60 and Over

Plenty of sexy toys and collection of XXX-rated videos but most embarrasing is hidden
Naomi_Sweets See my TER Reviews 4806 reads
1 / 13

Would you leave behind if something happened to you?

If something happened to me and my son or my very religious sister cleaned out my bedroom - they would be shocked and embarrassed to find my collection of sex toys and a few bdsm items.

What about the rest of you?

KSM46 33 Reviews 4534 reads
2 / 13

I think that they would be as shocked as finding your toys.

HaleyOrlando See my TER Reviews 2798 reads
3 / 13

My most embarrasing is a journal in my handwriting of fantasies and things I have enjoyed with men. Each gentleman is given a special name according to what we have done. Bald headed vibrator, roasted dick, deadly tongue, snake that won't spit, toothless pussy eater and I could go on for ever. They are the titles in the middle of the page larger than life. I'm sure whoever ends up with that will really do some blushing but have been doing this for over 10 years and will not dispose of my memories. I do go back and read them all the time and know who each and every person I wrote about is.

Kisses Haley

mrfisher 108 Reviews 3580 reads
4 / 13

they might be a bit astonished, but I think they are on to me in any case, and don't care.

wlmink1977 15 Reviews 3888 reads
5 / 13

"i thought he outgrew  up that foolishness years ago!!!'


kendradc2011 See my TER Reviews 4186 reads
6 / 13

all my sex toys and porn videos, oh my goodness, someone would be shocked. Then all my lingerie, hidden in my closet which would really confuse the hell out of anyone, oh and the bdsm items, yes there would be a few raised eyebrows and scenarios running through peoples heads.

Posted By: Naomi_Sweets
Would you leave behind if something happened to you?

If something happened to me and my son or my very religious sister cleaned out my bedroom - they would be shocked and embarrassed to find my collection of sex toys and a few bdsm items.

What about the rest of you?

ChiefRedbeard 18 Reviews 3986 reads
7 / 13

Same Mr. Fisher.  Maybe we should choose pull bearers from amongst them.  Hmmm, think of the eulogies!

GhostWriteroftheDamned 3716 reads
8 / 13

They'd say I was "totally debauched". :D

I just hope my ATF remembers/finds the accidental death policy she's beneficiary too.

G2 3905 reads
9 / 13

It was one of their funniest comedy sketches.  It was a service that would dispatch a team of professional cleaners to your house in case of death, before anybody else was notified of your demise.  They'd purge any embarrassing items like porn on your computer, dildos, vibrators, handcuffs, BDSM gear etc.  

After throwing away all your real stuff, they'd plant a bunch of fake things around your house to make it look like you were a really good person.  Things like a Bible on the coffee table, or a letter from the Red Cross thanking you for your generous donation.  

It was hilarious, and I've often thought about how I wish someone actually offered a service like that.  I'd be their first customer!

KSM46 33 Reviews 4048 reads
12 / 13
MSON123 44 Reviews 4796 reads
13 / 13

Since I am gone.. I will not feel embarrassment. if you have RESPECT for your partner you will not leave any thing that will cause pain Like your reviews or ATF list or even her panties unless they may think you are a cross dresser. Most toys if gender specific should not cause embarrassment since I am sure the person who finds them knows you don't get much.

I am always amazed at the gents who keep a hobby kit. WTF are you stupid! A item her and there do not a picture make. But do not leave the entire painting.

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