Re: hmmm, seems like there is a glitch...
EWarren 6 Reviews 2141 reads
1 / 6

I only spent two weeks in the Sichuan province for business.  I really liked Chengdu, and I enjoyed Chongqing even more.

There are definitely far fewer foreigners (let alone non-Caucasians) in Western China, and in my opinion, people (men and women) in Sichuan are more of my type than in Beijing or Shanghai.  Maybe it is the spicy food - I met more extroverts and fiery personalities in Chengdu / Chongqing there than in other parts of China

ANaturalBeauty See my TER Reviews 1165 reads
2 / 6

Once I figured out how to get around, Chengdu did turn out to be pretty cool. I didn't respond very well to the pollution (the AQI was in the 500s in my final week there). The food was AMAZING! You could eat really well for like 30 kuai a day (about $5 USD at the time). I took a cooking course while I was there so I learned how to make some really good cuisine too. Sichuan is famous for it's variety of hotpot, which they advise you not to try until your third week there at the earliest because it is so insanely spicy. I had it maybe the 2nd week in and I was like "Where's the hot sauce?" and no one could understand why I would want it any spicier. Everyone I ask seems to enjoy Chongqing a lot too. I don't even go to clubs in the U.S, so the club scene there was even stranger to me than it probably should have been, but I still had a good time and met a lot of interesting people.

Jstgttnstrtd 18 Reviews 975 reads
3 / 6

...and somehow the Rick Steve's travel forum page loaded instead of TER!  :o)
But damn if you haven't made me start craving Chinese food at 1:23 am!

ANaturalBeauty See my TER Reviews 756 reads
4 / 6
SillyRabbit 17 Reviews 621 reads
6 / 6

I have read about "normal" travel to China, and have often read that it was hard to travel unless you had a guide, spoke some chinese... going with a group was recommended.  

I would think Beijing would know more English, but off the beaten path might be more difficult.

Was this the case?  Did you have any trouble communicating with hotels, restaurants, GIRLS ?

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