60 and Over

oldguy666 65 Reviews 5440 reads
1 / 24

My doctor has prescribed Cialis, which I've used to (mostly) good effect.  But, I ordered a batch from a place in India--since I don't want to keep getting Cialis from my regular pharmacy, where my SO can see my records--and they sent an extra ten of the blue pill.  I've used it (an hour before my sessions) and it's been great, better than Cialis.

Problem is, these pills came without any prescription or any directions.  So, my question is, How long do Viagra's effects last?  Enough for an entire evening (in an overnight situation)?

Any feedback will be helpful.



xyz23 45 Reviews 5430 reads
2 / 24

...4 hours according to the literature. My personal experience is in "stimulating" circumstances I have felt the effects for as long as 8 to 12 hours after taking the 100 mg pill. Believe it or not YMMV applies here too. My experience with Cialis was it left me hanging (literally) a couple of times so I quite using it. Go on WebMD.com and read about Viagra.

vince59 15 Reviews 4704 reads
3 / 24

Lasts about 5 hours. However, If I take it late at night it is still working in the morning. But, then again I don't always use it . Everything just works a lot better with it. i take the 100 Mil. I also have tried Cialis with not good results. viagra works best if you don't drink any alcohol or eat a heavy meal  about 4 hours before taking it.

dreamin44-2 5420 reads
4 / 24

It depends on doseage..... for me 50mg lasts several hours thru morning.  However.... ordering from a place in India??  How do you know what your swallowing??  You say it didn't come with instructions!!!  How many legit med's have you ever taken that didn't come with directions and warnngs??!!  Its crazy to take those pills.  There is at least one legit legal online USA source for ED pills that does not require a visit to the Dr.  Use your other head.....

vince59 15 Reviews 4778 reads
6 / 24

But if you check you will probably find that the legit place gets their pills from India. I buy from Secure Tabs. They do come from India and have never had a problem. They work very well.

Posted By: dreamin44-2
It depends on doseage..... for me 50mg lasts several hours thru morning.  However.... ordering from a place in India??  How do you know what your swallowing??  You say it didn't come with instructions!!!  How many legit med's have you ever taken that didn't come with directions and warnngs??!!  Its crazy to take those pills.  There is at least one legit legal online USA source for ED pills that does not require a visit to the Dr.  Use your other head.....

specialist1 21 Reviews 4447 reads
7 / 24

i agree with you, authentic viagra is tough to fine withour prescription, do u have any online you know thats truly authentic

BigPeterJohnson 39 Reviews 4315 reads
8 / 24

i ate 12 of them before a session with my atf...and only 6 of them worked!

good night, folks, i'm here all week!

finguy 7 Reviews 3507 reads
9 / 24

Netdr.com is a reliable source for genuine Viagra and Cialis.  The product is shipped from a Brooklyn pharmacy.  However, the cost is more than $20 per pill.

harborview 10 Reviews 3830 reads
10 / 24

lasts 3-4 hours which is more than i do, then fades naturally.  I think there is still some in your system 12 hours later.  The V pills can be cut.  My MD Rxs the 100s & I cut them in 4.  V  tastes like crap the reason for the coating...  more bang for my buck!    I've never tried overnight but I can feel some effects when I shower in the morning.

sailor66 14 Reviews 3782 reads
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Roberto46 12 Reviews 4542 reads
12 / 24

I get emails from a Canadian pharmacy.  Does anyone have experience with them?


Theperfectmassage 4397 reads
13 / 24

Posted By: oldguy666
My doctor has prescribed Cialis, which I've used to (mostly) good effect.  But, I ordered a batch from a place in India--since I don't want to keep getting Cialis from my regular pharmacy, where my SO can see my records--and they sent an extra ten of the blue pill.  I've used it (an hour before my sessions) and it's been great, better than Cialis.

Problem is, these pills came without any prescription or any directions.  So, my question is, How long do Viagra's effects last?  Enough for an entire evening (in an overnight situation)?

Any feedback will be helpful.



faxinator 4497 reads
14 / 24

I've had an erection last longer than four hours. Not too long after four hours it started to become very, very painful. Extremely painful, almost unbearable. Fortunately I was able to get it down maybe around the six hour mark.

