60 and Over

Re: Just because,
WEDAZ 1 Reviews 577 reads

I'm almost 71. I've always been in decent shape, but a few years ago my doc said I needed to lose some weight, so I quit eating sweets, and ove a year lost about 10 pounds, then I started doing some push ups every day and the providers I see started so meeting on how good my body looked!  (They were kind enough not to say for a guy your age!)

I have some lingering problems from injuries sustained a long time ago, but I'm still able to do pretty much everything I want to.

Guys, and ladies, I know beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I am enamored with a twenty something provider that I have seen exclusively for 3 months now, and hope to continue until she changes her situation, agency vs independent, and will continue until something else changes.
My thread  is one of vanity, I am becoming more self conscious about MY appearance once clothes are removed. I have always done well, in my opinion, in the civvie world, including my wife, as far as beautiful people are considered? Exterior physical beauty.
I am not for everybody, OK? I admit it. I am just glad that the ladies DO NOT review us gents, honestly! I know that the hobby is a business that provides a service for a fee. Even so, I am not complaining! Far from it, I LOVE escorts! I recall a provider's ad that stated "if you can't see your toes when you bend from the waist and look down (because of a beer gut) then I refuse to see you. I get that, and it is ok (even though the provider has a zero dress size and perfect tight ass that I could never dream to meet) because there are different strokes for different folks. I am NOT looking for pity, FAR from it, but I am considering, and have a couple of times left my shirt on during the date. I want to tag-along on most of the top-notch providers i see are 34-45
Do any of you guys feel self-conscious? 60 and 70 y/o gents? I am 62 and have NO intention of quitting the hobby! EOM

...for my overall health and serious back problems I joined a gym, consulted my doctor, and got into shape. I was 51. I now have no health problems. My back does not interfere with my life. I recommend everyone make this change. Do it for yourself. It isn't too late.

I started seeing escorts at the age of 55 once I was single again.

that developed in my mid 30s.  Sciatica would make my legs buckle under me.  I saw a doctor who sent me to a sports PT who showed me a 15 minute exercise regimen to do twice daily.  I haven't had a twinge since, as long as I'm faithful to that regimen.

Several other tips to improve the temple of your soul:  Eat well.  Those fruits and veggies really are better for you than Big Macs and pork rinds, go figure.   Plus, your semen will taste a lot better.  That has benefits, believe me.

Avoid eating out often.  The food you get at a restaurant is loaded with salt, fat, and sugar, three things we seldom need more of.  Instead learn to make healthy and tasty meals.  There are no end of good cookbooks out there to help you do that.  All you need is the will.  Learning to cook is easier than learning to play cribbage. Avoiding the germs that invariably get added to the food you get while eating out will make you healthier too.

I'm am 62, and never felt more healthy in my entire life.

I didn't do this strictly for my playmates, however, I did it for myself.  I'd long been self-conscious of my body hair so a couple of years ago I started getting waxed.  Then, despite being physically very fit I could see that my upper body wasn't in the kind of shape I wanted, so I started doing more lifting.  The results surprised even me.  I'm now completely happy with my appearance.  I assume the women I see are as well but I don't ask them.
Point being, even north of 60, with a little work and discipline, it's possible to make dramatic changes.

imagine that they look like Sean Connery (ca. 1965) instead of what they really look like (Horatio Sanz ca. 2006)

That the good lord has blest mankind over womankind is no doubt, as woman who look like Emily Ratajkowski think they look like Phyllis Diller.

When you think about it, it does tend to support the theory of intelligent design, at least from the point of view of encouraging breeding.

So, you are in good company.  Fret not.

i am 70 and have the body of a twentysomething man..i really do not but think i do..once you start doubting your manhood..it is time for a new hobby...

-- Modified on 10/29/2014 12:06:45 PM

I'm 76  (today) Have a physical disability, overweight.  My providers have been most understanding of my lack of mobility.  Appearance isn't everything...  Just sayin'...

attitude always trumps appearance..

Posted By: ccraisin
I'm 76  (today) Have a physical disability, overweight.  My providers have been most understanding of my lack of mobility.  Appearance isn't everything...  Just sayin'...

I can attest to that. At 82 and I'm certainly no Adonis. More like a slightly smoother version of Lee Marvin :)
I have never been turned down for a first appointment nor a repeat.

thank you sir..i hope i will still be viable at age 82..stay thirsty my friend..

Posted By: cooper80
I can attest to that. At 82 and I'm certainly no Adonis. More like a slightly smoother version of Lee Marvin :)  
 I have never been turned down for a first appointment nor a repeat.

