60 and Over

What makes your ATF your ATFregular_smile
599Casper 100 Reviews 1956 reads

I was reading an old post from a provider who was talking about her ATF client and it got me wondering. What makes your ATF? I ask this question of both the ladies and the gentleman.
 Certainly much of our literature, music and art articulate, or attempts to articulate personal emotions and feelings with varying degrees of success. However this group ( 60 and over) has a well developed perspective and demonstrated ability to articulate complex questions.
 Should be an interesting discussion. Inquiring minds want to know.

She arouses me to no end.  I can't get enough of her.  I adore every inch of her body.  There's no awkwardness to our conversation.  She makes me feel like I'm the only guy in the world when we're together.  She's in tune with my wants and desires.  She never takes me for granted.  She gives me cause to hurry back for more.

Most of us probably "been there done that" in all the categories of life and in reality our current status 60 and overs, father time is an issue. I'll take it from the Star Trek, ATF to me is someone willing to boldly go where no one has gone before....69

How do explain a good friend? Isn't it that you feel comfortable with them? Don't you have some similar interests? Don't you trust them? Things like this and throw in the fact that a provider will suck or fuck your brains out in any way you want it and will give you a "white list" if you want her to. She has a body, face, and attitude that turns you on.  That make an ATF for me. Add the frequent off the clock activities.We often do things that include her child. She knows all about me and I know about her family and her past.

-- Modified on 4/17/2016 2:38:48 PM

that somehow on my reviews I am mote a porno star then girl friend - when in fact the true value of my companionship  is this intimate connection .. I am so far have not met a man who would not fall in love with me - asa;; told me - I never remember my escort yet I would remember you..  
 I would like to share- one scenario  form my adult life - gentlemen contacting me for  a date - very nice .. and very polite .. all is amazing -  
 then he writes me - you know - I need to cancel because you are as fast , sport car .. you are as Ferrari . .. and I afraid I can not keep up with high speed..
It takes me for me  few emails to prove myself .. that I am  GF .. OMG and we are doing it all in NYC and opera, and Tea Room and jazz clubs and romance and walking in CP and Vegas and he just then coming to me over all country and I have men coming to me to move the ocean .. yet .. on my reviews  I am as porno star !! What do you think ? Can someone gave me feedback on my reviews if I do attract wrong for me men?
 And for me those would be wrong who do not need a woman company as a whole package ...
 How to fix it ? I tell you honestly - there is one review - who is darling lover.. and he met me many times and sending me roses  and we done so much .. yet on his review - I again AGAIN just porno star - while himself he do not see me JUST because of that .. how to overcome this image ? I think I have wrong image of me as just one wild Russian porno star.  
 While I am so gentle and cultural and loving Russian girl friend ..

[email protected]  


-- Modified on 4/27/2016 9:16:37 PM

It is due to TER review requirments.  TER requires a detailed sexual description in a review, otherwise the review will often be held from publication until the description is revised with their desired level of physical performance.  You won't find Pushkin here.

Posted By: Pavliena
that somehow on my reviews I am mote a porno star then girl friend

NoYellowEnvelope809 reads

... connection.  Yes, it's overused, but that's why she's my ATF. The first time I met her a few years ago, a giant light bulb popped in my brain. She was EXACTLY what I was looking for in a provider... although I didn't realize exactly what I was looking for until I met her.  

She has all the basics covered:  beauty (although some have disparaged her looks, because her face isn't off the pages of Vogue), sensuality, and skills. But she's my ATF because of what lies under her skin. She's smart, well-read, witty, and has a great sense of humor. But what really makes her stand out is her heart.  Her approach to escorting is to love every client--even if they're jerks. Walking into her incall, I feel enveloped by love. I feel safe, and feel free to be the real me--all of me:  the sensual me, the playful me, the serious me, the nerdy me, the silly me etc.--without fear of being judged (although she doesn't hesitate to give me the brutal truth when I ask her advice). And I'm free to love her back because I know there's no chance of her misinterpreting that love for something more than it is. I trust her completely--and not just because I know her private life in detail.

I know that someday in the not too distant future she'll leave this part of her life behind, because she has a rich life beyond it.  On that day I will be very happy for her... but sad because I doubt I'll ever find anyone quite like her, with her immense capacity to love, along with all her other qualities.  

How's that for sappy-ness?  :)

-- Modified on 4/17/2016 3:24:03 PM

Well said. How can there be any right, wrong or criticisms of a heartfelt well stated insight into a personal attraction? We all should be as fortunate to have found someone who moves us like your ATF has you. Thanks for sharing.

you guys have so eloquently stated what it is that makes us flag certain ladies as ATF's.
I wasn't expecting to get one. I didn't know what having an ATF would be like.
But now I do. It's everything previous posters have covered. My ATF, to me, is someone
I save all my discretionary dead presidents for. I wish I had more so I could see her more often.
I have but one. There is no other. Because no other does it for me quite like she does. What is 'it' that she does? I dunno. I think, essentially, it's a chemical reaction! She just gets my juices going and keeps them going. I'm a lucky old man and I'm so glad I found her before I go completely senile and flaccid!

