60 and Over

I'll call you at about 4 AM....
mrfisher 108 Reviews 282 reads

Just after you've been talking to Mikey.


So, yesterday, as is my wont, I was humping a lovely gal, and this morning I have an extreme twinge in my lower back, which I call "hump back", or Quasimodo Syndrome.

It's been intensifying in recent years, as I see the big 7 0 looming.

Does anyone else get this, and if so, have you found anything effective for controlling this?   I do do two 15 minute bouts of stretching and calisthenics each day, including leg lifts (2 ways), squat thrusts, etc.   I'll ask my doctor about it, but generally they don't know much about this sort of thing.  I'd like to avoid the cost of seeing an orthopedic specialist if possible.

If you wore a back brace, would it have any effect on your or her experience?  

Posted By: mrfisher

So, yesterday, as is my wont, I was humping a lovely gal, and this morning I have an extreme twinge in my lower back, which I call "hump back", or Quasimodo Syndrome.  
 It's been intensifying in recent years, as I see the big 7 0 looming.  
 Does anyone else get this, and if so, have you found anything effective for controlling this?   I do do two 15 minute bouts of stretching and calisthenics each day, including leg lifts (2 ways), squat thrusts, etc.   I'll ask my doctor about it, but generally they don't know much about this sort of thing.  I'd like to avoid the cost of seeing an orthopedic specialist if possible.

Sometimes after a vigorous bedroom workout I get those annoying twinges too, and all to often while in the throes of passion, charley horses in places I didn't know I could get them.  Like you I work at staying fit, but how to work those muscles one uses when thrusting?  I've learned the hard way to avoid some things, like moving from being underneath to being on top or vice versa while still connected, and I never ever pick her up, even though I sure would like to.  Just being smarter about how we move during lovemaking is gonna almost always be the right answer.  Maybe talking to a personal trainer about how to target those areas of discomfort wouldn't be a bad idea either.

-- Modified on 3/28/2021 9:45:43 AM

-- Modified on 3/28/2021 12:54:47 PM

because she likes to do that multiple times during the session, and I can feel the strain on my back when I do that.

I guess that part is going to have to get some redo, or more succinctly, re-don't.

Do you do a bridge exercise? Bridge is good for lower back and glutes.

If so, then yes, I've added it to my routine.

Waiting for a real workout to see how it goes, but so far my back has been good.

I’m 65, workout and stretch. After slipping on an icy sidewalk I developed sharp pain in my lower left back where the bones are close together. I had swelling around the bones. A friend from the gym suggested taking high potency serrapeptase by Doctor’s Best. My pain disappeared after 2-3 weeks. Some of my addition pains left as well. I found that Amazon had the best price for serrapeptase. There are also articles regarding serrapeptase.

No. No side effects. It’s all natural. It reduces the swelling that presses against bone that causes the pinching and pain. It helps digest a certain protein that causes the swelling. Comes from the silk worm. You can google it for information. I was using ice packs, chiropractic, stretching and having someone pull my body. Nothing worked. It takes 2-3 weeks to work since it’s natural.

For those of you taking blood thinners, be aware that serrapeptase may affect blood clotting.  Get your protime checked if you take serrapeptase.  

There are benefits for back pain and discomfort from taking vit C supplements.  Google "vitamin C and back pain".  Vitamin C supplements provide other benefits beyond help for the back too.  

Thanks for the heads-up.  I googled serrapeptase and found the side effects for those of us on clopidogrel and Eliquis are risky enough to contraindicate it's use. It can cause very easy bruising and bleeding.

I think I'll just have to continue with turmeric curcumin, which is also good for reducing inflammation.

Sounds like sciatica..it comes and goes..

I had that many years ago.   In fact, my exercise regimen was specifically designed to counter act the sciatica, and was and is quite successful against it.
This is just a pain localized right at the base of the spine (coccyx ?)  and lasts a few days, then goes away.

with a money-back guarantee from a PHD Kinesiologist  that I trained with when I was a power lifter many years ago.  I still do  this short workout daily to keep back trouble away during fucking and golf, and you don't need a gym or any equipment!!

The goal is to reduce the load on your back muscles by building up the rest of your core.  Do 50 push-up in a single set when you get up in the morning and 50 at night an hour before you go to bed M-F.  The push ups will tone your shoulders, lats, chest, biceps and triceps.  Rest on the weekends to allow the cells to reproduce.   In the morning, before the pushups, do 50 leg lifts and  50 kick-outs for your lower abs, then 150 crunches for your middle abs, 50 eadh with 1) legs out straight , 2) knees up and feet on the floor, and 3)  legs up in the air with ankles crossed in a fetal position.  All of these are done on your back, so they isolate your abdominals and your back doesn't do any of the work.  Then do 50 side crunches on each side.  TIP:    start off the first week with 30 reps instead of 50, and increase 5 reps each week until you work your way up to 50.  So the ab routine M-Th, with F, S, and Su off.  You  must give your muscles some rest time to grow.  Here's the best part, this whole routine, including the 50 pushups, take less about 15 minutes each morning.  After six weeks, you should not have any back pain again, UNLESS you have some type of degenerative bone  or disk issue.  If so, its too late to take these precautions.  That's it.  

I'll be dead and buried.   8o)

I already do this routine, but with only 10-15 reps, not 50 or so.   Even at my peak of health, 20 pushups was pushing it for me.

I now facing the big 7 0, and it's a struggle just to keep up with my present routine.

But thanks for the input anyways.

followme243 reads

plank exercises.

PLANK exercise.  What do YOU think? Lol

Keep feeding me.

I've got lot's of woody puns lined up.    

I know it goes against the grain, but I'd rather knot. You might pine for more, but, after all, your bark is worse than your bite. I guess I'll leave you alone now so you can tend to the twig and berries on your own.

Posted By: mrfisher
Re: I'm board of it.   8o)
Keep feeding me.  

 I've got lot's of woody puns lined up.    

Where's Rasha? She is a Master of Puns. I didn't see her over here. Someone else said they cedar over there.

Maybe I'll balsam fir yew.  8o(

I went on line to find a support group for people like me.  I found one whose members broke off from the main group over the issue:  It's a splinter group.

Have to go now, I've got a call from Henny Youngman's lawyer.

followme258 reads

Prefers tongue in grove ...then screwing.

^^^ This = Strengthen the core. Crunches for the abs, supermans for the back muscles, plus stretching. (Supermans are on stomach, raise legs and arms, alternate left arm, right leg, etc.)  
* Not a Doctor, but have had backpain since my 30s, managed by keeping muscles strong and flexible. Also insure all joints are moving by doing cats - on all fours. If two vertebrae 'stick together' the next ones have to move twice as much causing discomfort. If really 'stuck', a chiropractor can get them moving again.

Also consider inviting a friend over to 'tag team' to reduce your workload, LOL

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