60 and Over

Re: For me it's random..
leamadisson See my TER Reviews 1266 reads

It is random, as Vamikey suggests!  And, I understand that is the way it is with older gentlemen. For me, I am not worried about how he performs though I know it is a "guy thing" to worry about such!  I enjoy the time together, the contact, the conversation, the general relaxed attitude that you frequently find in older gentlemen! Older gentlemen seem to be much more into pleasing the partner... and that is special!

If the equipment is not working as it should, I will hear "I will do better the next time".  What I want the guy to understand is that "You did great this time... being with you  and the way you treat me is what I enjoy the most!"

NOt sure if I am the "dynamo" he is talking about but I will try my best to remedy the situation at hand. I am a very sexual person. But sometimes things just don't work out to "completion"! And that is fine with me... as long as he enjoyed the time and endeavor!



Not that I am complaining about the pic threads!  I love them!  Thanks to all who participate and please don't stop ;)  Now that is out of the way.  Hello, people!  Can we talk about something?    

So how many of you guys still enjoy multiple pops?  As I have gotten older it has become less frequent and somewhat less important, but it can still happen with the right lady, the right stimulation, and a little more time, lol.  I am often very content with one good pop, and some quality time with an affectionate lady who likes a lot of foreplay, and to kiss and cuddle after.  But, damn it is still pretty hot when the little guy does bounce back for another round, every once in a while!  

How has getting older affected you other guys, in regards to what you consider a successful date?  Do you feel disappointed if you don't get multiples?  Have you changed your goals in other ways.  Book longer dates, to extend the recovery time?  Book shorter dates because it isn't going to happen anyway?  Do you book more dinner dates, instead of just BCD dates?  Does the lady you are with make a difference?  Maybe her age?  The connection between the two of you?

Ladies, what if anything do you do differently when meeting with an older gentleman?  Are your expectations different?  Do you find older men easier to satisfy?  Or more difficult?  Do wrinkled old guys make your job harder?  

Come on lets have a little fun!  I don't even care if your reply is on subject, I just want to see some activity here ;)  Many thanks to Angela for her post last week - the longest thread we've had around here in quite some time!!

-- Modified on 4/25/2013 11:19:56 PM

I find seeing older gentlemen a lot more fun. They know what they like, they know their limits and are not afraid to explore their sexual side. They don't pound away and think "oh yes I'm a stud". They enjoy a woman's body and they love exploring it. They are much more passionate and sensual.

They have been around long enough to be creative and relaxed around a woman. They are so much more polite and attentive

As an older gent I now find that there is great pleasure in enjoying and exploring a women's body (every nook and cranny) as an extended prelude to the physical release. The ladies that try to move me to a quick conclusion, I don't see a second time. The lovely ladies that relax an encourage my carnal journey end up on the repeat list. It is all about choices and my experience so far is that mature providers understand the importance of this experience.

Multiple pops?  Love 'em.  Problem is that old Prince can't always get the follow-up job done.  So I prefer 90 minute appointments.  Go for the gusto early, then if number two doesn't happen, at least I can spend the rest of the time with someone whom I enjoy.  In that regard I do my research carefully so that I choose someone who is mature, has a sense of humor, has the understanding of my abilities at this stage of my life, and has the patience to create a fantasy for me throughout the entire 90 minutes.  For my part of the fantasy I can still provide her with a good time (hopefully) after the first pop with cuddling, conversation, and body rubs while still giving round two the good old college try.  After all, good foreplay activities can also be good after "first pop" activities.  

The most important aspect of the entire process for me is identifying a lady with whom I feel there will be good chemistry between us throughout the appointment.  Win/win.

I too am interested to hear what you ladies think about dates with us "Over 60" guys.

As a general rule older men are content with one pop, but having said that, I never take it for granted.  I have met older gentlemen that enjoy two and on occasion, even three!  

There is an older man (86) that I see on occasion, out of state. He takes no pills and gets hard as a rock!  Usually only one pop, but the appointments are short, so we never try for #2.

