60 and Over

Well said BigPapasan!
Bukharin123 4 Reviews 1330 reads
1 / 30

Was thinking about an overnight with my ATF and was wondering what suggestions, advice or warnings folks might give. Have never done this and before and given my age was worried about things as the sometimes frequent nightly bathroom trips.

JackDunphy 756 reads
2 / 30

Gals tend to negotiate those babies down to about a 31-32% off rack rate, but you have to start lower obviously with your first salvo.

But if you want the insiders advice, have the broad come over from like 6 pm, give her the boot at 10 pm or so, then have her come back in the morning for the morning sex, towel off and coffee.

You will save a ton of coin, get a great's night sleep with a YUUUUUUGE smile on your face and wake up with morning head.  

Not bad, huh?

mrfisher 108 Reviews 712 reads
3 / 30

I recommend at least one or two longer dinner date type situations with her where you get to spend time in conversation, etc. so you can see if you want to be cooped up together in a bed all night.

I make one or two trips to the can myself each night, (and so do most of the gals I see), that shouldn't be much of a problem.  More problematic is snoring and farting (both parties, often)  But, that's life

1woody 18 Reviews 374 reads
6 / 30

O recommend having a guest room available in case one of you tosses or has a bad snoring  problem. a few hours apart might save a middle of the nite drive home Many people suffer from restless leg or any number of other problems. I'd rather get a little rest than face a frustrated tired partner in the morning.

JackDunphy 459 reads
7 / 30

It's a ton of money.  

Why don't you believe in both sides winning?

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 445 reads
8 / 30
JackDunphy 364 reads
9 / 30

Oh that makes sense. LOL

Thanks for playing! Bwahahahaha!

TheKarateKid 7 Reviews 485 reads
10 / 30

I've done a few overnighters with various ATFs over the years. Although in each case, we were aware of each other pet peeves well before we even spent that amount of time together. In various past discussion on this subject, I've heard some providers mention that snoring can be an issue for obvious reasons. So, you should take that into consideration. In regards to frequent bathroom trips, I often made 1-2 during the night, especially if I drank too many liquids late at night, but it was never an issue.

It's also good to discuss each others expectations ahead of time for that long of a date too. Some of my overnighters didn't involve much sleep time ...more or less, just a power nap. LOL  Although some providers may expect several hours of sleep.

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 421 reads
11 / 30

...which means she has to act even MORE than usual that she's glad to see your little dick?

Or finding herself between a rock and a hard place because the rent's due and having to sacrifice her self-esteem to be treated like a commodity just so you can save a few bucks.

And since you're such a negotiator, you obviously don't know what it's like to have an ATF.  It has nothing to do with whether "he really likes her."  It has to do with establishing a mostly business relationship which has a certain degree of trust and treating each other like human beings.  If you do that, you don't have to negotiate - you'll get plenty of perks without coming off like a piker as you always do.

You treat providers like used cars.  I'm surprised you don't "check under the hood" of providers before negotiating.  Then you might have a valid reason for grinding them down.  "Sorry, honey, your undercarriage is a little saggy - I'll only give you half of what your asking price is."

voyager-43 11 Reviews 469 reads
12 / 30

Not saying it is a bad thing, just asking if you have thought out what it is you wish to get out of an overnight?  If you wish to spend an extended time, why not a long daytime/evening date?  You could start with lunch, do something interesting,  go have some private time, have dinner then go back again for more private time then say goodnight.  On the other hand, it is nice to have a beautiful lady go to sleep in your arms then wake to her giving your morning wood a nice wakeup call.

micktoz 41 Reviews 253 reads
13 / 30

It always seems to get to the two kinds of mongers.  Those who hate women and want to fuck and those who love and respect women and want to have an NSA encounter.  
At least the former make the latter look good.  We are the ones that get that little bit extra in the sessions.

NoYellowEnvelope 429 reads
14 / 30

... is to consider her opportunity cost. That's how my ATF looked at it when we did overnights.  Since she had nothing published about overnights, I asked her for her thoughts on the rate, and she figured how much she could make if she weren't doing the overnight, and factored in that I'd be treating her to a nice dinner.  Since she hardly ever does nighttime appointments, she suggested an overnight rate that was about the same as her 3 hour rate--fair for her in terms of income, and I think a good deal for me.  But some providers have set prices for overnights and are insulted by negotiating, so check their websites first to see what they say about overnights.  

When I suggested the first overnight, I'd been seeing her for six months and we knew each other well enough to trust each other and know we'd enjoy an overnight.  I have to get up a couple of times a night, and it was no problem--take the side of the bed closest to the bathroom. :)

AdelleAnderson See my TER Reviews 637 reads
15 / 30

with the a favorite is really like a hazy out of body (or in body maybe, lol) dream to me. We can take our time to play and play again. Have a glass of wine and/or a snack - have some conversation and sleeping. Then through the night in a semi-sleep, some spooning until about 4 or 5  when the blood starts boiling again and just before the sun rises, the cock grows. Take care of that and a little more snoozing and maybe another round before getting up.

I have a few foibles that I would share before agreeing to an overnight and you could share your foibles if you felt uncertain. The bathroom is no big deal, I think everyone uses the bath room during the night when they have been partaking in a jolly time.

Discuss the length of the date, and whether you will be having dinner or breakfast as part of the date so both of you know how to prepare for your time together.  

Just relax and have a nice time with each other. So delicious

Bukharin123 4 Reviews 368 reads
16 / 30

Again, wanted to thank everyone for their advice and suggestions.

