

 Try to figure out his personality. Now what is his personality like? Is he laid back? Does he work a lot? Does he seem like the romantic type? You need to find a man that is more of a loner due to him working so hard when he was younger. Someone who likes to have a good time but also is old enough to have the experience. Also older men are less likely to be players besides, the point of having a sugar daddy is to get the most expensive gifts.

 Make him feel like he matters. If you have picked out the man then you must make him feel like he never has before. Not including sexual acts, you must treat him like a king but act like it comes natural, (if a man acts like he wants to treat you like queen it feels more fulfilling than if he does it because he knows he should) and do sweet little things for him. Cater to him but do not make it obvious. the subconscious mind is easier to sway. IF YOU GET CLINGY HE WILL PULL AWAY. Make him think about you when you leave. he will want to spoil you if you make him feel like a king.

 Remember manners and courtesy. VERY IMPORTANT When he buys you anything (dinner, flowers, clothes, even something small at 7-11) Smile very sweetly and say thank you. DO NOT BE A UNGRATEFUL BITCH. Everyman wants to feel appreciated ALL THE TIME. Don't chronically swear. Use good table manners

That was very informational because I am definitely "open to negotiations" so to speak when it comes to an SD scenario.

Go with your gut instincts.

If you think it's LE, then it probably is.

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