60 and Over

Well said. I'm sure that you speak for many of us. eom
KSM46 33 Reviews 4743 reads


I have met some incredible women who have taught me about my own sexuality and capacity for meaningful and satisfying lovemaking. In short, I never thought that I was good in bed and now I know differently.
Ladies - does your making love in a p4p situation differ from love making in your personal life? In what ways are they similar? How do they differ?

faxinator3691 reads

I agree. Sex now is MUCH better than it was because now, at least for me, it is making love and not just sex. You can "make love" to someone you don't actually LOVE... there is a nuance there.

There is a profound difference between sex and lovemaking .... and it is possible to make love with someone whom you are not necessiraly in love with.  Sex for me is unsatisfying. That is why the "chemistry" is so important. If I do not have a liking and a feeling for the person with whom I am about to be intimate, my perfromace is limited. On the other hand, if an escort has been able to build up a personal connection, then a strong desire for coupling follows and the physical bonding is taken to a totally different level.

Sex is mechanical. Lovemaking is natural
Sex is physical. Lovemaking is at least in part emotional
After sex, I close my eyes and go to sleep. After lovemaking a want to look into my partters eyes in the afterglow of what we have just shared.

Is it possible to have lovemaking in a p4p context? I believe that it is and that is what has made the hobby so special.  I also believe that there are many women in this profession who feel the same way, that genuinely  satisfying lovemaking is possible without the presence of emotional love.

....but I don't agree with your definitions.

Lovemaking for me love actual love has to be involved not just a strong liking/or strong chemistry.  I can and HAVE had great sex with clients I am nowhere near in love with.  Sex doesn't have to be mechanical.   I can have good, soft, sensual sex with a client but i'm not making love to him.   It's just different (the connection) .... imo shouldn't be called lovemaking to begin with unless the people involved are in love.  

I make love to who i'm in love with.

faxinator3593 reads

As I've gotten older, TrulyMsMocha, I've learned that there is all kinds of love. There is also the love that one person can have for another that is neither familial nor romantic. Most people usually think of "love" as the romantic kind, the kind you share with a life partner.

Because I have a love of people and caring for others, if I am in the spirit of that love when I am with someone other than my wife, I can "make love" to them in wanting to impart to them the powerful healing, comforting, affectionate touch that one person can give to another. It is special, it is significant, without being the same sort of love that binds you to your chosen life partner.

It is the love that is generated when one human passes on the power of human connection to another.

But yes, I can just have plain old sex, too. I don't make love to everyone I have sex with, but if I have a connection with them, even as a friend, I do my best to provide them with an experience that extends beyond simple, mechanical sex. Something that will leave them feeling as though their spirit may have been healed just a little bit by our time together.

That's my thinking anyways when I think of making love (for me)...it's the romantic kind.  

For me it feels...different the chemistry of being with a client i have good chemistry and connection with and I agree it's "It is special, it is significant, without being the same sort of love that you share with a life partner".  But it's not love (romantic love).  I guess I just like to save certain terms in relation to certain kinds of emotion. It's still (inside of the hobby) deep, sweet, affectionate nonetheless.....it's just again...different.

really. But the intensity will usually be far more under these circumstances because of the reason I posted here: http://www.theeroticreview.com/discussion_boards/viewmsg.asp?MessageID=156687&boardID=16&page=1#156687

When everyone knows the boundaries, you can let yourself go much more easily!

Except, of course, with someone with whom I am in love.


for me.

To quote Sarah, "The beauty of this little world of ours is that we are versed in the art of leaving each other for another time (or not). The parameters of the profession establish boundaries that allow us to frolic carefree within them, understanding that nobody will be holding hands on the way out. It's a perfect arrangement for me, and allows me to give so much more of myself to the situation and to my partner than I would to a civilian lover. "

This is so articulately stated and I get it. That's perhaps why the hobby moments have been so special and the love making ( yes, the love making, not the sex) so magnificent. Sarah, I wish that I were closer to Tampa.

At the same time, this world is made up of different folks who have different needs and priorities. What's right for me might not be right for you. And what might make a date with Sarah so special for me, might not work the same way for you.

"Viva la difference".


-- Modified on 7/3/2012 1:44:09 PM

-- Modified on 7/3/2012 1:45:25 PM

than the actual destination.

At least I know I do.   Sex gets better with age because we learn to slow things down and enjoy getting to where we want to go.  Even if circumstances make derail the destination, the journey itself was still enjoyable.

A beautiful, slow journey leads to a magnificent destination. It's fun to climb the mountain but reaching the top makes the ascent even more special!!!

all these ladies are skilled in the art of lovemaking..most of us spend our lives plodding and fumbling around like amateurs..they have taught me and many others in this hobby the true meaning of being sexually fulfilled..they have opened a brand new world of enjoyment and pleasure most men will never know..for that i and my fellow hobbyists will always be grateful...

Posted By: wow0315
I have met some incredible women who have taught me about my own sexuality and capacity for meaningful and satisfying lovemaking. In short, I never thought that I was good in bed and now I know differently.
Ladies - does your making love in a p4p situation differ from love making in your personal life? In what ways are they similar? How do they differ?
-- Modified on 7/3/2012 12:56:33 PM

faxinator4205 reads


When I was young, I didn't know the difference. Now I do. And it is special.

Posted By: macdaddy1944
all these ladies are skilled in the art of lovemaking..most of us spend our lives plodding and fumbling around like amateurs..they have taught me and many others in this hobby the true meaning of being sexually fulfilled..they have opened a brand new world of enjoyment and pleasure most men will never know..for that i and my fellow hobbyists will always be grateful...
Posted By: wow0315
I have met some incredible women who have taught me about my own sexuality and capacity for meaningful and satisfying lovemaking. In short, I never thought that I was good in bed and now I know differently.
Ladies - does your making love in a p4p situation differ from love making in your personal life? In what ways are they similar? How do they differ?
-- Modified on 7/3/2012 12:56:33 PM

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