Posted By: EasyTimes
Not that I am complaining about the pic threads!  I love them!  Thanks to all who participate and please don't stop ;)  Now that is out of the way.  Hello, people!  Can we talk about something?    
 So how many of you guys still enjoy multiple pops?  As I have gotten older it has become less frequent and somewhat less important, but it can still happen with the right lady, the right stimulation, and a little more time, lol.  I am often very content with one good pop, and some quality time with an affectionate lady who likes a lot of foreplay, and to kiss and cuddle after.  But, damn it is still pretty hot when the little guy does bounce back for another round, every once in a while!  
 How has getting older affected you other guys, in regards to what you consider a successful date?  Do you feel disappointed if you don't get multiples?  Have you changed your goals in other ways.  Book longer dates, to extend the recovery time?  Book shorter dates because it isn't going to happen anyway?  Do you book more dinner dates, instead of just BCD dates?  Does the lady you are with make a difference?  Maybe her age?  The connection between the two of you?  
 Ladies, what if anything do you do differently when meeting with an older gentleman?  Are your expectations different?  Do you find older men easier to satisfy?  Or more difficult?  Do wrinkled old guys make your job harder?    
 Come on lets have a little fun!  I don't even care if your reply is on subject, I just want to see some activity here ;)  Many thanks to Angela for her post last week - the longest thread we've had around here in quite some time!!

-- Modified on 4/25/2013 11:19:56 PM

With the right lady I can get a second pop. I'll generally schedule for 90 mins or 2 hrs in hopes that things work out. It most certainly helps to have a sense of connection.  I prefer mature ladies as I find it more likely to have a sense of connection with someone closer to my age. Also I prefer longer sessions as I enjoy both fore and after play.

I'm 63, and I usually am only good for one pop...but I never was much of a multi-pop guy.

Having said that, I've had occasions recently where I had multiple pops, but I can't say when or why it happens..

I MUCH prefer older gents!! Im in my 40's and I think guys in their 50's, 60's and up INCREDIBLY sexy!! For me, personality is much more important than looks and I find the older gents to have (mostly) WONDERFUL personalities! They are more laid back, more self-confident, easier to talk to, better sense of humor, etc. THAT, to me, makes them EXTREMELY sexy!! They know how to please a woman and actually WANT to be directed to what SHE likes! In my experience, my older "friends" are more about BOTH of us enjoying ourselves and not just THEM enjoying themselves.

I have never been able to understand how a man can enjoy having sex or making love with a woman unless he truly believed she was enjoying it also. Far as I'm concerned, I might as well masterbate if I am with a lady that is clearly NOT enjoying herself. Or at least is able to make me believe she is into it.

Exactly Katy.  i can't understand how a man can enjoy himself unless he believes his partner is also enjoying it. I get most of my pleasure from knowing that I am pleasing my partner. If I am with a lady that is clearly not having a good time I may as well masterbate. And of course I know that its faked sometimes but If I can't tell if its real or fake then really doesn't matter. As long as I believe.

With added "maturity", I am much more appreciative of a slow journey to explore, using hands and tounge to create a rising tide of sensations. Frequently, the longer the journey, the better the reward at the end. At first I thought this was a paradox. I know realize it as a profound truth. I think that women as they approach their 40s and beyond begin to instinctively realize this as well.  Take me on a slow wonderful journey of mutually pleasuring each other  and I'll have an unbelievably happy ending!

-- Modified on 4/26/2013 11:07:42 PM

The second pop is rare, but it is always fun to try.  I also prefer a 90 minute romp.  Hugging, kissing, cuddling, and petting are part of the wonder filled journey.

I much prefer some massage and cuddling to the second pop.  Also dinner and conversation are nice.

sometimes number 2 happens, sometimes no amount of trying can get me there.  Of course it's always a terrific feeling trying.  And I frequently book a longer appointment just because I don't like feeling rushed and also because I enjoy the verbal intercourse almost as much as the physical acts.  And I'm 100% agreed that, at least to me, having the lady really enjoy herself is as important as my enjoyment of her.  I've often laughingly complained to the lady about her unfair advantage in that she can just come & come while I'm lucky to get to 2.  
At the extremes, I saw a visiting lady about 1 1/2 years ago who was a horny dynamo and never lost contact with my member (with some part of her anatomy) for the entire 2-hour visit and managed to coax an incredible 4 O's from this old body; at the other extreme was an afternoon with a frequently seen ATF, and no amount of her magnificent oral skills could get me stiff enough to achieve any sort of penetration other than oral (I later figured out that the lunch I'd had in an Asian restaurant was apparently heavily laced with MSG & that was the culprit); happily she managed to get me off orally & I got her over the top digitally so it all ended smilingly.  All part of the good old 'getting old really sucks' saga!