GaGambler 364 reads
17 / 30

Knowing you are going to spend the night together means that neither party has to watch their alcohol intake during the evening to make sure they are "ok" to drive home at the end of the night.

OR, if you are a drunk like me and a few (ok several) of the dates I have had over the year, if you get too drunk to have sex at the end of the evening, there is always morning sex. Speaking strictly for myself, I LIKE sleeping with a woman, I LOVE morning sex, and I love even more knowing that she is going to leave and go about her day sometime right after morning sex, leaving me to do the same. lol

sweetman 93 Reviews 455 reads
19 / 30

and some that were up to twice that amount.  One SB came over to my house for the same gift I always gave her.  We had sex in the evening, middle of the night, and the following morning. Another wanted twice the regular rate to stay all night but we only had sex once.  So it really varies.  If you have a routine established with the girl and a regular gift amount, start there and see.  She may not even expect any more since the overnight is a rare special kind of date.  If she asks for more then you can negotiate.  I enjoy overnights, so these days when I'm talking to a new POT SB about what kind of arrangement I am seeking I usually say I'd like an occasional overnight.  Just to get the idea into her head at an early stage. But all my recent regular SBs have agreed to an occasional overnight.

GaGambler 454 reads
20 / 30

and very few providers are going to do overnights for anything even close to her hourly rate. I think a provider who charges five times her hourly rate for an overnighter is probably in the right ballpark.

In the Sugar World I agree with you completely, I have never spent more than $500 for an overnighter in the Sugar World,  but we aren't talking SB's here, we are talking hookers and the rules are much different here

1woody 18 Reviews 342 reads
21 / 30

Getting old is mandatory but growing up is optional.

Jacque_Jenesais See my TER Reviews 518 reads
22 / 30

maybe during your next date. You don't necessarily have to say "I want to do an overnight with you" - that'll protect you from it being expected after mention if you're worried about that

But you can say something like "Do you do a lot of overnights? How do those go? I wouldn't know what to do." Then see what she says. If you don't get an answer, directly ask her.

I know staying up all night isn't in the cards for a lot of providers, including me - I've tried but after a certain time, I will literally zonk out no matter what is happening around me lol!

You can tell her your concerns, as in why you hesitate to do an overnight with someone, and get a better feel for how she feels about it. You can discuss these things without hinting any sort of commitment to the idea during a regular date. It's a great conversation starter too.

sweetman 93 Reviews 381 reads
23 / 30

Sure, I get it. That's why I made it clear I was tallking about a SB. That's not forbidden here is it

mrbaywatch7 26 Reviews 386 reads
24 / 30

This is great advice. Best to go slow and let the provider talk you through the possibility of an overnight first, and once she seems open to it, get into more specific questions.  

From my perspective, overnights are about intimacy and not about how many times you can get off. I like the possibility of rolling over in the night, feeling them there, and nuzzling up. Sometimes that leads to a sexual encounter, but sometimes it just is a wonderfully intimate moment.  

I've had overnights that were great and some that were not so great. My last few have been really nice because I have a great comfort level with the lady I've been seeing. If you have that, there's a good chance your overnight will go well, too.

OhioBoy58 40 Reviews 269 reads
25 / 30

Over rated.  I suggest. A late night date then an early morning tryst
And save your money. Have breakfast waiting
Save a lot of money and get the benefit
Sleep thru the night

GaGambler 302 reads
26 / 30

and actually it's the opposite of helpful to someone asking about hooker rates.

Hookers do not operate in the same manner as SB's, and mixing apples and oranges can be confusing, not to mention counterproductive if a John were to take the same tact with a hooker as an SD would with an SB.  When mixing the two worlds, especially where it comes to rates, you run the risk of giving the OP false expectations and having him get a bad name with the hookers for being cheap or a "haggler"  

We don't offer conflated advice on how to score with civvies when someone asks about how to deal with hookers because they are two different worlds. The very same thing applies to the SugarWorld. The things we do in the SugarWorld would get us on a LOT of DNS lists if we attempted to use the same strategies here in Hookerland. I think we should do our very best to keep the Sugar mentality out of conversations regarding interactions between hookers and johns. It's not helpful, and can actually create problems if someone were to act on said advice. Not to mention it pisses off the hookers to be hearing that we are seeing women at a fraction of their rates, and rightfully so. This is a business after all.

gaylemeyers See my TER Reviews 310 reads
27 / 30

If you are as much of a favorite to her as she is to you, I am sure she will overlook any nightly bathroom trips. I find overnights with a client whom I have known for a while and like his company to be similar to spending the night with a steady bf ... guess why they call it gfe. If you have been a regular, she should be gracious and cut you some slack on the donation.

USGrantlover 219 Reviews 300 reads
28 / 30

To really enjoy an overnight, let HER make any and all moves on a discount. I've found that if you treat ladies right, give them some space, let them get paid to eat and sleep and tan and go to the spa, they'll treat you right!! And more often than not, the offer to duplicate the trip with a discount more often than not follows. If it doesn't then you have a decision to make. Did I ever tell you about my ATF who RAISED her O/N fee on me after a year of me putting tons of money in her pocket mostly for overnights? THAT was quite the learning experience.

Bukharin123 4 Reviews 339 reads
29 / 30

Just wanted to thank everyone again for helpful and insightful suggestions. Finally took the plunge and it was  a lot of fun.

mrbaywatch7 26 Reviews 256 reads
30 / 30

Sounds like a great way to end the year. It would be great to get a few details about how it went ...

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