The changes I can't control are the ones I dislike the most. Turning grey wasn't an issue at all. I had a college roommate who was almost solid grey by the time he was 20 and he got laid more than any man I've ever known. What I don't like is the change in hair texture, and the fact it grows in places hair isn't supposed to grow. That's an ugly truth. :-(  Another ugly truth is that my face and my skin (sun tan protection!? Not when I was a kid!!) show my age far more than my body. I've gone to gyms and worked out my entire life and I'm as trim and toned now as I was when I was in my 20's. But once you see my face you know I'm up in years. I tell myself, so what, I AM in my 60's, after all! But I don't want to hang out with a bunch of "old people!" I like doing things with young people who are on the go and who have lots of energy.  That's why I like women who are at least in the mid 30's. 40's and 50's are excellent, too! They're not old at heart! They've still got their looks. I don't like the notion that I may not be appealing to them just because my face and hair make me look old.  :-(

Thanks for your time and thoughts, play safe!

Posted By: solus
The changes I can't control are the ones I dislike the most. Turning grey wasn't an issue at all. I had a college roommate who was almost solid grey by the time he was 20 and he got laid more than any man I've ever known. What I don't like is the change in hair texture, and the fact it grows in places hair isn't supposed to grow. That's an ugly truth. :-(  Another ugly truth is that my face and my skin (sun tan protection!? Not when I was a kid!!) show my age far more than my body. I've gone to gyms and worked out my entire life and I'm as trim and toned now as I was when I was in my 20's. But once you see my face you know I'm up in years. I tell myself, so what, I AM in my 60's, after all! But I don't want to hang out with a bunch of "old people!" I like doing things with young people who are on the go and who have lots of energy.  That's why I like women who are at least in the mid 30's. 40's and 50's are excellent, too! They're not old at heart! They've still got their looks. I don't like the notion that I may not be appealing to them just because my face and hair make me look old.  :-(

I am so lucky in that gravity has been kind to me through the years.  When you pass the big six OHHHHHHH, things seem to accelerate.  There's more grey everyday.  If I don't keep flexed the stomach quickly turns into a belly.
People ask me if I am tired.......when I am not.  I catch a glimpse in the mirror and wonder who that old guy is.  Sheesh.

With all that said, exercise is your friend.  Think young, stay up with current events and not the ones on the bulletin board at the "assisted living home".  At least know that apple has an Iphone 6 now.  All that helps.  Did recently see a lady that said she doesnn't see anyone over 50....kinda hurt my feelings, til I found out she meant overweight.  :-)  Stay in the best shape for you and it will be good enough for the ladies.
There is and old joke that sums it up. A man meets an escort and pulls out his little three inches and it was hard as a rock and quivering, She says, who you think you're gonna satisfy with that......."MYSELF"

Party on men, you have more life experiences than three twenty year olds put together!!! Any lady that realizes that will see you.

I too worried that if I let myself go, then maybe the younger providers I favor would not enjoy my company.  So I've used that fear to get into better shape.  My chronic back pain is nearly gone due to a therapist giving me a daily stretching/exercise routine tailored to my needs.  I do enough weights to keep my upper body toned.  My downfall is sweets, but I am actually able to turn down deserts when I think about the girls I want to play with.  I go out dancing regularly.  It all helps.  I'm 67 and still could stand to use lose a few pounds around my middle.  But hobbying provides better motivation than anything else.

No, although I'm self-conscious about my weight too, in other settings. But in front of doctors or providers? Never. Seriously, the ladies want different things from these encounters than we do. They're not looking at our bellies -- or our faces, or our grey hair -- they're looking farther down. And what they get out of it is the money and some pleasure on the side. It's also very important to them to be treated decently, with consideration like the real people they are.

You're paying your money and you gets your time. They don't care one bit if you're fat. I'll wager that they have seen fatter men than either you or me. So wear your shirt if it turns you on, but don't wear it because they might not like it.

The other thing is, if you're getting that attached to one provider, it might be time to move on. Don't let your feelings get out of hand. Hers aren't

Women have tricky brains.  If you're good to her and she likes you, it's like slow motion photoshop.  

You're fine, take your shirt off. ;)

i would love to take your shirt off..

Posted By: MissMarieM
Women have tricky brains.  If you're good to her and she likes you, it's like slow motion photoshop.    
 You're fine, take your shirt off. ;)

Posted By: MissMarieM
Women have tricky brains.
I once heard a female say:

"No rich man is ugly."

I have repeated that to several women and all smiled and nodded "yes".

The fellow in the below photo comes to mind.

you can't see your toes when you bend doesn't mean squat!  Just like Miss Marie said.

If you're a little self-conscious,  just dim the lights.  As far as gals reviewing us, I'm just guessing but, you might be surprised.

I'm almost 71. I've always been in decent shape, but a few years ago my doc said I needed to lose some weight, so I quit eating sweets, and ove a year lost about 10 pounds, then I started doing some push ups every day and the providers I see started so meeting on how good my body looked!  (They were kind enough not to say for a guy your age!)

I have some lingering problems from injuries sustained a long time ago, but I'm still able to do pretty much everything I want to.

It's never too late to mend, I once heard somewhere.  

30 years ago, I was dragged up onto a stage to dance with some hot German girl.  I knew I sucked, but while up there she whispered in my ear how good I was doing.  Of course, I knew at the time that it wasn't really true but it made me feel great anyway!   Now, looking back however, maybe it was true!

 Sounds like you've seen some great gals!!

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