It was terribly scary.

asiantantric 163 Reviews 3165 reads
15 / 24

As an Indian, I know there are good and bad companies. They make generic V, using the same formulations. Most patented drugs are available as generics in India . It takes them not more than a month to copy patent and manufacture in India. Kind of sad from a legal point of view. Here is more about India: http://www.myonlinedoctor.co.uk/is-generic-viagra-dangerous.html

RogueLuver 4648 reads
16 / 24

Not......multiples, not an issue either....good vitamins! :)

Posted By: oldguy666
My doctor has prescribed Cialis, which I've used to (mostly) good effect.  But, I ordered a batch from a place in India--since I don't want to keep getting Cialis from my regular pharmacy, where my SO can see my records--and they sent an extra ten of the blue pill.  I've used it (an hour before my sessions) and it's been great, better than Cialis.

Problem is, these pills came without any prescription or any directions.  So, my question is, How long do Viagra's effects last?  Enough for an entire evening (in an overnight situation)?

Any feedback will be helpful.



faxinator 4529 reads
17 / 24

I never suffered from anorgasmia from Viagra or Cialis or Levitra. I never had anorgasmia from my tri-mix injections (waaaaay better than Viagra). But I do occasionally suffer from anorgasmia from other medications that I take.

Popping a Claritin an hour or so beforehand eliminates that problem for me.

finguy 7 Reviews 4003 reads
19 / 24

Since I am over 70, it's hard to tell whether orgasim problems are due to age or ED drugs, or a combination of both.  However, I have found that I reach an orgasim easier when I use Cialis, rather than Viagra.  On the other hand, I find that I have firmer erections with Viagra.  So what is a horney old fart to do--  just keep on trying!! Also, the problem seems to arise (no pun intended) if I try to have sex more than once a week.   Notwithstanding this sometime problem, thank G-D for ED drugs.

WhatUserNameIsntTaken 5940 reads
20 / 24

Took it an hour before appt time.  After 20 mins I felt a woody coming on but never did completely.  Had no problem once on the date and the action began...hard as a rock.  After the pop it went soft and we didn't try for round two but I feel confident he would've risen back to the occasion.

I did have a tiny bit of light headedness though for a couple of hours after I took it.  Need to ask my doc about that.  I had been taking 50mg before (only a couple times) and it wasn't working good enough.

Btw....I would never trust pills straight from India with no label or info.  Man!  Talk about risky!

Good luck.

OldCodger 5049 reads
21 / 24

If traveling, foreign pharmacies staffed with licensed pharmacists can be a ED drug source with no RX.  Recently bought Viagra and Cialis in Turkey, Greece, Croatia, and Montenegro (Italy required RX).  Similar to US price, identical packaging, with directions in the "native" language so pretty sure it is the "real thing".
Works like what I get in US.  My observations would be that Viagra definately makes him harder, but decreases sensitivity (bummer) so I last longer.  25 mg used to do the job, but at 72 up to 50 mg now.  I buy 100s and split them.  With my ATF, not needed as she knows me well enough she uses techniques that get me there without help.
Ain't life GRAND!

saturnsky 3942 reads
22 / 24

I get some drugs out of the country and have many friends that do...cheaper than being ripped off here.

asiantantric 163 Reviews 3591 reads
23 / 24

as there is a lot of impure stuff too along with the good stuff. If you can get the stuff tested here you'll know if your supplier is honest.

ranilane702 See my TER Reviews 4176 reads
24 / 24

You might consider trying Love Unlimited; the little RED pill.   It's guaranteed to work, and unlike Viagra, is safe to take with alcohol.  

Love Unlimited increases sensitivity, making it even easier to achieve explosive results.  Also, it reduces and in some cases, eliminates the refractory period.  Most importantly, it lasts for up to 3 days!  You don't stay hard all that time, it just makes it much easier to go from flaccid to erect.  

Many ladies and gents here at TER can attest to the efficacy of this product, including me.  Maybe some of them will weigh in on this thread.  I have & continue to recommend it to many clients, as well.  I have yet to hear that it didn't work.

Don't take my word for it, have a look at the website, read the testimonials and decide for yourself.  Orders are discreetly packaged, and free samples are available so what do you have to lose?

Best of luck to you,


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