60 and Over

ooof. Not pleasant.
Dave76015 38 Reviews 754 reads

For a while I was taking saw palmetto because of slower pee compared to the fire hose of a 20yr old...  It helped, until my doc told me that saw palmetto works because it counteracts testosterone.   Longer pee time vs. longer wood time?  Show me the Woody!!

Just curious how many of you have had the painful experience of:
Acute Urinary Retention?

No bueno

This was after surgery, when the blocker shot was still active and I had no voluntary control down below. Had to call the nurse for a catherer.

Apart from that, like most other guys on this board, I get to deal with the effects of an enlarged prostate...

My sympathies - hope this does not turn out to be a repeating occurrence for you...

For a while I was taking saw palmetto because of slower pee compared to the fire hose of a 20yr old...  It helped, until my doc told me that saw palmetto works because it counteracts testosterone.   Longer pee time vs. longer wood time?  Show me the Woody!!

Catheter is out & I am able to successfully pee on my own again.  Life is good!

Bordello69629 reads

Glad to hear the good news, wishing you a speedy recovery.


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