60 and Over

Re: When you're that oldsad_smile
Bordello69 6387 reads

Shoot, that's what I've been looking for all day and did forget.  LOL

I did request my post be removed.

Old Bones "Bordello"
Can't remember S---

I don't really feel any age pressure and I am mid 50's. I feel 20.Once in a blue moon I feel my age..like when I trip!! A week ago I fell off a small bridge into a creek. Will I do it again.....probably!!
I can remember s---!!

Posted By: Bordello69
Shoot, that's what I've been looking for all day and did forget.  LOL

I did request my post be removed.

Old Bones "Bordello"
Can't remember S---

Bordello696188 reads

Can't help but laugh at myself as I talk about that older person and then someone reminds me they are my age.   Oh Well, you're only as old as you feel, now if I only had someone to feel.  LOL


Young at heart at least

I volunteer at a nursing home and have found the lack of touch really can hurt someones self esteem. Older patients who have no family never get the comfort of a kiss or hug unless the staff or volunteers oblige. I believe in open affection to every resident so they are encouraged to be as happy as possible.

Now when we talk about the sensual part of touch to me the cuddling and talking just feels so right no matter how old the gentleman. I have friends right up to early 90's and would say that would be pretty much the most enjoyable part of our time. All wrapped up in each others arms and just feeling close talking about every day stuff.

Kisses Haley

G25232 reads

Two years ago I went to a friend's house for a Christmas dinner.  As I was leaving, my buddy's wife gave me a big hug as we all said goodbye.  Without even thinking, I quietly said to her that will have to last me until next Christmas because her hug from the previous year was the only one I got that year.

As soon as the words left my mouth I realized how bad that must have sounded.  And she must have felt the same way, because the next time I saw her she went out of her way to give me several big hugs, and has every time I've seen her since.

It been a tough couple of years for me, but like everyone, you just accept it for what it is and keep moving forward.  It was only when you stop and think about it, as I did in that brief moment, that you realize how much you missed being touched by another person, and how surviving isn't the same as thriving.

Bordello697788 reads

You put that very well, except for the hug that I mentioned above to Miss Haley it's been 2 years since I have been able to even be close to someone.  Birthday coming in May so I 'hope" to fix that if I can find someone that would be into the service for whatever time is compensated for.


Bordello697315 reads

Your are so right Miss Haley,
I get friendship hugs from girls that work at my coffee shop and pub but if not for them there would be now. I live alone so don't get the more friendly kind.  That's why  I say you ladies are wonderful for the the services you provide.

Looking for touchy feely

Powerguy33883 reads

Posted By: HaleyOrlando
I volunteer at a nursing home and have found the lack of touch really can hurt someones self esteem. Older patients who have no family never get the comfort of a kiss or hug unless the staff or volunteers oblige. I believe in open affection to every resident so they are encouraged to be as happy as possible.

Now when we talk about the sensual part of touch to me the cuddling and talking just feels so right no matter how old the gentleman. I have friends right up to early 90's and would say that would be pretty much the most enjoyable part of our time. All wrapped up in each others arms and just feeling close talking about every day stuff.

Kisses Haley  

madiba514863 reads

Posted By: HaleyOrlando
I volunteer at a nursing home and have found the lack of touch really can hurt someones self esteem. Older patients who have no family never get the comfort of a kiss or hug unless the staff or volunteers oblige. I believe in open affection to every resident so they are encouraged to be as happy as possible.

Now when we talk about the sensual part of touch to me the cuddling and talking just feels so right no matter how old the gentleman. I have friends right up to early 90's and would say that would be pretty much the most enjoyable part of our time. All wrapped up in each others arms and just feeling close talking about every day stuff.

