60 and Over

Breaking Quarantine?
josulli 15 Reviews 5093 reads

At what point does someone our age decide.. "To Hell with it... I have to see a provider"?
It's now been 8 weeks or so.. wondering if I'm the only one trying to decide when it's worth the risk.  
I actually had a regular tell me that she is immune now because she had it already.. OK.. that doesn't make me feel secure.. no hotels available.. so reduced activity.. but  like no haircut.. at what point do I decide.. somethings gotta give!  

You assume that the reader stopped or slowed mongering activity due to COVID-19 concerns.  I'm not quite 60 (58), but I have fucked 5 different women in the last 8 weeks.  Ok, perhaps that's a slower than normal pace, but it's more about their schedules and risk tolerance than mine.  
Life is good.
The Cat

NY Gov Cuomo was saying today (or yesterday) that they are shocked how many people who are staying home are getting the infection.   The point is that apparently even that doesn't protect us.  So might as well get out there and live.

And could not take it any longer.. fortunately I was keeping in touch with a lady I had seen many times before and she had been tested for the infection and was negative. She promised to disinfect her house before I arrived . We showered together when I arrived as an extra precaution and added foreplay. I enjoyed the session so much and it was such a relief after 2 months that we had to do it again the next week. This time I got a test and it was negative..  
    Going forward I believe all providers and clients need to use the testing which is available. The tests for infection ar becoming more available. The antibody tests which suggest immunity are unreliable at this time but will be of value as the market Sorts out.

I couldn’t do that.  I’ve been tagging a couple of regular girls lately.   The longest I can go is a week, then I need to be balls deep.  One of these girls works at Walmart too, I’m negative for the virus.  I’m gonna go hit the other one this week.

GaGambler189 reads

Not 60 days in a row of course, but I am sure there were at least 60 days that I went without sex. lol

Let's put things in perspective, there were over 65 MILLION people who came down with swine flu a decade or so ago. Supposedly we have less than 2 million COVID cases, but it's being touted as being a lot more contagious than anything we have seen before. I call BULLSHIT on that number, I bet the real number is somewhere at least 20 times the reported number which shines a whole new light on the fatality, or even the hospitalization rate. This is not Ebola, this is a VERY, VERY nasty strain of the flu. Something to be concerned about for sure, but NOT the end of the world, unless we let it be of course.

I've finally had it with your bullshit. As I continue to take care of an ATF who came close to death, I have no time for this crap from you, you arrogant, smug, ignorant, entitled jerk. Don't bother responding because you're blocked from here on out.

I have had friends die as well, so I'm done with you. BTW, there may have been 65 million swine flu cases but a) there was a vaccine, I remember getting the shot, b) there were 12-19,000 deaths from swine flu in the US as opposed to the near 100,000 we're rapidly approaching -- so far -- and if you get sick with COVID, the full viral dose, and even if you don't die, the symptoms are horrific. I know.

GaGambler186 reads

Here you are touting the fact that there was a vaccine for Swine Flu, but you admit that approximately 20% of the population got the Swine Flu anyhow. How is that supposed to be reassuring?

If you want to lock yourself in your mother's basement until this is all over, (if it's EVER over that is) than be my guest, in the meantime some of us are going to take the rather minor risk of ending up in the hospital or dying from this disease over the very MAJOR risk that we are going to be put out into the street (a fate worse than COVID IMO) if we close our businesses until the CDC gives us the "all clear", Not to mention all the people that depend on my business remaining open, employees, subcontractors, vendor et al. Who is going to feed and house those people for the next year plus while we are waiting for a vaccine, a vaccine that even you tacitly admit still might allow 20% or more of the population to still end up getting the virus?

I agree with this. It would make me feel alot better to interact with those who have been tested. Are any hotels/Motels open to bookings?

How are you guys getting tested? I thought you needed symptoms and a note from a doctor.

I was tested when I gave blood a few weeks ago.

