60 and Over

Re: Predictable and Reliable ?
teddy.bare 18 Reviews 368 reads

Too funny...Hillary??? That's the anti Viagra.
I too have had my problems with dosage. I am 63 now, when I started I would cut a 50mg in half...worked great for a while.
Then then the whole 50mg. Now I take the whole 100mg, never a problem...rock hard. Although, once I had an appt with one of my ATF. I had a bad day, was running late(I hate that), got home jumped in the shower and forgot to take my "V". I was a bit nervous, but figured I am spending some quality time with a lovely lady I adore. If I can not rise to the occasion, I can still kiss, lick, & fondle my favorite "girl". As it turned out...I was able to get and maintain enough of an erection to satisfy both of us. I do not think I will try that again, when the pill works great!!
Remember...Old Guys Rule    

Posted By: noname75
Take 50 mg Viagra 30 min before apt.   Shower and kiss 30 min and .  Hr total.     A small apple on an empty stomach.    I'm 70 and could punch a hole in concrete walls or wonder woman for two hrs.     I use India Viagra and it works fine.    Without V I might as well watch Hillary on cbs.  

Took 20mg of generic V 3 hours after a meal. Boner wasn't the greatest.

Old wise ones, in your experience, does taking double dose compensate for the food eaten 3 hours before?

...high fat foods/meals slow down absorption. So it's not so much the eating before taking Viagra it's what you eat. I eat very little before a session and the foods I do eat naturally contain no fat. Something else to consider is eating citrus fruits especially grapefruit is contraindicated when taking Viagra. The above information was given to me by my doctor. He prescribed 100 mg and said I could cut it and take 50 mg if I wanted to try a lower dose. I would not take more than 100.

Now, whether you should double the dose (40 mg instead of 20) when taking it after a meal is a question for your doctor.

I used to always take 100mg. I've found that 50 works ok. But when I have an expensive date and don't want to risk poor performance I still always take 100.

Man I feel a lot better about myself after reading this thread.  I've only ever used 10 mg tabs of lvtra and then I usually only took half to 3/4 of a pill and that was plenty to keep me up and running for awhile.  The one time I took more than 10 mg I had what felt like hot flashes and a headache for hours afterward.

Three hours irrespective of a meal is a long wait for viagra.  Typically good from one to three hours.  The food could have further reduced its effect.  

The real question is what is your prior experience?  You're looking for trends.  I have always said my history was "learning to trust levitra",  As others have said, going to 40 if that is an accurate dose for a generic, should not cause a problem.  But with a long interval it might not help it either.

Viagra is tricky and you need to be aware of its limitations.  Take it an hour before sex on an empty stomach at a dosage you know that works from prior experience.

20mg worked very well 6 hours after dinner. Had a rock hard boner.

that one time I took it 3 hours after a meal, the boner was there, but wasn't as rock hard.

that's why I was curious

Posted By: phi68psi
Three hours irrespective of a meal is a long wait for viagra.  Typically good from one to three hours.  The food could have further reduced its effect.    
 The real question is what is your prior experience?  You're looking for trends.  I have always said my history was "learning to trust levitra",  As others have said, going to 40 if that is an accurate dose for a generic, should not cause a problem.  But with a long interval it might not help it either.  
 Viagra is tricky and you need to be aware of its limitations.  Take it an hour before sex on an empty stomach at a dosage you know that works from prior experience.  

Take 50 mg Viagra 30 min before apt.   Shower and kiss 30 min and .  Hr total.     A small apple on an empty stomach.    I'm 70 and could punch a hole in concrete walls or wonder woman for two hrs.     I use India Viagra and it works fine.    Without V I might as well watch Hillary on cbs.

Too funny...Hillary??? That's the anti Viagra.
I too have had my problems with dosage. I am 63 now, when I started I would cut a 50mg in half...worked great for a while.
Then then the whole 50mg. Now I take the whole 100mg, never a problem...rock hard. Although, once I had an appt with one of my ATF. I had a bad day, was running late(I hate that), got home jumped in the shower and forgot to take my "V". I was a bit nervous, but figured I am spending some quality time with a lovely lady I adore. If I can not rise to the occasion, I can still kiss, lick, & fondle my favorite "girl". As it turned out...I was able to get and maintain enough of an erection to satisfy both of us. I do not think I will try that again, when the pill works great!!
Remember...Old Guys Rule    

Posted By: noname75
Take 50 mg Viagra 30 min before apt.   Shower and kiss 30 min and .  Hr total.     A small apple on an empty stomach.    I'm 70 and could punch a hole in concrete walls or wonder woman for two hrs.     I use India Viagra and it works fine.    Without V I might as well watch Hillary on cbs.  

I've been taking 50 mg (cutting the 100 mg in half) usually about thirty to forty five minutes before show time.  Finding I'm not getting as hard as I used to, so will probably go up to 100 for my next full encounter.  I'm age seventy and still going strong.

I'm only 6 years younger....Congrads, I hope I can still be in the game in six years.
I'll try 50mg next time, I use the 100 because I always want to satisfy my partner(I
know they are providers, but I still enjoy pleasing them!!)
Old Guys Rule  

Posted By: grayhair
I've been taking 50 mg (cutting the 100 mg in half) usually about thirty to forty five minutes before show time.  Finding I'm not getting as hard as I used to, so will probably go up to 100 for my next full encounter.  I'm age seventy and still going strong.  

i've found for me the best thing is to eat very very lightly the day of (usually just fruit a few hours before my appt) then take half a v100 30 minutes before knocking on the door.

taking it too long before the appt can wear down the effects, i found.  eating heavily also slows the digestive process down, making it longer to get into my blood stream.

lately if i follow my procedure i am a f*ck maniac in bed.

I will be 67 in a few weeks, and I have used Viagra and Levitra for the past seven years.

My prescription is 20mg pills,  take 5 for maximum dose.  If I take more than three,  I will get more side effects, stopped up sinuses and headaches, blue tinges to my vision, but not a harder erection.  If I do not feel comfortable or not especially attracted to the lady, it does not matter how much I take.  Nothing will happen, except suffering side effects.  When I take 100mg, I will often be hard at the slightest provocation for the next twelve hours or so.  I need more like an hour for any dosage to affect me at all.  I have not noticed any effects from eating.

I have found that what works best for me is to exercise regularly, not eat too much and keep my weight in a comfortable zone.  Levitra works best as an aid and a confidence builder, especially when I am tired.

Make sure I am well hydrated.  I do my hobbying in Las Vegas, where it is easy to get dehydrated, and I always try to schedule an early afternoon appointment.  I'll have some fruit and scrambled eggs for breakfast.  That's it.  Plenty of water throughout the morning.  About a half hour before the appointment I will cut up a V100 into quarters.  I'll take one quarter a half hour before I meet the lady then 15 minutes before I'll cut a quarter in half and take that. 3/8 of a V100 seems to do the trick for me.  

I've done some research and from what I've come across it is very counterproductive to eat fatty, greasy food at least a few hours before you take viagra.  I play it safe and eat meals that are easy on the digestive system.  I've also read to avoid bread and starches.

For what is worth I used to cut up a V100 and take the entire thing at varying intervals before the appointment.  To be sure I had a certified diamond cutter but it was hard for me to orgasm.  Cutting back to 3/8 was very effective in both respects.  An added benefit of reducing the dosage was that the side effects that occur later were greatly reduced.

Best wishes OP, hope this thread helps you out.

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