60 and Over

Prostate Cancer
SMILEY 30 Reviews 2131 reads

As of my last post I underwent the dreaded prostate biopsy and was waiting for the blood to clear from my semen before resuming activity with the ladies.. Well, the blood was gone in two weeks and everything is working but the bad News is:  
I do have cancer in there.   It has not spread but there is enough there that watchful waiting is not an option.  
   The stuff is slow growing and if I were 80, the odds are I could ignore it and die from something else. But at 66 I need to do something about it in the next few months. The main options are surgical removal and radiation.  Both have a very high cure rate but result in a loss of sexual function which has a 50-50 chance of being permanent . I welcome any advice from any fellow seniors who may have gone through this .
        Anyway, I am looking at at least 6 months of non function ad possibly the end of my hobbying career. I suppose I should be ready to accept this. I have enjoyed a great run of wonderful ladies over th past 15 years but it is difficult to give up something which has been suc a fulfilling part of my life.
      In the few months that I have left I was thinking about trying to complete a bucket list of ladies I have admired but never seen.  After one such encounter I have changed my mind and I am making a "farewell tour" of those who have meant the most to me over the years. There are relationships which I hope to keep alive and I know that some of them will be willing and able to help in my reachable phase.  After all, there is a 50% chance that I WILL FUCK AGAIN!!  or at least DATY .

I have had friends who have had the surgery and have maintained as you say the lucky 50%...also those who cannot function as they had once but still are able to not only enjoy the giving but to have a new sense of orgasm.

cuppajoe1019 reads

I would not go radiation route, but robotic prostatectomy. First of all, choice of surgeon is absolutely KEY.  You will be interviewing a person whose hand- eye coordination and knowledge is key to your future pleasure!    I went with a UPenn urologist who had done about 2000 of these procedures.  My own urologist had done about 130 "with his partner", and said that 25 procedures were what it took to get good on the machine.  Bye-bye!

My surgeon was able to spare the nerves, mostly, and I can say that 5 years later I am basically 95+%.  Post op, Dr. gave me a vacuum pump and basically the advice of "use it or lose it."  I took the pump to several of my post op appointments with some of my ATF's who were very cooperative, understanding and helpful.  When you don't need the pump anymore, you can turn it into a bong!

Good luck, all is not lost

Pablito932 reads

i had a radical prostatectomy a few years ago. I understand that the comeback is easier for the robotic but that there are a gazillion bad robotic surgeries done out there.  Go to someone well reviewed brilliant young and squeaky clean.  But enough about escorts. After that get a really great doctor.  ;)

Start your kegel muscle workout now.  You'll need 'em

As suggested get a partner.  Paid or not.  Rehab early and often.  

You'll miss the leche for a while ... then you won't.  

And you don't have to argue who sleeps on the wet spot.  It's all hers.  

Pm with ?

I just got back my MRI report yesterday.  One area of "suspicious/equivocal" concern.   I go in for the next step biopsy next Tuesday.  My prostate was around 64cc.  For you who don't know, that is supposedly on the "little" large size.  100cc is "very" large.  The prostate is supposedly 20 at twenty years old; 40 at forty and 60 at 60.  I'm right on track.  I'm glad we can bring this stuff up here.  I've got a date scheduled with my atf/regular on friday. I'm glad I can do that too.  She's a doctor's daughter so she understands. I also think I have a good urologist.  Recent Johns Hopkins fellow.  Is this part of the brotherhood?

I agree with the above comments about robotic surgery and rehab. I had the robotic surgery and I can still have a sensation of orgasm and can maintain an erection with Viagra although neither are as good as pre-surgery. I do miss not ejaculating anymore but it has been a better result than I expected. Good luck.

my friend had advanced prostate cancer, had robotic surgery, and now wears diapers. So far no relapse, but if radical surgery occurs beware there can be complications. Still, I'd rather wear diapers than a burial shroud.

I was in your precise boat three and a half years ago.  I had a friend who died of prostate cancer so was really freaked out about this.  I went to Dana Farber and saw four different docs, all of whom recommended surgery, even the radiologist.  So I did that.  It is no bed of roses and you should be prepared for that.  But there are always solutions.  At first I used injections.  That's right, sticking a needle in your Johnson.  It's really not bad and you get raging hardons.  Getting the dosage right is tricky and I sometimes would have to take antihistamines to make it go down, but you could fuck for hours.  Now I use Viagra and have been taking L-Arginine, with reasonable success.  A cock ring helps too. And I hobby several times a year, when I can do so without risk of being found out. The bottom line is that the surgery is not, at all, a sentence of permanent limpness.

So, get the very, very best surgeon you can.  Robotic is the only way to go.  Also look into proton radiation therapy, it's new but may be a good option.

Hang in there.

fasten123man822 reads

bladder muscles and your recovery of urine control will greatly be shorten.  my erections did slowly return to near normal, orgasm too,  no fluid ejection.  some like that. good luc

I'll complicate your decision by supporting an alternate to surgery, but also hopefully add more good news about your possible future. I had a similar prognosis about 4 years ago. I had a friend who had Proton Radiation and still raves about the results and his ability to function 7 years later. I chose Proton Radiation for it's good cure rate and near or total lack of side effects. It's not actually new as one response suggests. Loma Linda Medical Center in Southern California has been doing it for about 25 years, and there are now 10+ centers around the country with more opening all the time, including the Mayo Clinic.

