60 and Over

Re: like to think we know how to please
tonguelover6969 17 Reviews 23901 reads

If this is a candy store, I may lose all of my teeth real soon!  

I was a hot flyer with a 20-mission crush walking through nitnoy alley [you had to be there to appreciate all of the candy on that shelf] in Korat, within a week of being posted.  I doubt I gave all twenty of them together as much foreplay time as my latest dinner date, and she was very complimentary of my oral efforts to make sure that she had as wonderful a time as I did.

I highly agree that these are the good old days.

I'm kinda surprised there have not been more questions posed here, or stories.....so here I go.....

I am over 60, and am still having a wonderful time playing with ladies much younger than I am.  I am not so naive to believe that they would give me a first, or even second, glance if I was to encounter them in civvie life.  However, I have not heard any complaints about my oral techniques, or anything else that has transpired between us.  

So, do the young civvie girls realize what they are missing????  Prob not, but it's their loss, right?  How many guys in their 20's are interested in pleasing her?  Not too many would be my guess.  They just want to get off, which us ol' fuckers do also, but if you are like me, you want to get her off too.  Are the younger guys trying to do that?  I sorta doubt it.

My point is, the young civvie girls are missing out because we are older, and they don't know how good we can make them feel.  Also, they don't know that we are not just there to fuck them and beat feet, but we want to pleasure them too.

Too bad that no young civvie girls will see this post, because they are the ones that should.  Most of my dates have been from the late 20's to early 40's, but have seen ladies outside those limits.  Had good times with all ages.  Hope they had good times with me.


G222583 reads

Now I know better.  Your points are well taken.  I think young guys put on some mighty displays of physical prowess, I know I sure did, but that's not how you satisfy a woman, as we older guys have come to realize.

The big difference, though, is I really didn't care- also a characteristic of a 20 or 30-something male.  I thought I did, but the reality was I just gave them enough foreplay and affection to get what I wanted- the opportunity to fuck them senseless.

I know I wasn't as bad as many guys that age, which in itself is a rather scary though, but I was far more that way than I am today.  I think I started changing in my early 40s.  But you're absolutely right, the young girls think we're older than their Dads, and don't know what they're missing.  But most of them are in marriage or baby making mode at that age, so they're using sex as part of the interview process for potential husbands.

As for your question as to why there aren't more questions posted here, I think part of the reason is we've been around long enough to have had them all asked and answered.  I know from watching the Erotic Highway board and the GD board, I rarely see a topic come up that I haven't seen a dozen times before.

but young girls are looking for mates, potential baby makers and life partners. That's why I prefer the more mature ladies, they usually have raised or are finishing raising the babies and now are free to enjoy men for mutual pleasure.
I am just glad I can still enjoy this new way of seeing ladies. I wasn't even 21 in the military wandering the streets of London when I had my first prostitute, and she was not a street walker but they called out from apartments. If that was the only type of lady I could see today I would probably give it up. Today thanks to the internet I can get a choice of ladies, who all provide the type of fantasy I am looking for and are not saying have you come yet every two minutes. The good old days for us are right now.

HuggyBear120019597 reads

You are right on: "The good old days for us are right now."  The internet is providing such a wide range of good providers that I feel like a little kid in the candy store.  The problem is my poor health limits how much I can take advantage of the wonderful bounty.

If this is a candy store, I may lose all of my teeth real soon!  

I was a hot flyer with a 20-mission crush walking through nitnoy alley [you had to be there to appreciate all of the candy on that shelf] in Korat, within a week of being posted.  I doubt I gave all twenty of them together as much foreplay time as my latest dinner date, and she was very complimentary of my oral efforts to make sure that she had as wonderful a time as I did.

I highly agree that these are the good old days.

I agree we have learned much more about mutual pleasure than we new when we were young.  

I agree that it seems to by appreciated by the providers we see.  I do enjoy seeing smiles, twitches and the occasional waterfall.

I also am pleased that as we troll for a date on TER they cannot see us until we are at their door with an envelope of love.

I would hate to think we might all look like Alex Trebek if we had to chase hookers down the street.

Rusty Armor22820 reads

I was fortunate to encounter a lady who was also a practitioner of the Tantric Arts. She was a mature lady, former Playboy bunny and a Flight Attendant for a major airline (back when they called them Stewardesses and in those days, Stews were right up there with fashion models).

This lady taught me so many things about pleasing a woman; techniques I have used in my private life with non-providers. The compliments are extraordinary. She was an excellent teacher and I was a "dedicated student." I trust the compliments of non-providers more since there is no financial incentive to be complimentary.

She was also a "squirter" and, with some practice, I was able to open the flood gates in a matter of one or two minutes!

Yes, the things one finds pleasing are subjective. But her instructions were broader and not solely confined to her definitions or parameters. So, I say once again, "Thank you!"

Now, I am much older and it would be a little embarrassing at my age to ask a provider, "What pleases a woman?"

Posted By: swimtrekr
I'm kinda surprised there have not been more questions posed here, or stories.....so here I go.....

I am over 60, and am still having a wonderful time playing with ladies much younger than I am.  I am not so naive to believe that they would give me a first, or even second, glance if I was to encounter them in civvie life.  However, I have not heard any complaints about my oral techniques, or anything else that has transpired between us.  

So, do the young civvie girls realize what they are missing????  Prob not, but it's their loss, right?  How many guys in their 20's are interested in pleasing her?  Not too many would be my guess.  They just want to get off, which us ol' fuckers do also, but if you are like me, you want to get her off too.  Are the younger guys trying to do that?  I sorta doubt it.

My point is, the young civvie girls are missing out because we are older, and they don't know how good we can make them feel.  Also, they don't know that we are not just there to fuck them and beat feet, but we want to pleasure them too.

Too bad that no young civvie girls will see this post, because they are the ones that should.  Most of my dates have been from the late 20's to early 40's, but have seen ladies outside those limits.  Had good times with all ages.  Hope they had good times with me.


"Slow Hands," and a more caring touch. Regarding the young ladies, I think what has been said about them, looking for mate to hook up with, and have children, fits. What's sad it that many of them spend many lonely nights while in that process. The trick is to let her know that you are available for her pleasure, without the commitment or drama of a long-term relationship. And, once she does find her young stud, you will gracefully bow out, not approach her again, and it will be up to her to reconnect if she chooses.

Your question presupposes that great sex is what young women want.  I'm not sure that is the case, although I hope some women post their opinion.  My experience has been that young women want security and babies.  Sex is a means for them to get what they want.  Older women are more into fun, both in and out of the bedroom.  When I brought  older women to orgasm, there is no getting rid of them.  I think they are experiencing it either for the first time or the first time in a long time.  They really like it, and want more.

Even in the hobby, I believe the young women are in it for the money.  Older ones are more in it for fun.

At any rate, I gave up trying to understand women, particularly young women, a long time ago.  I have enough problems with ones my own age.


HalfHour23748 reads

I hear you. What's the deal with that, anyway?

Are there that many men out there who don't know how to seriously give a woman pleasure?


I just realized this section was on here-hadn't looked that far down the list before !

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