-- Modified on 4/17/2016 5:13:20 PM

I visit her as often as I can. I love her incredible sexy body, and I love her mind. I love the fact that we have compatibilities that go way beyond the sexual and that our mutual attraction in made even more special because it seems so unlikely. She makes me strive to be the best version of myself that I can be so as to be worthy of her. She inspires me to live up to my own highest ideals.

2horses2many564 reads

Congratulations a real ATF, that WOW's you, but remember you are not alone...The reality is probably their were plenty of other guys thinking, saying, feeling all the things that makes ALL of you equally special. Looks like you've found romance and inspiration though...hopefully she won't see you just one of her many paying client, just one cock from many......


Posted By: sweetman
I visit her as often as I can. I love her incredible sexy body, and I love her mind. I love the fact that we have compatibilities that go way beyond the sexual and that our mutual attraction in made even more special because it seems so unlikely. She makes me strive to be the best version of myself that I can be so as to be worthy of her. She inspires me to live up to my own highest ideals.

As expected the replies to my initial question have been salient and well expressed. Somewhat surprising however is the absense of any mention of age. To what degree, if any, is age a contributing factor to the allure of your ATF?

in my case, there's a 30 year difference. And I've never once felt it was an issue with her.
We, older guys, bring a different and definitely more mature sensibility to our encounters.
What we can't do, fuck like we're 30 yr olds, is the downside. I'd love to have a non-stop, multi-hour,  
fuck fest. Alas, that train left the station during Reagan's second term and no amount of 'enhancements' will bring it back around again. But good old playtime is fun and erotic enough and she keeps it interesting. She makes it work for us and it keeps me coming back.

Age seldom comes into it.  As long as the bills aren't too tattered and more than half is still there, the banks are happy to accept them.

Posted By: kayjaykay
I've never once felt it was an issue with her.

NoYellowEnvelope584 reads

... to know a lot about Life, including marriage (and divorce), raising kids, dealing with aging parents, personal loss, etc. Also old enough to have accumulated much knowledge and wisdom, and how to apply it.  There's a 20 year difference in our ages, but it never comes up.  Fortunately I'm in good shape for my age, so I don't have a problem keeping up with her. :)

We have a 45 year age difference which we both love and which is another factor that makes our friendship seemingly so unlikely.

Thanks for the congrats. She and I are both self proclaimed sluts so I know quite well there are other cocks paying for and enjoying her company. Oddly, it's part of what makes it fun with her.

fasten123man493 reads

32 years difference, 3 1/2 years of seeing her, immediate passion, long talks, closeness.  my free time to see her is going to be changing, so I don't know what I am going to do.

Capntrade625 reads

My ATF is sexy and beautiful, but is a civvie in a relationship. Its more a friends with benefits on the side thing. Out of my league.
Problem is that she is not GFE, or feels guilty; and  I feel unfulfilled emotionally after seeing her, 40% of the time.  
But I keep going back..
Guess it's like a gambler, hoping that the next time will be the jackpot.

-- Modified on 4/19/2016 12:30:32 PM

....there was one lady who I saw multiple times for years.  When I visited she provided a different experience each time.  Invention was her forte - I never knew what to expect and always left happy.  We always started with a nice chat to catch up then it was game on!  She was not the possessive type and recommended I see her friends which I did.  Her motto was, "The more the merrier."  I need to look her up.

When I posed my original question of "What makes your ATF your ATF?",  I had no preconceived notions of the responses that would result from the question. Nor did I have then, and certainly not now, any judgments of a right or wrong answer either intellectually or morally. Later I asked how age factored into the equation. On this query I was very surprised by the responses that cited a considerable age disparity between the hobbyist and provider, disparities far  greater than I had ever  considered.
 Perhaps I have not been as adventurous  as I thought I was or perhaps I have let my insecurities stand in the way of unexplored possibilities.  
 The point of my question was to garner provocative thought. On that note it has been a success even if it turns out to be only my own  enlightenment. I am not sure where this will lead, if anywhere, but at least I am thinking about expanding my encounters to include younger ladies.
 I do wish we had heard from the ladies on this subject, perhaps I needed to word the question in a more inclusive manner?

I'm sure it has been mentioned many times over. My ATF now and even in the very beginning of my career, has always been what I call: "a client with a soul." They appreciate the conversation, the small and large considerations that I made to make their experience memorable, and they always have a desire to connect with me on a non-physical level. It makes the pre,inter and post moments of a date quite magical. There is nothing like spending a week planning your date with your ATF. The anticipation alone is amazing:-).

You make an excellent point about the conversation and it is one that should never be overlooked.
Thank you for contributing.

Well spoken Julia! Feel the same way!

You are 100% correct Julia. The anticipation is delicious, then there's the date itself, and then replaying it over and over mentally. Three times the enjoyment

One never knows with whom this is going to happen, but with most ladies a gentleman can feel the business aspect of the hobby. No matter how much charm or mojo they have, little things happen that indicate this is a business transaction. Don't get me wrong. Those sessions can be great, and even repeatable occasionally. But when you're with an atf, you feel as if you're with a friend. That's why you see all these threads about falling in love with your atf. Atfs make it that real.  