Loma Linda was the closest center to me, but it was far enough away that I got an apartment and was a temporary bachelor during most of the 3 month treatment. I hobbied the entire time and had a blast. Absolutely NO side effects of any kind whatsoever! I hiked and jogged, bought a bike and rode it to my treatment sessions. I actually got in better shape during those 3 months. It's now been almost 3 years since my treatments. My PSA has dropped steadily (it takes time for it to drop after radiation vs. an immediate drop after surgery) to less than 0.4 at my last check, and I'm still having fun hobbying. Before my treatment I was using viagra or cialis and still do with pretty much the same results.

I recommend two books to read. The first one by Dr. Patrick Walsh was recommended to me by my Urologist and gives a very thorough summary of all the options you have. Walsh does have a common Surgeon's bias regarding Proton Radiation, so I strongly recommend you read the second book as well. The truth is probably somewhere in between, but my own experience with Proton Radiation has been awesome and I would absolutely choose the same path again.

Surviving Prostate Cancer, 3rd edition by Dr. Patrick Walsh
You Can Beat Prostate Cancer by Robert Marckini

Good luck with your decision and look forward to a better future than you might have thought!

Radiation for me too.  I had a great experience with only mild discomfort through out the 8 weeks.  I can still have an orgasm and erection and as was previously stated you don't leave a spot.
It is not 100% the same but pretty close.  The cure rate appears to be the same and my research showed that the radiation had fewer complications of the ED and incontinence variety.  
Good Luck to all

I very much appreciate all the advice and encouragement  have received from all my fellow players on this board. We can discuss things here which would be awkward in the civilian world. As I continue to research the options I am leaning to the robotic surgery. Meanwhile, I am getting all the use I can out of the old tool. This week I enjoyed a double with a pair I have played with over the years and they assured me they will be there for any rehab I will need.

Posted By: SMILEY
   As of my last post I underwent the dreaded prostate biopsy and was waiting for the blood to clear from my semen before resuming activity with the ladies.. Well, the blood was gone in two weeks and everything is working but the bad News is:  
 I do have cancer in there.   It has not spread but there is enough there that watchful waiting is not an option.  
    The stuff is slow growing and if I were 80, the odds are I could ignore it and die from something else. But at 66 I need to do something about it in the next few months. The main options are surgical removal and radiation.  Both have a very high cure rate but result in a loss of sexual function which has a 50-50 chance of being permanent . I welcome any advice from any fellow seniors who may have gone through this .  
         Anyway, I am looking at at least 6 months of non function ad possibly the end of my hobbying career. I suppose I should be ready to accept this. I have enjoyed a great run of wonderful ladies over th past 15 years but it is difficult to give up something which has been suc a fulfilling part of my life.  
       In the few months that I have left I was thinking about trying to complete a bucket list of ladies I have admired but never seen.  After one such encounter I have changed my mind and I am making a "farewell tour" of those who have meant the most to me over the years. There are relationships which I hope to keep alive and I know that some of them will be willing and able to help in my reachable phase.  After all, there is a 50% chance that I WILL FUCK AGAIN!!  or at least DATY .

Sorry to hear of this and wish you the best. I also have it, found out about a or so ago so I was 68 or 9, my psa was like a 12, I decided to do nothing, my psa dropped to 1.1 and has not been over 4 since. So I will take my chances. Were all going to die of something at some point, I'm lucky as I don't care. LOL

Best of luck with whatever choice you make,

Many years ago during a BPH some cancer cells were seen in a biopsy. This was followed by a extended period of watchful waiting.  Some years later the PSA shot up significantly.After a very serious search for something to surgically remove, irradiate and/ or chemo treat , whole body cat scan then another period of watchfull waiting. By this time a lot of years had past and I was getting old. yearly psa tests. Then another seriously high PSA and a new urologist, the previously urologists had died or retired. The new guy said at my age there was nothing he could do that wouldn't do more harm than good. The only thing was to implant  a glob of something that cut the testosterone to zero.Essentially a chemical castration. This would require a 3 month period and it would need to be repeated. Well during the initial 3 months I was so depressed that I even thought about suicide.  
So I refused the booster shot and my testosterone returned, my recent PSA level is low normal and my attitude returned to my usual horniness and I'm seeing 4 beautiful ladies regularly with very happy endings.

I doubt that is a normal way prostate cancer diagnosis goes, but think about it. Get a second opinion

That an orgasm  can be had via a talented fellatrix

englishguy999 reads

I had my prostate removed on the recommendation of a Professor of Urology at a major University hospital in S.Cal in early 2011, after a spike in my PSA numbers and positive biopsy results. I was 54 at the time and decided against the robotic method.
Practicing Kegels prior to surgery definitely helped, once the catheter was removed after the first 10 days post-surgery, with any incontinence issues and is now almost an automatic reaction.
Performance since surgery has not returned to pre-surgery times, but is improving all the time. However using Viagra and “Happy Shots” gets amazing results (90% of the time) with strong erections, some lasting up to 2 hours. Girlfriends and Providers (I’ve enjoyed both) seem to enjoy this too, and most absolutely love it, although a couple of them have complained a little bit, but if they do I just move on to the next one.
Prior to surgery I used to love the sensation of ejaculation. Orgasms are different for me now due to the vasectomy and the prostate removal, and do not always happen, it depends on the situation and the young lady. But the ability to have strong long lasting erections more than makes up for it and of course I have my health too

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