Kisses Haley  

Touch is extremely important. In college friends became couples, then got married. We stayed in touch and got together on holidays and homecomings. One year one of the wives invited us all unexpectedly.  She announced that she and her husband (also our friend) had separated and were getting divorced. She said if we wanted to know what we could do, a hug would be good. She said touch was what she missed most. A few years latter I got divorced and I understood what she meant. I hug my children every time I see them and tell them I love them. I have a few lady friends that we hug when meeting and parting. There has been a time or two that it had been so long I held on a little extra.

Back in the 1960's and 70's, a good manager hugged his/her employees.  Newspapers and business journals carried articles on the benefits of hugging.  Then the sexual harassment lawsuits began and hugging became both politically incorrect and financially risky.  I believe that this has carried over to hugging in non-work situations such as nursing homes.  People are reluctant to touch and hug.

I am an example of the value of hugging and touching.  As I have said before on this board, I have ALS (Lou Gehrig's Disease).  ALS slowly destroys the motorneurons throughout the body (the thing-a-bobs that transfer signals from the nerves to the muscles.  My form of ALS has attacked my neck; I cannot talk, chew or/ swallow; and my neck cannot support my head so my head droops.  The good part is that everything below my neck works and I lost the 70 extra pounds I could never lose.  Now I am at the ideal weight for my height.

I have always been a people person.  Now that I am mute, it is difficult to participate in large groups.  I am best in one-on-one situations when the other person will wait while I type or write my thoughts.

I compare myself to a monk who has taken an oath of silence and solitude.  As a result I crave physical intimacy (hugging and cuddling).  I wrote a blog on the subject that was read by a number of people in my social network----at least they complemented me on it.  But still no hugs.  My SO treats me the same as others do; but that is a different story.  And things are slowly improving with her.

I retired from the hobby in 1989 when I met my SO.  I did not need to hobby because she kept me very happy.  However, I returned to the hobby a year ago when my craving for physical intimacy became unbearable.  I was extremely lucky to meet a very compassionate lady who is an active participant on the TER boards.  I have ED so our sessions only included hugging and fondling although I always had high hopes of being able to go further.

At the conclusion of our dates, I felt as satisfied as I would have if I had been able to go all the way.  Well maybe not quite as satisfied.

I have learned to not wait for people to come to me but for me to be the hugger.  I have made a habit of hugging or shaking hands with everybody I meet; whether or not he/she show signs of wanting this intimacy.  Usually the person who was standoffish returns the hug and is smiling when we part.

I wish I lived closer to Orlando, I could sure use some of your hugs.

G25518 reads

Not much any of us can do except play the hand we've been dealt.  It sounds like you're doing that as well as anybody could.

You sound like a wonderful man who himself understands how important the mere touch of another can validate I am worthy and here.

Some people are afraid to make an approach to anyone who has disabilities. It's not they don't want to but fear they may hurt or offend in the way they approach. You are a smart man to lift that fear and make yourself more approachable by making the first move.

My mom had CP all her life. 20 years were between my mom and dad and she had big challenges to face. Having children over 60 years ago with the paralysis she had seldom happened. She had over 100 surgeries in her life time to fuse bones and cut ligaments and muscles.  I have an older sister and we were my mothers world. My mom talked openly about her love for sex and in a good relationship and how important it was. I'm sure my dad and her had lots of sex and she for sure initiated it. The nursing home I volunteer at was my moms home for 8 years. It's been 12 years since she passed yet every day when I go she seems to be there to greet me. I thrive on the hugs and kisses I give out. It's not really for them but me.

Kisses Haley

Kisses Haley

I am retired military and I was at a funeral for a fallen Marine.  50 or so Marines attended in full dress.  A Gunnery Sergeant walked up and reported to a First Louey.  The man has hashmarks and all down his sleeve.  His face was weathered with a look that was tough as nails.  I thought 'Man look at that old crusty Gunny, he fought a few battles, real kick ass.  Then I stopped an thought 'Sheeeet he is younger than me!!!"   (where is my cane) lol

If you don't mind, it doesn't matter!  :)

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