60 and Over

Some important information
phi68psi 21 Reviews 7296 reads

I selected the title so more guys would read this.  I am 64 and I just got back some blood test results that have made me very happy.  For four years now I have been monitoring my testosterone levels and using either androgel or testim.  Getting my numbers right has been a balancing act.  For those of you who don't know, the reference levels for testosterone range between 2.4 and 8.0.  I have no idea what my level was when I was younger but mine has have fallen off naturally over the last few years.  Four years ago I was at 1.2 and two years ago at 1.1.  My last test was 5.0 !!!! This has all been under the care of my primary care physician.  He initially suggested the gels to treat the frequent hot flashes I was having.  I am using 10 mg of androgel and have found out a good, apparently effective application technique.  I feel very good.  My mental attitude is good.  I am sleeping well.  And sex is enjoyable and achievable.  My point is to urge everyone over 60 not neglect testosterone therapy if it is right for you.  It has made a big difference for me.  :-)   :-)   :-)

I am glad to hear about the hot flashes.  I have hot periods that last for hours.  My SO thinks I am crazy; she is probably right but not on this. When I get one I have to strip off my shirt to get comfortable.  Ny test came back normal but I have not seen the number.  I have an appointment to review it with my doctor nect week.

What are you measuring?  I am on Androgel too and my last blood test gave me a number of about 800.  Usually my number runs between 400 and 800.  (I am tested every 6 months)  I have been on this product for several years now.

I will say one thing though, although the doctor is satisfied with my numbers (so that is good) but I do not find that my T level has any significant effect on my libido or any other parameter for that manner.  I feel OK but that is about the extent of it.  I have never had any effect from low T other that being a little more tired at the end of the day.  Sex is still only marginally satisfactory and then only if I take ED meds.

I started on Testim but for some reason my wife could not stand the musky smell of it.  I couldn't even be in the same room with her it bothered her so much.  I used to apply it out in the garage, then go for a 3 hour walk up the trail.  Immediate when I returned home, I ran for the shower.  My doctor quite quickly changed me over to the patch for awhile and then eventually to androgel and neither of those gave her any problem.  By her own admission (with no input from me) she said the testim smell made her extremely irritable and even gave her an angry feeling with no apparent reason.

Feel free to PM me if anyone wants more info or details on my experience.

G24470 reads

Feeling irritable and angry sound like symptoms of her somehow reacting to the Testim you were taking- perhaps from your perspiration putting it in the air?  I'm not a doctor, but it's obvious something was happening there.

I'm much more sensitive to smell and other airborne things than my friends, so I can understand what she was going through.  A lot of scented consumer products, like men's aftershave, body wash, and deodorant make me want to gag.  I can't even stand being in the same room, like a health club locker room, with some of these 20-somthing guys that swim in those products.

And some women's perfume contains an ingredient that completely causes my sinuses to congest in about two minutes.  It's very possible you wife had a particular sensitivity to that product, so it's probably a good thing you switched.

They have changed the standard by reducing the scale by a factor of 100.  An 8.0 is what an 800 used to be.  If you are at 800(8.0)now, how much of the juice are you on? What is your level without intervention?  All I know is that I've reached a good level with androgel.  I did not like the stickiness of testim but the smell never raised an issue. The medical data I have read says that 5mg of Androgel is good for about a 2.0 increase in blood levels.  That tracks with my experience.  10mg gave me a 4.0 rise (1.0 to 5.0).  It is too bad the stuff is going through marketing hype because it has been very beneficial to me.   I still have to use 10mg of Levitra as well.  The two seem to work well in combination. More smiles.

Everyone is different, that is for sure.  Levitra even at 20mg does absolutely nothing for me.  50mg Viagra usually helps a little but the blue vision it gives me along with difficulty "finishing the job" drives me nuts.  Sometimes 20mg of Cialis helps but it is not dependable because sometime it too does nothing at all.  I have also tried the "muse" product and it also has little or no effect.  All of this is with my T level between 600 and 800.  BTW, I'm a borderline diabetic (a little on the heavy side) but have excellent BP numbers with no known heart or circulatory problems and I am quite active physically.  I wonder if I should try to get my T level higher?

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