60 and Over

Welcome back
marsbubble 7 Reviews 3659 reads

I don't have any point to share in regards to your posting. I just wanted to greet you welcome back and say congratulations from probably a " heart-renching" (pun intended) experience - hope you have many more years of adventurous hobbying. Be well.

I recently had a major heart attack. Due to several factors I have no permanent heart damage. I am a very luck man. Of course there are new meds, cardiac rehab, possible changes in diet and life style etc.

I would like to hear from some of you who have had this experience and how it has affected your hobby activities.

This seems like a very appropriate question for this particular board.

I don't have any point to share in regards to your posting. I just wanted to greet you welcome back and say congratulations from probably a " heart-renching" (pun intended) experience - hope you have many more years of adventurous hobbying. Be well.

As long as your following doctors orders for a healthier lifestyle, I'm sure you will be fine, I have seen several men in the hobby that have had heart surgeries and they are all still willing to take the risk..'

Find a Provider who Knows CPR like I do.. wink!

You will be fine.

Got to go sometime at least die with a smile on your face.

Even better to go with your face upon a (vertical) smile.

you can have sex, but only with your wife.  You can't get too excited.

Thanks for sharing and welcome back. Best wishes for many happy and healthy years for all the things you want to do.

Than you were in the year or two prior to the attack and hobbying since they've "fixed you up".  I presume you had angioplasty, stenting, by-pass or something?  Now your arteries are all opened up and ready to go.

I never had a heart attack but I had a couple stents put in 6 years ago.  I never slowed down.  Hobbying, theme parks, roller coasters, etc.

My EMT instructor had a heart attack while he was brushing his teeth. He had a stint put in and he seems fine now, he brought in a sample stint to show us, how tiny it is, it looks like a tiny spring.

He is still flirting with all the girls, so it doesn't seem to have slowed him down :)

I avoided a heart attack, but still had two caths, one involving a stent. I followed rehab instructions, did proper exercise, and I'm now having as much fun as I ever have. So my advise is be patient and get yourself back into the best shape you can. If you're worried about too much physical activity, stick to blow jobs for a while!

Many years ago I had a very regular client.  (every Tuesday at noon).  In the beginning we used to go to a nice lunch, then back to my place for some grown up play time.  This went on for 2 or 3 years.  Then I heard through the grapevine of ladies, that he once "went down" (heart attack or stroke) during lunch with a lady.  Lucky for him, he was a creature of habit, and the host at the restaurant was a quick thinker and put the lady in a cab and called an ambulance for him.  After some medical care he was fine, and back seeing the ladies in no time.  But this information was cause for concern for me.  So we started ordering deli sandwiches which we ate at my place while watching porn.  (He liked that)  You should know that this gentleman was into his 80's and for the most part fully functioning.  It was a must that I kept a nice bottle of Scotch in the house for his visits, and he always picked up potato chips with the sandwiches.  I often teased him that the real reason he visited me every week was for the Scotch and chips.  Which admittedly he was not allowed to have at home.  He had a series of scars that lined up to form 1 really long scar from his neck to his belly button.  From various heart surgeries.  

We often made light of his situation by saying, "if he ever had an attack while at my house, I was to dress him and drag his ass back outside, next to his big black Caddy, then call 911 and say,"that man got out of his car and just fell down right there on the sidewalk. " To which he'd add,  make sure you take all the cash out of my wallet for yourself, sweetie,  just leave me a 20,"  Then we would laugh, and fool around some more.  

This may not sound so funny to you all right now,  but it was refreshing that he could find humor in it all.  I miss that man.  So I thank this thread for bringing him into my thoughts.


percy19692709 reads

I was fortunate enough not to actually have a heart attack although I was rushed to the cardiac care unit at midnight on Christmas Eve 5 years ago. I did have triple bypass surgery and of course had to do rehab, change diet and take new meds. However, now my blood pressure, chloresterol and weight are all much better than before. I just started hobbying a little over a year ago and have had no concerns about my heart. If you follow your doctor's instructions, do the rehab, eat right,etc. you should be fine.

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