60 and Over

what about a group chat on the TER chat sometime ?
HaleyOrlando See my TER Reviews 4347 reads

I noticed the Atlanta Board set one up and it might be fun. I don't know all that much about the Chat Feature but i'm open to suggestions.

How many have used the chat board before ? Does a group chat on a specific night and time interest you ?

Is there a way to have a private chat for us set up on the TER Chat ? Anyone in the know here because on the old AOL It could be done many years ago.

Kisses Haley

This is the 60+ board. Speaking for  myself, we may need some assistance from 60- to get it up  and running. LOL.
I also love the idea of a M&G for this board one of these days. Probably a fantasy because of the wide geographical area that we span but hey, TER is one big fantasy any way.... Isn't it? Worth thinking about, even if only a small % could actually pull it off.

I posted about a month or two ago I would love to work on an event for this board.
I have catering and hotel with transportation there for as long as I
know I want it . Middle of the road being in Chicago would be  grand
to show you around in the daytime and end it with a wonderful group of healthy happy


Posted By: wow0315
This is the 60+ board. Speaking for  myself, we may need some assistance from 60- to get it up  and running. LOL.
I also love the idea of a M&G for this board one of these days. Probably a fantasy because of the wide geographical area that we span but hey, TER is one big fantasy any way.... Isn't it? Worth thinking about, even if only a small % could actually pull it off.

I have always loved chat rooms especially to get a feel for someone before meeting.
Have used chat for many years, met some of the most wonderful men through chat .
TER Chat is busy at night . When you said Atlanta set up a chat did you mean they have a
set time to go in chat? Because its only one chat room not like before when they had rooms
for different states.

If we did this I would make a sign up a few days before so everyone knows who is who and doesn't feel uncomfortable. Not a lot of people joined in the chat but they plan to do it again. It would take some explaining to get everyone up to speed but I could send directions out.

Doesn't look like many are interested though

Kisses Haley

I was in last night , can't go today not until way later but can be in there
Sunday. I am holding my next Meet & greet May 2 anyone who has never been to Chicago should
go you will have a blast!


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