60 and Over

Thanks everyone....
IHeartLV 10 Reviews 296 reads

For the encouragement.  I go in a week from today and I'm a little nervous but I'm more concerned that I'll still be out of breath after walking for ten minutes or having my arm hurt when my heart rate increases.  My doctor says I'll feel completely better and feel much better with all the more blood and oxygen flowing through me.  I hope he's correct.

Thanks again for your reassurances.....

I am going in next week to have one and possibly two stents put in my arteries.  I have not had a heart attack but I have noticed over the past six months that when I go for my daily walk, about six miles, my shoulder hurts and I get out of breath.  

My doc gave me some nitro pills and I had a stress test and afterwards they told me I would need some stents.

Just curious how I will feel afterwards and what kind of a lifestyle improvement can I expect after the stents are put in.

Thanks in advance for any information or advice you can give me.

I got two in 09/06 following a heart attack and a third in 12/06.  Everything with my heart has been fine since.  I think you are very lucky to have had the problem diagnosed and corrected without a heart attack.  I have been plagued by depression since mine.  Apparently a heart attack messes up seratonin production in the brain.

I had a very similar experience...I walk my dog every night. I have to walk up a pretty steep hill to get out of my complex. 50% of the time, by the time I got to the top of the hill, I would experience heartburn. Since I had just finished dinner I assumed, THAT'S What IT WAS......told my doc, he scheduled a stress test. Low & behold, the next day I was in the hospital getting two stents installed. Spent the night, released in the morning, back to work the same afternoon......Nurses & doctors asked me "so you must feel better now"...can not say that I do. I feel exactly as I did before, I just do not get heartburn when I climb the hill. They went in by way of my wrist, no complications, no recovery, just back to my work...& oh yeah "MY HOBBY".  
You should have no problem....
I love this hobby....should have been doing this the past 40 years! Making up for lost time.


Shouldn't be a problem. I had open heart surgery for a triple bypass in 2007 and was back in the saddle 3 months later. Then in 2013 I had stents put in to fix an aortic abdominal aneurysm and was back in action after about 6 weeks. Good luck and stay healthy.

Don't think you will have any problems if you don't have damage from a heart attack.    I am  
70 yrs.  and have had a heart attack ,  2000 5 by pass ,   2004 had a 4 by pass and walk an hr. every day.    For a while I had problems with doing anything they had messed me up with the heart
cath. and thought my love life was over .    7 years  I went with out.    With the help of a little vitamin V and a lot of pain to start with I got back on my horse.    I can't remember having any bad sex since.     I fall in love with every woman I meat.  You'll be all right just do that walking.

For the encouragement.  I go in a week from today and I'm a little nervous but I'm more concerned that I'll still be out of breath after walking for ten minutes or having my arm hurt when my heart rate increases.  My doctor says I'll feel completely better and feel much better with all the more blood and oxygen flowing through me.  I hope he's correct.

Thanks again for your reassurances.....

I head in for open heart in April. An enlarged ascending aorta...... Hope this will not set my energy levels to a lower level.....

I ended up having a quadruple bypass.  It was done two weeks ago.  Feeling great, considering it was a major surgery, kind of wondering how long it will take me o get my libido back?

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