60 and Over

Sunglasses and watch. eom
sailor66 14 Reviews 3006 reads


as we gents get older..we lose some of our edge..question then..how many of you have left your keys..phone..wallet..or other personal items behind after a great session? i admit i have..have you? be honest now..

and I'm probably leaving off a few things - after all, I am senile.


And I almost forgot to leave the envelope once, but at least she remembered that one!

a long time acquaintance who was a pretty good buddy & neither of us thought about the envelope during our visit.  I went down the elevator & left the hotel; as I hit the sidewalk, I felt the envelope in my back pocket!  Spun around, back up to the room, knocked and a recognizable hand reached around the door.  We had a good laugh about it later!

Had to call and return to the scene, can't read a word without them.

WowNowWhat3914 reads

I keep extra reading glasses just for this situation eom

I left my small toiletries bag behind. She kept it in her car for me to get later. It was probably 6-8 visits until we remembered to retrieve it, LOL. Better things to do

it has anything to do with senility- sometimes such a nice time was had that it's easy to forget something behind. I always ask my gents as they are leaving to check that they have everything they came in with.


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