60 and Over

Re: Shringrix
stickit55 29 Reviews 5373 reads
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Hi All,
  I thought I would post here about shingles. I am currently dealing with a case of it. I have been in considerable pain now for 2-1/2 months. If you have not gotten a vaccine shot yet I highly recommend you get one asap. Talk to you doctor about the new one out (within the last month I believe) made with a dead virus I believe that is over 90% effective.  
  Most medical plans cover it if you are over 60.

micktoz 41 Reviews 562 reads
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I caught it and stopped it, when the first small spot started hurting like crazy, near my eye. I got the medication in me fast and  stopped it from developing.

I think I deserved a break, seeing that I had chicken pox when I was 32. It almost killed me.  

Hope you get relief soon, and thanks for the PSA about the inoculation.

stickit55 29 Reviews 583 reads
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I was told I caught it early also. Woke up one morning saw the rash from the center of my chest to the center of my back. Was at an urgent care within the hour. Got the script they gave me. They said good thing you caught it early!! My doctor says I am going to be one of the lucky ones that may have it for a year or two.

JakeFromStateFarm 589 reads
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It is MICH more effective than the old one, which I got.  I plan to get one soon.

noagenosage 562 reads
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There seems to be no universally typical case.  I got my shingles shot about 2 years ago and last year when the doc saw me he took one look and said, "you've got shingles man!  But you dodged a bullet because of the vaccine.  It would have been much worse."  Even so, it took about 6 months for everything to disappear, although the cream and prescription meds he gave me kept the itching and pain from being excruciating.  No fun at all.  Hope for the best.    

20strojl 13 Reviews 568 reads
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I am amazed and thankful that people have posted  here regarding Shingles. I`m just getting over a mild bout of this (Compared with others) cruel virus and I wouldn`t wish this on my worst enemy. The big key here is to diagnose it early and  then your doctor should prescribe Valtrex which will make the symptoms much milder. Again, big thing here is the earlier you catch it the better. Valtrex also helps with all types of herpes viruses which are in the same family. For pain my dermatologist prescribed Gabapentin which worked quite well without side effects, YMMV. He said no steroids or creams work on this shit and you just have to ride out the storm.

It`s been 5 weeks since he diagnosed me with this and I`m 85% back to normal. I did get the Shingles shot 2 years ago and had I not he said  my Shingles would have been much worse. (I couldn`t imagine that) Think burning, stinging and tenderness that comes and goes without warning! It only manifests itself on either the right or the left sides, never both and only on the upper torso so says my dermatologist and I believe him.

The virus has 2 stages. When you first contract it your sores are oozy and moist like. That`s when it is contagious. After a while (8 days for me) it morphs into a scabby stage much like your chicken pox did as a kid. Then it`s no longer contagious so adjust your intimate liaisons accordingly. If you`ve ever had chicken pox then you have the Shingles virus in you forever and hopefully it will lie dormant. Everybody should/ must get the vaccine and the new one is  better than the previous one.
If you suspect that you might have it, get to a dermatologist  ASAP.  
I pray none of you get this as it is one nasty Mother-fucker, excuse my French. Hope this helped, good luck

trex44 9 Reviews 553 reads
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...to have the vaccine available. I went through the full-blown experience back in '95 and had extensive coverage around my mid-body on my left side. QUITE painful and trying NOT to scratch? OMG! and trying to sleep? Good luck!

I was lucky in that once the episode was over (about 4 weeks), I didn't continue with post-herpetic neuralgia. That's where you continue to have the debilitating pain of the inflamed nerve sheath for months (if not years) afterwards.

I've been through 4 cracked vertebrae and had to be flat on my back for 7 months is a body cast -- the shingles was worse! So if you can save yourself the "experience" with a vaccine, I would HIGHLY recommend doing so.

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 590 reads
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"You've got shingles man!"
I said:  "I want a second opinion."
He said:  "You're ugly too!


I was there for a check-up and showed him what I thought was a spider bite on my side on the ribcage.  It was itchy but otherwise not too bad.  Never got the shot.   No cream, no meds.  It went away in a couple of weeks.

stickit55 29 Reviews 583 reads
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is how I have explained it. I have cracked ribs 3 times and said at least that pain you do things to avoid the pain. With shingles you can't.  I was never able to get the old vaccine because of medication I'm on but I can now get the new one January 2019. I have to wait 1 year from when I got shingles.

trimix123 46 Reviews 543 reads
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is on backordered with my big chain drugstore

mijolaw 223 Reviews 533 reads
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Depending where you live, the new shingles vaccine may be on back order.   Supplies are trickling in very slowly.  I live in the Washington D.C. area and have been on the waiting list at CVS since last August.  

trimix123 46 Reviews 498 reads
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Not sure if I want to be a guinea pig and be the first to get the shot once its available.  Might wait 3 months to see if anyone report any problem.  I'm paranoid when it comes to these shots

Max101 8 Reviews 516 reads
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Posted By: mijolaw
Re: Shingles vaccine on backorder
Depending where you live, the new shingles vaccine may be on back order.   Supplies are trickling in very slowly.  I live in the Washington D.C. area and have been on the waiting list at CVS since last August.  
Me, too (also in the DC area).  The waiting time is only part of the story because you need to separate shots of the new vaccine a certain period of time apart.   Both doses have to be available.  

dodge55 192 Reviews 535 reads
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Put myself on their waiting list, and 4 days later they had it. Pharmacist said that there had been a 3-month wait, but they got two shipments within a week.  She said the supply is starting to get better.   I had chickenpox as a kid, and had the original shingles vac about 10 years ago. This one is supposed to be much better.

mijolaw 223 Reviews 504 reads
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Was visiting Vegas last month for a sporting event and was able to get my shingles vaccine at one of the local CVS pharmacies.   I've been on waiting list in the DC area for over 6 months.  I need to get the second shot within 2-6 months.  The local CVS pharmacy told me that those on waiting list for the second shot get a higher priority spot.   So, we'll see what happens.  I guess I could always go back to Vegas for the second shot.  