Just because you tested negative yesterday doesn't mean you didn't pick up the infection today.  
A positive test means you should hunker down for a few weeks.
Even without any test, if you feel like you are dying, you should follow the procedure to get evaluated/hospitalized.  
Kind of a waste of time and resources to get tested if you don't think you are sick.  

Just because a girl gets tested yesterday or last week, does not mean she is safe.  These gals see 5 to 8 guys a day, so there are dozens of possibilities of picking up COVID-19 and not knowing it.  It can be asymptomatic for several days, and the young gals might not have any issues.  In the meantime us old folks could get it too.  Considering the intensely personal activity, if they have it at all, we will get it.  Not like passing somebody in the isle at the grocery store.

So I have opted for the old fashioned self service approach for the next months.  But I sure miss it.


in the era of the pandemic, until there’s a vaccine, any activity that enhances social interaction there’s going to be a non-zero risk of transmission.

GaGambler186 reads

and I think too many of you are pinning WAY too much hope on a vaccine. We have had the regular flu forever and a flu shot for decades, but MILLIONS of people still get the flu every year.

AIDS had the world petrified some 30-40 years ago, and BILLIONS has been spent trying to come up with a vaccine or a cure. So far after all those billions spent, yes people are living longer with AIDS but the only drug that prevents you from getting AIDS in the first place is virtually guaranteed to kill you too, just a lot slower of course, but there is no doubt that it takes a decade or more off the typical users life.

WICardinalfan168 reads

I have been shopping locally, and only when I cannot stand it any longer.

Last week I visited my first touring lady.  I have seen her before and had a great time.  Not so this time.  
She was very tense and just went through the motions.  

It was okay, but when you go down on a lady and they do not even grunt or sigh, can be a buzz kill.

Found out, after the deed was done, she is terrified of getting COVID.  I asked why she is back in the game if she is so scarred.  Answer was consistent with many small business owners.......she has bills to pay and mouths to feed.

So, for now, back with my local ATF.   I miss traveling.   My frequent flyer status is going to shit.

It's a mild flu for most people, women especially.  Need to calm some of these people down.

I am 75, and had a prostate surgery some 20 years ago.  So no semen.  My SO thinks it is nice that there is nothing to clean up, and she did not like the taste, so that is a benefit.  The providers occasionally notice that the condom is empty and ask if I need more.  But I am done for.
A Sudentiful (Viagra) pill taken an hour or two before works wonders.  With some stimulation, I am hard and erect.  It takes me a while to get to climax, but my SO really enjoys spending the time.  I guess the providers might also?
Climax is sufficient, and better that nothing.  Allas, I can not get a second pop, in spite of their efforts.
I am very worried about Covid and have stayed away from FS  escorts.   However there is a massage parlor that does great HJ.  We both wear masks, and I shower after so I feel fairly safe.  They are frustrated I am not going for FS, so am not paying as much.  ($60 for HJ vs $140 for FS.  BBBJ is $40 extra)
I miss DFK and DATY and FS and look forward to the day when the virus is a thing of the past.

I have done lots of research & no one is 100% immune.  Do what makes you happy.  I choose to lower my risks, but I am horny AF & am about to go play with my toys now because it is safe sex. lol

GaGambler153 reads

It's true that people are not "immune" without some yet to be created vaccine that is, and who knows even then as we have had a flu shot for decades and yet we still get millions of cases of the flu each and every year, actually we average right about the same number of flu cases in this country alone each year as the TOTAL worldwide reported COVID cases EVER.  

That said, the overwhelming majority of people who do get COVID don't exhibit even the slightest symptoms and almost all of those people never even know they had it, so in a way they are "immune" or at least immune from the symptoms.  

Now this of course is the over 60 board and most of the guys on this board are "high risk" and should be taking extra precautions, but even though I am over 60 I am not a fat ass, I don't have diabetes, I have a VERY strong immune system (cue George Carlin) and I don't have even the slightest fear about personally dying from COVID, so yes I will do what makes me happy TYVM.

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