60 and Over

retirement sucksangry_smile
josulli 15 Reviews 2962 reads

Retired a few years ago... lots of free time... one big problem....
For years I could pretty much play when I wanted to... with who I wanted to play with... now I get the urge and check my bank account... nope... no go... I could bleed down my savings.. but that's a bad idea... a fixed income stinks....  ugh... had to vent...

The employment outlook is as good as it's ever been, and by holding off on collecting social security, you increase the payout once you do retire or hit 70.

I wouldn't know what to do with myself if I retired.  I plan to keep in excellent shape and die in the saddle.   Whose saddle, I don't know yet.  8o)

I am, well, let's just say retirement is an option, but it's an option I have no wish to take. Keep in excellent shape and die in the saddle (!) is the goal if I can possibly manage it.

Continuing work is a great solution particularly if you really enjoy your work. I love my work  and will continue for as long as I can (unless I ever find myself slipping. I purposely take various  exams more often then required.to reassure myself). One thing that makes me angry is that I can no longer save money for my retirement tax free because I am too old (I am75) and in fact, as we all know, I am required to take money out of my retirement funds every year.  
O well.

paradiddle73160 reads

mrfisher you are exactly where I am.  When I read these posts of guys who are retired and have to watch their pennies, I want to say you got what you deserve!  To me they are lazy, uninspired looters that couldn't wait to scam the system when they retired and now they get what they deserve.  I'm 70 and don't see retirement any where in my future because I still earn over 100K as a consultant and play for pay without having to check my accounts.  Sorry, they were a LOOTER in employment and are a LOOSER in retirement!  I have pride in myself and even if I couldn't still play in the hobby, would never broadcast it in a post!  Doing that tells me all I need to know about these crybabies!

Joe_the_Plumber145 reads

I am one of the most fortunate men in the world.  I have a profession that I love. I have never thought of retirement.  As a matter of fact, one only gets good at certain professions, (including mine) after decades of experience.   I have heard it said "a person is too soon old and too late smart."  For me, I believe retirement is a negative thing and boring as well. Without a mission in life, life would become boring, lonesome, and depressive.  If it were me, I would think of something else to do if I was unable to carry out my duties to a level of competence satisfactory to me.  
I am sure you have skill sets that would be helpful to others after a lifetime of experience. Never give up and never let the bastards get you down. It is up to you. Anyway, I just thought I would add my 2 cents.
I hope all goes well with you and all.

I am still working.on a limited basis.... but my income dropped by 2/3's... and with regular expenses... a wife... a house.. plus a GF. .. the extra income needed for lobbying seems to be missing... drives me nuts...

That is the trifecta.

Of course, I have an ex-wife (alimony!), wife, and the hobby, so I know what you mean.

have decent pension from the state, social security (took it early),  and now have more income since I turned 70 1/2.  Have to withdraw tax sheltered money.  I have a rider on my annuity that lets me take out $ every month, so I now have more discretionary play money than ever before.  Only prob is junior doesn't work like he used to, but I still have fun, and I can do it more often.  I'm actually bringing home more money per month than I was when I was working.  Kids are grown, no alimony or child support, just me.  Not bragging guys, but just wanted you to know that not everyone is having hobby troubles in the 'golden years' financially.


I thank the lord that my dick still does it thing, though it works too well if my piggy bank were to judge.

I suppose the law of ying and yang will catch up with me eventually and I'll have plenty of money but not much use for it.

In the mean time, I'm doing what I can to keep my body whole.  

I retired 3.5 years ago and have never looked back!  I'd hate to have to work again, having waaaay too much fun in retirement.  My awesome wife and I lived frugally and invested wisely and now have more than we need.  This year I had more playdates than ever before in my life, and the year ain't over yet!  I'm tryna talk my local favorite into coming over for a sleepover this weekend.  I stay in good physical shape.  And yes, junior has slowed down a bit, but I'm gonna keep on playing as long as I possibly can!

I also don’t men to gloat but just want to say not every one wants to keep busy or has reduced funds. I am just the opposite - I do very little and strive to keep it that way. No I am not bored. I was bored at work. I also have more money than when I was working. Significantly more. I stayed singal all my life and never had any kids so that is a huge factor. I took SS this year at 62. Next year it goes up 2%. Life has never been better.

took early SS (break even point was 78 YO) with no regrets. Have other sources of income including some part-time work I do just to stay active mentally and physically.

My only problem is finding "me time" to play. Without work travel, my P4P time is limited.

basically have-a ton tied up in 3 annuities... can't really get to it. so in the meantime i scrimp... my gf used a ton of money is the issue... SS is ok... but not that much.. when I worked.. I would see one or two girls a week... now.. not so much.. drives me nuts..

My main gripe is that there is not enough free time! Being thrifty and careful planning allowed me to retire young and have more cash to play with than ever before.

But now it seems like family and friends all have radar and share some damn fascination with exactly where I am 24/7. They constantly include me in their plans. So my warm fuzzy wholesome life keeps getting in the way of me going out and being a proper rogue. Sucks

GaGambler161 reads

Virtually all my friends know I am a whore mongering pig, so if they call me and I've got a date, I just tell them that "pussy is more important" How can anyone argue that point? lol


Too funny, one day I was supposed to be meeting my friends at the bar and I had a session that ran over a little bit so I was late, my one buddy looked at me, looked at my shit eating grin and my slightly tussled hair and said to me "Dude, you've got "bed head" you just got laid didn't you?" What was I supposed to say as he had me dead to rights. lol

It only sucks if you let it.

I to am retired, worked hard all my life, made good sound investments then after menopause my wife just stopped wanting sex. So now I have lots of disposable money but my dick only works once a week if I'm lucky.  I still have a very good time with the ladies, and they don't care if I finish or not as long as they get paid.   So every week I find one that tickles my fancy, get in touch and have a great time, climaxing or not. They say it's the journey not the destination. I'm 77 years old and still hitting the ladies hard. I plan on keeping it up as long as I can.  Maybe a 100?

MisterDanielLoomis169 reads

I keep doing what I always did. I'm a crook. I rip people off.

Which I beleive was Johnny Carson’s legal advisers.

Posted By: voyager-43
Re: Business has never been better for MISTER Daniel Loomis
so, you're a lawyer.

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