This is just one example. Every atf I've ever had, always insisted that we sit down and talk, prior to, and or, after the sex. The clock started when the sex started. In many instances the sex went overtime too. In fact, one atf insisted that because I was traveling so far, she would add an extra 30 minutes automatically. Hell, since she always added 30 minutes, I told her I'd always book longer sessions. Atfness goes both ways.

Not many do know how naughty was Pushkin and how many times he have had affairs and was falling in love -it is well known - if he would not be falling in love all of the time - there would not be 95% of his poetry written..  
His wife - Natalia Goncharov  was his inspiration and only one true love - ( and he was killed because of her) yet while he was very passion man - his relatinship with his wife can be summed in following poem - here is a tranlsation - If you do know Russian - you would enjoy it more.. Yet please make yourself familiar with this poem -hope you would have  FUN
( there is a whole book about their love - "My Madonna"  Pushkin called his wife pure and clean example of woman - yet he was killed because of her affairs.. or gossips of such. What makes me upset - she just remarry to general Lanky  and happily  have had more kids from him - while world lost PUSHKIN..
Women can cost not just money. But lives.  

Interesting here how Pushkin  writes about sharing passion and states clear - that a woman never is in to sex to start with - it is love making and foreplay and connecting her to HIM and to her body starts her orgasms.
Gentlemen.. you have to know women:) Iam sure such gentlemen as you are do know us? Yet, may be you are missing the most exiting women in your life.. the most exciting pages of the book which has a name"
"  I am a male, what did I know about women?"

А. С. Пушкин Нет я не дорожу English

Translattion  by Евгения Саркисьянц  

No, stormy loving bliss is not my cherished treasure;
Nor sensual ecstasy, mad passion, fervid pleasure,
Nor fierce young lover’s moans, nor cries that she would make
When, twisting in my arms as wildly as a snake,
Caressing, burning me with lustful agitation,
She speeds the moment of convulsing culmination!

O but how dear is your surrendering in peace!
O how unbearably intense endures my bliss
When my long begging you would gratify discreetly
And give yourself to me not zealously but sweetly,
Cold in timidity, to my delight you would
Respond just barely, nothing wakening your mood,
But gradually get warmer, warmer, more insistent,  
And finally share my flame, unable to resist it!

Нет, я не дорожу мятежным наслажденьем,
Восторгом чувственным, безумством, исступленьем,
Стенаньем, криками вакханки молодой,
Когда, виясь в моих объятиях змией,
Порывом пылких ласк и язвою лобзаний
Она торопит миг последних содроганий!

О, как милее ты, смиренница моя!
О, как мучительно тобою счастлив я,
Когда, склоняяся на долгие моленья,
Ты предаешься мне нежна без упоенья,
Стыдливо-холодна, восторгу моему
Едва ответствуешь, не внемлешь ничему
И оживляешься потом все боле, боле —
И делишь наконец мой пламень поневоле!


[email protected]

I stand corrected, you will find Pushkin on TER.

I did get to stand at the spot where Lermontov was killed in his duel.

a I am from those area ..yes Place of Duel of Lermontov was Pyatigorsk..  
 I am from Russia is known  for amazing beautiful  nature and  healing  hot springs - it is Five mountain with five different hot springs and medical facilities built around them - it is infrastructure  of the region - health care  
 so One city - one hot spring - heals gastro/liver problems  
Other city - has hot spring which will clean your kidney
Other city Hot spring has hot springs which are very benefits for heart and overall - as diabetes .. etc
 and other city has  concentration on treating arthritis ( have mad wraps and hot spring  which actually has other mineral elements )

Have you ever drunk hot salty mineral water just coming out of mother earth? And took bath and mad wraps ? So those cities have advanced health complex .. and One city even have enema as  as symbol of the city  
Compare to health costs in states and Europe - my dear god .!!! I need take there gentlemen for month vacation to fix health problems- during the  day have medical spas and hot mineral springs and at evening drink Champagne and dance  tango..

By the way - I still am buoying those mineral water and in states - by boxes. warm it up and seems as it is hot springs in Essentuki:)
helps with metabolism digestions and as they say even prevents diabetes  
Stories say - that bold people can grow hair back taking bath in those waters

I drank the mineral water but did not go into one of the many Italian architectural inspired spas.  I rode the electric train between and visited the cities of Essentuki, Pyatigorsk, and Kislovodsk.  Rode the cable car up Mashuskiy.  On a clear day saw all the way to Elbrus -- then took a day trip by car to Elbrus and rode up to the about 2/3rd's of the 18000 foot peak.  Just at the snow cap.  Took another bus day trip to the Dumbai mountain region and again rode up the mountains in chair lifts.

The area had a mix of late 1800's style Italian spas, Soviet style rectangular concrete buildings, and fancy Lexus car dealerships.  

The mountains were, of course, beautiful.  I like high places.

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