60 and Over

Our Present Moments -Hope Everyone Has a Sweetheart
Corey Edwards See my TER Reviews 7300 reads

This is a video  that will make you stop and think about your love life...

Operation Boatlift: Operation Boatlift, a Tale of Resilience


It’s only when we truly know and understand that we have a limited time on earth, and that we have no way of knowing when our time is up, that we will begin to live each day to the fullest, as if it {were} the only one we had.  Realize deeply that the present moment is all you ever have.

Corey Edwards, Atlanta

Living the day as if its your last, cause one day it will be.  I never saw that video before.  When people start being human and doing what is right and just in unison, that is what makes life worth living.  I always have believed in giving more than I take.  And that video was amazing.  Thanks for sharing, Mz Edwards.

G25502 reads

An inspirational story, but still difficult to watch, even now.

Another similar story we don't hear much about is how thousands of Canadian families opened up their homes to tens of thousands of travelers, mostly Americans, when many of the planes in the northeast were diverted to Canadian air space.

In a matter of an hour or two, tens of thousands of displaced travelers filled every Canadian airport with enough runway to land a jet liner.  They immediately overwhelmed hotels and restaurants, and most had no place to stay.  Many Canadian families opened their homes to complete strangers and took good care of them until they could return home.  A friend of mine and his wife took in an American family for about a week until they were able to get a flight back to their original destination.  They cooked for them, did their laundry, drove them where they needed to go, and in general, put their lives on hold until the crisis had passed.

Ordinary people doing extraordinary things- sometimes it's the only thing that gives you hope.

Great video. It seems as we get older and some of our friends and family die we start to realize that we could be gone tomorrow and not have done the things we want that would have made us happy or fulfilled. I myself have realized this in the last few years. Wish I had  woke up sooner but will be living each day as it comes from now on.

Your birthplace is home. I was born in New York, my parents also. I 'll never forget that day how
from afar, my family members were in touch . It's the first thing we all thought about. I was in
California, my parents in the Carolinas, but our roots , cousins close friends, lived in New York all their lives.Everyone was ok but a close friend of mine, an UTR provider, lost her best friend. Both were
like sisters, and without family they were each others family. Her friend, worked at WTC and felt
ill the morning of this horrible war. She looked at her son , she said ,I feel so tired today . Should I go to work? A single parent as she was, her son said yes Mom, we need the money. She worked on one of the 70th floors. My friend, became part of ground zero. Her best friends remains were never found. Her children suffered mental breakdowns .

For me, and for my parents, it was very hard to digest a place in our history vanish ....

Thank you for sharing this .


not sure if it was the traumatic memories of 911 or the fact that so many risked their lives to step in and try to save others. Humanity has become numb to the unexpected tragedies they see unfold on  TV almost like daily entertainment but obviously actions do speak louder than anything you might question. I remember well the week off 911 sitting in terror before my TV and although there was mention of the ferry boats trying to evacuate people I had no idea to what degree this was taking place and how many everyday citizens tried to do their best to help.

Thanks for posting this Corey

Kisses Haley

It really got my emotions going.  I was in a meeting in Crystal City VA & saw the smoke from the Pentagon about a mile away.  I had family that worked in lower Manhattan & I didn't know about them until later (they were fine).  It was a horrible moment, but when it was over you did think about how short & uncertain life is.  And like Haley, I had a few tearful moments watching it.  So thanks again, & I will share that video with a lot of folks.

Thank your sharing this beautiful reminder about how tragedy, particularly on such a
a massive scale as 911, can serve to bring out the best in people. It was heartwarming and encouraging to see.
It should also as our clarion call to constantly be vigilant in a world where there are still people who will use terror as a means towards what might otherwise be noble ends. The killing of innocent men, women and children by wanton acts of terror can never be justified anywhere, no matter how just the cause.
This video says "value life". Everyone is previous and unlike a building that can be rebuilt, a life lost can never be replaced. Thank you Corey.

I got a new pair of reading glasses and a box of chocolates

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