It is random, as Vamikey suggests!  And, I understand that is the way it is with older gentlemen. For me, I am not worried about how he performs though I know it is a "guy thing" to worry about such!  I enjoy the time together, the contact, the conversation, the general relaxed attitude that you frequently find in older gentlemen! Older gentlemen seem to be much more into pleasing the partner... and that is special!

If the equipment is not working as it should, I will hear "I will do better the next time".  What I want the guy to understand is that "You did great this time... being with you  and the way you treat me is what I enjoy the most!"

NOt sure if I am the "dynamo" he is talking about but I will try my best to remedy the situation at hand. I am a very sexual person. But sometimes things just don't work out to "completion"! And that is fine with me... as long as he enjoyed the time and endeavor!



I find I am almost never more than one pop any more.  And sometimes that takes a HJTC to achieve, and it's not always the provider's looks or performance. I find I am looking for quality and a connection that doesn't happen often.  

That being said, I have met one provider now three times, and every time I have no difficulty in popping from penetration. It hasn't happened yet but if she offers it I might be able to do multiples. I must say I certianly can get hard more quickly with her so the desire is there.

There are many physically beautiful and sexy women to choose from, but it's more than just looks for me now....it's how I feel about being with her as a person that is more important. This newest lady relaly does it for me, and I plan to see her as often as I can.

As long as you keep me hard, I feel wonderful and happy.  And by the way, turning you on keeps me hard ;)

I'm only mid-40's and rarely go more than once, however, I have total control over where and when I want to pop.

I just love all the foreplay, giving and receiving and long extended intercourse in a variety or positions...until I am ready to let lose.   I enjoy the sex, the journey, the tastes, smells, touches.....I'd rather screw for an hour or two and pop once than go for 15 minutes each and pop 3 times......

Yesterday as example doing an all day, night date....we fucked for hours and didn't pop until right before sleep when I was ready to....,love having control and I know she did as well.....

Thank you for starting an intellectual topic. I too get tired of seeing the same old photo/look at me threADs across the site.

I for one don't look at mens age (unless their young-ens) and then I'm not interested, nor turned on.
My expectations when meeting a mature man. Is his kindness, & respect toward women. He has had a lot of practice and been around a lot of women in mature years. And I expect nothing less than a true gentleman.

I don't see old age, I see mature beautiful men, full of wisdom (in their hair & facial hair), they just exude sex appeal. YES, I did say that and I mean it.  

In my minds eye, there's a lot more to adult pleasure, than just the act of sex/oral and nutting. The intimacy and passion is what's truly incredible and when there's sensual passion and intimacy, then you'll have a lot more enjoyment and whether or not your *tool* functions when it needs to. Won't be an issue. As you'll have pleasured your partner in a way that's far exceeds the act of sex.


Posted By: EasyTimes
Not that I am complaining about the pic threads!  I love them!  Thanks to all who participate and please don't stop ;)  Now that is out of the way.  Hello, people!  Can we talk about something?    
 So how many of you guys still enjoy multiple pops?  As I have gotten older it has become less frequent and somewhat less important, but it can still happen with the right lady, the right stimulation, and a little more time, lol.  I am often very content with one good pop, and some quality time with an affectionate lady who likes a lot of foreplay, and to kiss and cuddle after.  But, damn it is still pretty hot when the little guy does bounce back for another round, every once in a while!  
 How has getting older affected you other guys, in regards to what you consider a successful date?  Do you feel disappointed if you don't get multiples?  Have you changed your goals in other ways.  Book longer dates, to extend the recovery time?  Book shorter dates because it isn't going to happen anyway?  Do you book more dinner dates, instead of just BCD dates?  Does the lady you are with make a difference?  Maybe her age?  The connection between the two of you?  
 Ladies, what if anything do you do differently when meeting with an older gentleman?  Are your expectations different?  Do you find older men easier to satisfy?  Or more difficult?  Do wrinkled old guys make your job harder?    
 Come on lets have a little fun!  I don't even care if your reply is on subject, I just want to see some activity here ;)  Many thanks to Angela for her post last week - the longest thread we've had around here in quite some time!!

-- Modified on 4/25/2013 11:19:56 PM

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