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 501 reads
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You don't need a shingles vaccine.  After all, the shingle is just a piece of toast at the bottom, and most guys who have been in the military have already built up their immunity to any adverse consequences.  

impposter 49 Reviews 496 reads
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I know what you are talking about but I'll bet that most readers do not understand the joke you are trying to make. I'll leave it to you to post the explanation.

Posted By: coeur-de-lion
Re: If you been exposed enough . . . . .
You don't need a shingles vaccine.  After all, the shingle is just a piece of toast at the bottom, and most guys who have been in the military have already built up their immunity to any adverse consequences.  

GaGambler 518 reads
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I bet you that vast majority of the guys here know what he meant, the girls of course might be a different story.


I have to confess, back when I was in "this man's army" I didn't really mind "SOS. (Shit on a shingle), but of course that was back when I was a teenager, I was as hungry as a horse and I didn't exactly have a "refined palate" lol

mijolaw 223 Reviews 514 reads
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Got my 2nd and final shingles shot about 2 weeks ago at one of the local county health centers in northern Virginia.  I got my first shot at CVS on March 1st when I was visiting Vegas for a sporting event.  If you've already got the first shot, than pharmacies/clinics will give you a higher priority on receiving the second shot.  The second shot should be received between 2 to 6 months after the first.   Some areas don't seem to be getting the serum as frequently as other areas.  My insurance picked up the tab, but typically the shots cost about $175 each without insurance.  My niece told me that her mother-in-law recently came down with shingles.  She said that it was very painful for her.

Max101 8 Reviews 471 reads
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...at the local Rite Aid.  The PharmD told me that my arm might be sore and that this shot tends to be more sore than most other vaccinations.  He was right.  My left arm is killing me right now.  I'll go to the gym tomorrow and do upper body, so maybe I'll work out the kinks...  I saw my 80-something dad with a horrible case of shingles in his final years.  Arm soreness is well worth it.

DeClemente 45 Reviews 327 reads
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I appreciate having read this thread, and it comes just in time for me. A couple of months ago, I had an appointment with my primary care doctor, who noticed in my chart that I was either due or overdue for the shingles vaccine, and asked me if I wanted to be placed on the list to get it. I shrugged and admitted that I knew nothing about shingles, but if I needed the vaccine I was game to get it. They scheduled me for another appointment about 10 days later, and I got the first injection. Just this past week, they called me in again for the second injection, i got it, so I'm fully vaccinated against shingles.

fitnessbuff1 6 Reviews 326 reads
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I was given the old shingles vaccine a couple of years ago (one shot). Received the shot about 9 A.M. Around 5 P.M. I became tired. At 11 P.M. until 3:30 A.M. felt like I had the flue.

jazzman121847 105 Reviews 324 reads
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Is about 90% effective in preventing shingles. It does carry a higher risk of side effects compared with previous, less effective vaccine Zostavax. Side effects, if any,  are generally mild.

useyrhead 4 Reviews 325 reads
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By “side effects” do you mean the temporary kind that occur for only the first few days after the shot?

jazzman121847 105 Reviews 316 reads
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Yes I do. It's a short-lived immune response to the vaccine. Not unlike what can be experienced with a 2 shot COVID vaccine. If it's going to happen, it's typically after the booster not the primer. However, given the older population to whom Shringix is administered, side effects are less likely due to our less robust immune systems.  

Greenbacks2 24 Reviews 325 reads
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I had the new vaccine two months ago, It is two doses, the second one I was not prepared for the side effects. It put me down for five days. I know shingles suck, but be ready for some side effects of the shot.

jazzman121847 105 Reviews 308 reads
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Sorry to hear that. That would be a highly unusual side effect duration.  It's possible the shot coincided with a flu-like viral infection. Difficult to know. But now you're 90% protected against shingles. Stay well.

DeClemente 45 Reviews 304 reads
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Posted By: DeClemente
Re: I'm not yet 60 yrs old, but I read this Board often to inform myself & prepare myself for that day.
I appreciate having read this thread, and it comes just in time for me. A couple of months ago, I had an appointment with my primary care doctor, who noticed in my chart that I was either due or overdue for the shingles vaccine, and asked me if I wanted to be placed on the list to get it. I shrugged and admitted that I knew nothing about shingles, but if I needed the vaccine I was game to get it. They scheduled me for another appointment about 10 days later, and I got the first injection. Just this past week, they called me in again for the second injection, i got it, so I'm fully vaccinated against shingles.
It's now been about a week since my second of two injections of the shingles vaccine. I had no after effects or adverse reaction(s) with either dose.

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